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Motivation etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Motivation etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

I Don't Use Supplements or Believe in Fitness Gimmicks

Supplements can make false claims and outlandish guarantees. They are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) so there is no guarantee of the purity, effectiveness, or safety of the product.

Fake Fitness

Many supplements and products promise fitness in a bottle achieved in a short period of time. Other gimmicks like herbal abdominal wraps claim to shed fat off your belly with one application. I surely don't believe wrapping my midsection with herbs will reduce my waist size or taking pills will make me fit.

I guess you could call me highly skeptical when it comes to fitness gimmicks. I really have to believe in a product to endorse or promote it and this is a rare occasion.

Supplements Lack of Clinical Research

Products guaranteeing increased fat burning, muscle size, and athletic performance receive a raised eyebrow from me. Sadly, the majority lack adequate clinical studies so you're left in the dark regarding safety, purity, and effectiveness. Also, they can come with harmful side effects.

Don't Waste Your Money

The next time you pick up a bottle of fitness magic, take a close look at the label. You will find in fine print the following statement: "results obtained when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise program."

BAM! What is the point of wasting money? Once a healthy diet and exercise program are implemented results will follow without taking whatever is in that bottle. There is plenty of science to back up the health benefits of eating right and exercise.

A Personal Choice

Of course, any supplementation is a personal choice. I'm not a downer on all
things that could improve your health and wellness. In some instances, and if prescribed by a physician, supplements may be necessary for some people.

I do indulge in the occasional protein shake, take vitamins fairly regularly, and use glucosamine for reduced joint pain. This is more for my general health and not something to enhance my appearance.

I don't believe drinking a protein shake is going to create muscle without work for example. If I feel cold symptoms coming on, I will take additional vitamin C to boost my immunity system. 

Eat Real Food Instead

The primary source of my nutrient intake comes from what I eat daily and not by using dietary supplements. Because I consume a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods, I feel confident my required daily allowances are being met. I fuel my workouts with healthy carbs, recover my body with lean proteins, and protect my cellular function with healthy fats.  

Protein Intake

I lift weights as part of my exercise program and don't feel I need an overabundance of protein to increase my lean muscle mass. I eat my share of chicken breast but stick to a regular portion size per meal.

I don't drink protein shakes each day thinking this is going to improve my body. Consuming too much protein overworks your organs, is hard to digest, and can potentially cause a constipation issue.

Eat For Goals

The demands I place on my body through exercise do require more calories obtained from all macronutrients. I simply focus on eating healthy several times per day to satisfy those needs. There is nothing magic about that and honestly, maintaining a healthy body is pretty simple. It just requires eating right and consistent exercise.

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Eat Right Not Less for The Body You Want

We have been taught to believe getting fit means going on a strict diet. Why?

Fad diets and quick-fix scams have caused consumers to believe unrealistic claims. Sadly, these fad diets restrict important nutrients your body needs.

There is nothing purchased in a bottle or package that is going to make you a fit person.

The way to a fit and healthy body is eating right most of the time combined with a regular exercise program. Getting plenty of rest and water intake is also important.

Eat Right Not Less

Getting fit the healthy way includes eating right not less. This means tossing your unhealthy eating habits and consuming nutritious foods to improve your health and fitness. 

Diets don't work and set us up for failure because they can't be sustained. Your body requires nutrients from all food groups (proteins, carbohydrates, fats). Many diets advise removing important carbohydrates, dairy, grains, legumes, and certain fats. Drastic methods such as this can leave you feeling tired, ill, and may potentially cause nutrient deficiencies.

Restrictive diets are not recommended for successful weight loss, lean mass gain, or health improvement.

What Your Body Needs

Your body needs energy and that comes from the food you eat. There is a difference between healthy and unhealthy food so eating right is important. Each macronutrient or food group (protein, carbohydrates, fats) supports optimal body function. Proteins help build and repair muscle, carbs provide energy, and healthy fats regulate hormones for example. 

Getting fit requires consuming more nutritious foods to support exercise demands and normal body functions. Whole foods are nutrient-dense and lower in calories compared to processed food products. This means your body needs more of the good stuff throughout the day and quite the opposite of a diet.

Eating plenty of nutrient-dense foods consistently (80% of the time) will enable you to reach your fitness goals and maintain a healthy body. It's sustainable because it's not a diet but a healthy lifestyle. 

As you work toward getting fit and healthy, resist the temptation of fad diets, and simply eat right for your goals. 

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I Maintain a Fit Body Eating Lots of Carbs

Being called skinny has always bugged me. I have had my share of teasing as a kid and even into adulthood. Body shaming goes both ways in this life.

Love Yourself

What's important is loving yourself right where you are while working toward your goals.

It wasn't until discovering how to build curves with resistance training that my life changed for the better.

I was blessed with my Dad's genetics and thankful, but it has been a challenge to put on weight including muscle. I'm also constantly hungry and seem to burn up energy faster than the average person.

I turn to healthy carbs to fuel my body and feel good throughout the day. I can feel lightheaded if I go too long without eating, especially carbs.

Some of the carbs I eat on a regular basis include:

  • oats
  • quinoa
  • seeded whole grain bread
  • whole-grain tortillas
  • sweet and white potatoes
  • brown rice
  • veggies and fruits
  • 100% juice (pomegranate, green juice)

Metabolism and Gains

My metabolism seems to work faster than I can fuel my body. Some people say they can just look at food and gain 5lbs whereas the opposite happens to me.

I will not exercise if I feel hungry and prefer to down a healthy meal before hitting the weights. I'm definitely not a candidate for fasting to improve athletic performance or to reduce body fat.

I just so happen to be one of those people on the other side of the spectrum that works hard to gain weight. This doesn't mean I want to gain by eating lots of crap to achieve skinny fat. My goal is to maintain or increase lean muscle mass by eating healthy carbs, lean proteins, and good fats.

Genetics and Goals

Genetics do play a small role in your physical appearance, but you absolutely have the power to change things by what you eat and how you challenge your body. I work hard and eat to support my goals. I don't believe in diets nor do I teach that in my personal training practice.

Genetics may predispose some of us to obesity but that doesn't mean we're to accept it and not try to be a healthy person. The same goes for lean genetics like mine. We're all on this fitness journey together with differing body types and how they function.

Regardless of your body makeup, it's important to put up a fight for what you want and not give up.

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6 Strategies You Need to Succeed at Getting Fit

Getting fit is one of the most important life decisions you will make. Doing it the right way with a positive mindset is vital.

Are you struggling in this area?

Working on personal fitness goals will come with questions and even concerns. Besides cleaning up your diet and exercise, there are other important factors to consider.

The following strategies will get you moving in the right direction:

6 Strategies You Need to Succeed

Positive mindset - let's start with what you're thinking. Are you a positive person? Do you bash yourself? In order to succeed with your fitness program, it will take a positive attitude. Regardless of how hopeless you may think your life is right now, you need to stay positive about yourself and your efforts. You have the power to change and that is done by choice. Being positive is a daily decision and essential to a healthy body and mind. 

Realistic mindset - are you a dreamer? Do you fall for quick-fix gimmicks and fad diets? Halt the unrealistic mindset and time to get your head out of the clouds. You're not going to drop 20lbs or get muscular in a week. Getting fit requires realistic thinking. Results happen slowly and by repeating healthy habits over time. Staying realistic is what will keep you going without frustration. You develop a patient side and appreciate what you're doing. You realize that regardless of the time it takes, your efforts are making a positive difference. A realistic mindset will take you beyond reaching your fitness goals and into a healthy lifestyle. 

Consistency - this is huge! Starting your fitness program is great but consistency is what keeps it going full-time. You understand the importance of your efforts and don't want to let yourself down. Consistency is what develops those healthy habits that are so important to getting fit and healthy. 

Discipline - can't say enough about this! Do you find yourself lacking motivation and giving up sometimes? This is normal and when you need to turn to discipline to carry you through. Getting fit and even life doesn't promise an easy road. Being a disciplined person helps you get in that early morning workout, resist unhealthy foods, and stay true to the promise you made to yourself. You will need to become a disciplined person if you want to get fit. True story!

Balance - are you over busy and stressed out? This will require an assessment of your life to bring in some balance. Not having time for your health can no longer be the acceptable norm. This is all a matter of better time management and priorities. Getting fit requires a healthy, balanced life. Time to re-arrange your priorities and add in some fun while you're at it!

Self-acceptance - so important! So many of us struggle with a lack of self-acceptance. When you can't find anything good to think or say about yourself, body, and life, this is a problem. Getting fit requires you to love yourself right where you are while working towards the body and life you want. It requires being happy while you're getting healthy. You are awesome and can achieve your goals. Believe it!

The Bottom Line

While eating right, exercise, drinking plenty of water, and rest are essential to getting fit, the above strategies are required first and foremost. What you think, and feel ultimately determines if you will eat right, exercise, and be a healthy person. 

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Exercise Doesn't Have to Be Extreme to Be Effective

Do you think workouts mean no pain, no gain, and push till you puke? There is some discomfort with exercise but it doesn't have to be extreme to be effective.

The best exercise is one you enjoy and keep coming back to as part of a healthy lifestyle. If you hate your workout, it will more than likely be discontinued in short order.  

Keep Workouts Short and Effective

Another thing about great workouts is that they don't take lots of time. There is something wrong if it takes hours in the gym to accomplish your goal. Time is precious in and out of the gym. Effective exercise is planned, focused, quality, works best for your body, and can be completed within an hour. 

I believe in quality and not quantity when it comes to workouts. When the focus is on quality, the exercises are challenging but without risk of injury. You are on a mission to build muscle and strength, not hurt yourself. Nobody wants to sustain an injury from exercise and be laid up unable to train at all. 

Train Smarter Not Harder

Staying focused means you are in touch with how your body feels during your workout. There is a difference between normal exercise discomfort and pain that doesn't feel right.

Many people fail to listen to the wrong pain and perform movements that should have been immediately halted or modified. Pushing through the wrong type of exercise discomfort can lead to an injury and potential chronic medical issue. What it comes down to is knowing how to train smarter, not harder.

Your Body, Your Workout

You don't need to prove anything to anyone when it comes to fitness and workouts. Exercise programs are individual, not universal. This means we all work at different fitness levels doing our own thing. As long as you're bringing 100% of you to the workout is all that matters.

Your goal is to maintain a healthy body through your workouts. Of course, healthy nutrition is included in that equation. You want to not only look good because of your efforts but also feel great for the rest of your life. All this takes is keeping your routine simple, smart, and effective to get the job done. 

Avoid Overtraining

Your body is a fabulous machine that appreciates smart maintenance through quality exercise and premium fuel for energy

A body that's in a constant state of overtraining will experience wear and tear. Poor exercise technique lumped into this scenario makes it even worse.  Eventually, this type of training will break down and create a body that doesn't feel good in the years to come. 

It's important to include rest and recovery as part of your fitness program. As long as you're challenging the different exercise components 3 to 5 times weekly should be sufficient. Hitting the gym daily can actually be counterproductive to losing fat and gaining muscle. Give your body some time to recover from intense workouts.

Components of Physical Fitness

Smart training consists of challenging the following components of fitness:

  • muscular strength
  • muscular endurance
  • cardiovascular endurance
  • flexibility
  • body fat composition

Simple programs can accomplish all of these goals and are necessary to create and maintain a healthy body. 

The challenge doesn't have to be gut-wrenching, feel like death kind of stuff. You simply need to push your body above the physical limits of what is considered normal physical status. Standing would turn into brisk walking for 30-minutes for example. Combine that with resistance training and a stretch program to create a smartly balanced fitness program.   

Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed 

When physical training is kept simple and smart, it doesn't feel so overwhelming. It's important to feel great about your workout and not consider it a burden. A positive attitude brings about the confidence you need to achieve your fitness goals.  

Training smart also helps you see exercise programs as an easy process. It enables you to best select workouts to best fit your body. This creates a training environment that produces results and keeps you healthy.

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Exercise For 30-Minutes 5 Days Per Week For Lasting Results

Exercise doesn't have to be extreme to be effective. In fact, working out for at least 30-minutes 5 days per week can provide a fit body for a lifetime. 

Athletes with certain goals may need to perform above the maintenance requirement, but in general, active adults can achieve great results using the 30-minute strategy.

Get Fit and Healthy 

Most of us want to feel good and look good naked with a simple exercise routine. This is possible without extreme workouts or lifting super heavy. If the extreme is what you enjoy, and it works for your body, go for it. I am addressing the norm demographic of everyday people who just want to get fit and be healthy. 

What is Recommended?

Studies have shown that 150-minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity such as brisk walking are sufficient to maintain a healthy body. It would be reduced to 75-minutes per week for vigorous exercise like running or attending an aerobics class. High-intensity interval training reduces the minutes per workout even more.

Also recommended is weight resistance training two days per week. Although the guidelines are quite variable with weightlifting, you can accomplish an effective workout in less than 45-minutes.

Give it 30-Minutes

Maintaining a healthy body is a fairly basic process. Exercise for 30-minutes five days per week and eat right at least 80% of the time for best results. It's really not that complicated.

Everyone has 30-minutes to give to their health regardless of any excuse. Sorry, true story. If health and fitness are a priority, the exercise will be a priority and that's the simple truth of it. 

The best part about getting your sweat on for 30-minutes is making it your own. Creating workouts that are enjoyable is what builds a lifestyle of physical activity.

If being outdoors motivates you, lace up the tennis shoes or hiking boots and find some fun trails. If using cardio equipment and listening to music floats your boat, go for it. Love to lift weights? Get to the gym and put in the time.

Keep it Simple and Fun

The heart muscle responds to the demands of exercise being placed on it, not what you are specifically doing. Sweat is sweat, a mile is a mile, and 30-minutes is 30-minutes. What you do to increase the heart rate at a moderate level for that amount of time is up to you. The point is to just to move for 30-minutes.

Stick to the basics of exercise. Keep it simple, fun, and a part of your everyday life. The latest extreme workout til you puke, faint, or die is not what will carry you from where you are now into your elder years.

Extreme programs may be used to meet specific athletic goals for some people. However, not necessary for active adults or new exerciser looking to get healthy and improve their overall quality of life.

Get Motivated

The point of this blog is to motivate you to start an exercise program. All you need is 30-minutes to start. Work with what you like and at your fitness level.

The amazing thing about workouts and fitness is being able to create what works best for each of us. There is never only one way to achieve the body you want. The best exercise is one you look forward to doing and will repeat for a lifetime.  

Effective and Efficient Exercise

Working in the industry for over 30 years, I have come to appreciate the simplicity of fitness. It truly doesn't require as much time as you think to be a healthy person.

For example, I keep my workouts to a one-hour session or less if performing interval training. Honestly, I can achieve an effective workout and prefer exercising for 30-minutes because it fits with my work schedule.

As long as you challenge your body and perform quality exercise movements, it's good enough. Try not to get caught up in the stress of what you think exercise is according to fitness marketing. Honestly, some of the things I see out there are kinda scary.

Do What Works Best For You

The caveat to remember is finding fitness programs that work best for you. Keep it simple, basic, and fun. When exercise is enjoyed and done right, you will keep it for life.

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How to Lose 12lbs in 6 Weeks

Losing 12 pounds is not only a realistic goal but can be done in a short amount of time. Still with me?

Skip The Diet, Just Live Healthy

I'm not talking about a fad diet or weight loss gimmick. I'm referring to healthy weight loss using appropriate methods. This means a healthy lifestyle that includes:
  • Consistent healthy eating (at least 80% of the time)
  • Intuitive eating (listen to satiety and hunger body cues)
  • Regular exercise (3-5 times weekly)
  • Adequate water intake
  • Limited alcohol intake
  • Plenty of rest
  • Positive mindset
  • An active lifestyle outside the gym

Healthy Weight Loss

Applying a healthy lifestyle is said to promote successful weight loss at a rate of 1 to 3 pounds per week. This is considered sustainable and healthy weight loss.

I find those clients following my nutritional coaching combined with consistent workouts are losing in the middle range of 2 pounds per week. Although weight loss will happen differently for each person.

Think about what this means in terms of time. This is only six weeks of sticking to a consistent fitness program. This is not a diet but eating lots of amazing healthy food.

Sodas are eliminated and alcohol is limited to not more than two nights per week and 2 drink maximum for a male, 1 drink maximum for a female. Water intake is increased to drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily to start.

It also means exercising 3 to 5 times weekly for at least thirty minutes per session. 

Sound like something you could do?

Get Motivated

Sometimes it just takes someone to motivate you to start. The great thing about this program is it's not considered a diet but simply living healthily. No diet stigma or frustration that goes along with feeling food restricted. The truth about diets is that they don't work because they can't be sustained.

Healthy living is sustainable and the best way to promote fat loss, and lean mass gains. It improves the quality of your health and life. Are you motivated? 

Get Fit the Right Way

Doesn't this sound reasonable, exciting, and realistic? Getting fit the right way shouldn't feel like a burden or complicated. What it does do is provide you with the knowledge of what and how to eat, how to exercise, and how to successfully apply a healthy lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is getting fit the right way. It becomes an enjoyable habit and way of life. It's not a temporary condition and the results are maintained for a lifetime.

It's time we stop over-complicating weight loss and start implementing the simplicity of eating healthy and exercise. Fitness is often thought to be a difficult process with overwhelming life changes. Not true. Diet culture and diet marketing make things harder than they really are.

Change Takes Change
Change does take change. Yes, weight loss and getting fit require some choices and changes. It means creating healthy habits. This isn't a bad thing.

It also means applying realistic thinking about losing weight and getting fit. We want all the results but don't want to give up a current unhealthy lifestyle. Sound familiar?

If you want to see changes, you need to be willing to make the necessary changes.

The Bottom Line

Giving 100% effort for at least six weeks will provide personal feedback and positive results. This will allow enough time for you to embrace a healthy lifestyle and keep going with healthy choices.

You can do it!

My Typical Healthy Day

I like to teach by example and will eat something similar to the following menu on any given day:
  • 1 cup coffee with natural vanilla creamer
  • Meal 1: Organic morning round with 1tbsp natural organic peanut butter
  • Meal 2: Green shake: 1 cutie, ½-cup chopped pineapple 2 large handfuls power greens, water and blend until combined. 1 slice organic seeded toast topped with a soft-cooked organic egg to accompany my green shake. 
  • Meal 3: ¼ cup fresh blueberries, ½ cup Greek yogurt, ¼ cup organic ground flax meal, handful raw mixed nuts (stir it up and eat)
  • Meal 4: 4 oz grilled salmon or chicken with large side roasted vegetables like Brussel sprouts and cauliflower (drizzle olive oil on veggies, and large tbsp. basil pesto, mix well, roast)
  • Meal 5: 1oz square of dark chocolate with 1tbsp peanut butter, or 1/2 glass organic low-fat chocolate milk 

I exercise 4 to 5 times per week and for 30 to 60-minutes per session. I believe in focused physical training and complete my workouts in a short period of time. I include a variety of fitness training and enjoy weight lifting, HIIT workouts, and stretching.

I also listen to my body. If I require more rest, I may only exercise four times that week.

I enjoy active rest days being outdoors with hubby, playing with our dog, going on long walks, hikes, or swimming. 

Fit For Life

Studies indicate losing one to three pounds per week provides healthy, long-term sustainable weight loss. Unlike fad diets that may shed weight quickly but is regained plus more once the program is over. 

Now is always the right time to get fit. Start by implementing a six-week fitness challenge makeover. This is a great beginning and short-term goal of shedding 12 pounds. It will be helpful to keep a fitness journal and track your food intake and exercise. Do your best, and have fun with the journey. 

I would love to hear from you. Sharing success stories, asking questions, or sharing concerns is a great way to encourage and support each other along the way.  

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Cleaning Up Your Nutrition For Results

Achieving fitness results the right way will require good nutrition. Although exercise is important, nutrition does play the largest role in getting fit and maintaining your health.

Eating Right is Easy

Eating right for results isn't complicated as many people believe. This line of thinking has much to do with fitness products and supplements marketed as the only way to lose weight, get fit, and increase muscle size. Wrong!

Let's put these myths aside and take a simple look at what really is required nutritionally.

Food Journals Can Help

It may be helpful to use a food journal for a short time until you have adopted how to eat right. Food journals are shown to keep you on track and enable you to repeat healthy weeks. This part may sound like a burden to start, but it really is quite simple.

Forget about charting calories, grams, weighing food, etc. for now and probably won't be necessary later. Keep your journal simple and enjoy the process of learning. As long as you're eating healthy throughout the day to support your body and physical activity is the goal.

A simple food journal may look something like this:

  • Water intake for the day: 2 quarts
  • Meal 1: 1 slice seeded toast, 1/4 to 1/2 avocado, 1 boiled egg
  • Meal 2: large greens and fruit blended shake  
  • Meal 3: large green salad topped with grilled chicken breast, balsamic vinegar
  • Meal 4: sliced apple with 2 tbsp peanut butter
  • Meal 5: grilled salmon with lots of veggies
  • Meal 6: yogurt topped with raw nuts

Dump the Junk Food

Eating right will require cleaning out the junk food. This is difficult especially if you struggle with tossing out food. If it helps, box it all up and donate to a food kitchen or church. You can do this!

Take a day and go through your refrigerator and pantry. Remove all processed, packaged, frozen dinners, pastries, white products, etc. Unhealthy food products contain a lot of trans fats, high-sodium, and chemicals you really don't want to be ingesting. A shortlist includes:

  • sugary drinks, sodas, and some sport drinks
  • white bread
  • refined vegetable oils (corn, soybean, cottonseed, canola)
  • margarine
  • pastries, cakes, cookies
  • boxed crackers and chips
  • low-carb meals and bars
  • yogurt high in sugar and chemicals
  • processed gluten-free products
  • ice cream, candy, candy bars, and some protein bars
  • processed meats (salami, pastrami, deli meats, hot dogs, etc)
  • processed cheese (American, cheese in a can, etc)

Eat Clean for Results, Fitness, and Health

Getting fit for life requires eating cleaner which is just another way of saying you are eating healthy. You have taken the steps to remove all processed foods from your house and now ready to replace those with real whole foods. 

Let's go shopping! The best way to stay on track at the grocery store is not going when you're hungry. Eat a healthy meal first and stick to your written list of items.

Having healthy food at home will also reduce eating at restaurants and fast-food chains. This keeps you in control of your food intake and is the goal of adopting a healthy lifestyle.

We all differ in nutritional likes and that is great because there is a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods for everyone. You will want to include all the macros in your nutrition which just means eating a balance of lean proteins, nutritious carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

The following shortlist includes healthy selections from each category and also takes into consideration vegetarian/vegan preferences:


  • B/S chicken and turkey breast
  • Salmon, halibut, tilapia, albacore tuna
  • Lean beef  (90% lean)
  • Greek yogurt (natural, no sugar added)
  • Cottage cheese
  • Eggs
  • Milk (2%), almond milk, coconut milk, low-fat chocolate milk
  • Lentils, dried beans, navy beans, no to low-sodium canned beans
  • Peanut butter (natural, no-sugar-added), almond butter
  • Raw mixed nuts
  • Tofu
  • Edamame
  • Quinoa


  • Vegetables (broccoli, peppers, squash, asparagus, etc) 
  • Leafy greens (spinach, chard, kale, etc)
  • Fruits (apples, berries, mango, cherries, etc)
  • Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, peas, and beans)
  • Quinoa, Kamut, barley, buckwheat, flax meal
  • Brown rice (white rice for some athletes)
  • Whole wheat, whole grain bread
  • Steel-cut oats
  • Sweet potatoes
  • White and red potatoes (baked not fried)


  • Avocados
  • Chickpeas (hummus)
  • Walnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, pecans, etc (raw-unsalted, not roasted)
  • Olive oil
  • Salmon (Omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Nut and seed butter (natural, no sugar added)
  • Ground flaxseed or flax meal
  • Chia seeds

You Can Do It!

Eating better is typically the biggest struggle with adopting a healthy lifestyle. I believe in keeping nutrition simple and fun. When eating right is enjoyable, you will repeat it for life. You can do it!

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Maintaining Your Fitness is The Goal

Reaching your fitness goals is a great accomplishment. I applaud your effort and hard work to make that happen.

The question is are you maintaining those goals? Is good health a continued priority and lifestyle?

Fitness is a Lifestyle

Fitness is not meant to be a temporary fix but a lifestyle of health and wellness. Sure, you may rock that swimsuit for the season but is that all fitness means?

True fitness success is when you live it daily. Eating healthy foods consistently and exercise is part of your normal routine. In fact, getting off track for too long doesn't feel right when living a healthy lifestyle.

Fitness becomes a priority and excuses no longer get in the way. You refuse to return to being overweight, sick, and nearly dead. You get the point.

Keep Healthy Habits For Life

I've seen too many people succeed at reaching goal weights, reduced body fat, and improved health and throw it all away. Somehow, thinking you can get away with returning to a few unhealthy habits backfires. You may be right back where you started or worse wondering what happened.

The purpose of dumping old ways is to learn and keep new and healthier methods. This is lacking and maintaining your health is suffering.

Adopting healthy habits means keeping them for life. Life is the event you're getting in shape for not bikini season. Forget the clothes and stand naked in front of a mirror.

Standing in your truth will let you know if you're doing a great job maintaining your fitness. I'm not talking about the body and skin changes naturally occurring with aging. We all know the difference. You also know if you are really living a healthy life.

The Bottom Line

Your body keeps the most accurate record of what you're eating and drinking regardless of what you write down. It also knows if exercise is lacking. Your body is smart like that.

Reaching fitness goals is possible when a healthy lifestyle is being maintained. In fact, maintaining your fitness is the goal.

If you have reached your goal before you can do it again. This time, look at the process of getting fit as the goal and maintain that.

Instead of having to repeat getting back in shape, why not just stay in shape. Real talk all in fitness love.

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Food is Not the Enemy

It would be easy to blame food for being overweight and unhealthy. The truth is food is not the enemy. In fact, our very survival is based on food and water for optimal body functioning.

Taking Responsibility

Let's be honest. Getting healthy is about taking responsibility and making the right daily choices to improve your fitness. This includes the food you eat on a regular basis.

We only have ourselves to blame when the grocery cart is filled with frozen pizzas, pastries, ice cream, and sodas. How your body looks and feels is your responsibility. Eating healthy food controls a large percentage of a fit lifestyle.

Portion Control

Then there are the portion sizes. We're eating way too much at one sitting. Whether the food is healthy or unhealthy, eating too many calories and not burning that energy creates an excess energy bank stored as fat.

You may also try to convince yourself eating processed foods in the appropriate caloric portions is healthy. Outwardly you may give an appearance of being an appropriate weight, but inside you're a hot mess and feeling like it. You have become a skinny fat person. Processed fake food and the damage it does to your body through inflammation and disease is alarming.

Eat Real Whole Food

Food is your friend. Turning your unhealthy food selections into quality real food will enable you to achieve a fit body. You have heard 'no-one ever got fat eating too much kale' and not that we would sit around eating kale all day, but you get the point.

If we start eating to live instead of the other way around, a huge change in the obesity epidemic would happen. A shift toward eating the right food for health would finally take place.

Resist Sabotage

We are bombarded daily with fast food commercials and peer pressure to eat unhealthily. Many people are pressured by significant others to eat off track. You can even sabotage yourself using more comfort food rewards than you should.

You do have the power to see food as your friend and control what you put in your face. The donut may look appealing but eating an apple is going to supply the best nutrients to fuel your body and push you closer to your fitness goals.

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Changing Your Body Requires Changing Your Lifestyle

HOW are you living?

Are you stuck in a rut, not feeling well most of the time, and just not living healthy?

How about feeling burned out and unmotivated?

Did you know burnout and frustration are the top reasons people give up and return to unhealthy habits? 

The problem is most of us are unwilling to change things about our life so positive changes can happen. You want the look and feel of good health but really aren't putting forth a change to experience change.

Straight up - change requires change. If you're unhappy with your health, body, or life in general, a deliberate choice to change needs to happen.  

The Struggle is Real

Sometimes it's a difficult process to implement necessary changes to better your health and life. Self-sabotage often gets in the way of your attempts to get healthy. Eating too much of the wrong things, not being able to resist temptations, and making excuses not to exercise are all examples of self-sabotage.

Getting mad about it doesn't bring about what needs to happen. Making a promise to yourself to change and following through with that change is what will make the difference in your life.

I suppose if anger was channeled into positive action and motivates positive change, then getting mad temporarily could be an OK thing. However, anger often leads to bitterness and a give-up attitude. It's best to remain positive while making positive changes. 

Change Takes a Choice

Change takes making a choice and having patience. It's also a focus on progress and not perfection. As you strive to change your health and fitness, it's important to realize it will be a journey and a challenge.

Remember challenges in life are what change you. They are the learning tools of becoming a healthy person physically and emotionally.

You have heard the saying 'do what you have always done and you will get what you have always gotten.' This is true for life, fitness, and health. Without changing what you're doing now, you will remain in the same state of unhealthiness.

It's important to start owning the unhealthy parts of your life so you can figure out what needs to be done to change each area. 

Be Honest with Yourself

Are you unhealthy, unhappy, stressed, anxious, angry or whatever question you want to answer? Why and what needs to be done to change that? Write it down.

The goal for each of us is to implement appropriate changes to create healthy change in our life. Once health is made a priority, you will start feeling better and motivated to make even more positive changes. 

What areas in the list below require a change to improve your health:

  • I need to eat better
  • I need to exercise
  • I need to reduce stress
  • I need to deal with this anger problem
  • I need to have a better balance in my life
  • I need to sleep better
  • I need to drink more water
  • I need to stop smoking
  • I need to reduce my alcohol intake
  • I need to start making my health priority

Improving your health and fitness reduces illness, enables you to handle stress, and creates a happier state of well-being. 

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Are You Really Eating for Fitness Goals?

Fitness goals are awesome. Agreed?

You want to lose fat, gain muscle, and feel healthy. Reaching these goals requires good eating habits and overall, a healthy lifestyle. How are you doing with that?

What Are You Eating?

Are you really eating for fitness goals?

In order to achieve good health, it requires consuming healthy food and exercising consistently. Not living this way should make you feel weird. Do you feel weird?

If the answer is no, there is something not right with your fitness program. It usually comes down to what you're eating. Eating unhealthy is often validated because you workout several times per week. This isn't a healthy approach to food intake and exercise. Remember, you can't out-exercise a crappy diet.

The takeaway here is nutrition plays the largest role in your fitness success. Without eating right, achieving goals will not happen. True story.

Food Is Fuel Not a Reward

I have seen fitness success turn into a train wreck of eating off track as a reward for doing so awesome. Your seemingly well-deserved food frenzy has snowballed into a struggle to get back on track. It can begin innocently thinking eating unhealthy one time is okay, but without self-control, it really can be disastrous. Remember, food is fuel and not a reward.

The bottom line is to think before you eat.

Food is Powerful

The food you eat and what you drink represents the body you show. Think about that statement. Food is powerful and makes you feel healthy or unhealthy. It can also make you look fit or fat.

Consuming unhealthy processed food products increases inflammation in your bloodstream. Inflammation is said to be one of the main causes of increased risk of chronic disease and cancer.

Eating right includes consuming lots of plant-based foods, lean proteins, nuts and seeds, grains, and healthy fats that clean up inflammation in your body. You feel great and look great.

A healthy lifestyle is learning how to balance nutrition. Eating right at least 80% of the time allowing for a few splurges is considered healthy and sustainable. It's also an enjoyable way of living.

Take Responsibility 

Being in denial about what you're eating doesn't fix the problem. Now is a great time to perform a nutritional assessment and take an honest look. Reaching fitness goals means being true to yourself and taking responsibility for your nutrition.

The great news is you can always get back on track and start again. This time, with healthier choices and a real commitment to living the lifestyle. Fitness is always about progress and not perfection. 

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Sorta Kinda Fitness Doesn't Work

You want to be fit, feel good and look great. Awesome!

Unfortunately, many people are going about it the wrong way. In fact, you may be searching the internet right now for the newest fad diet or quick fix to fitness.

The Problem

A common problem is our thoughts about fitness and not wanting to give up unhealthy habits for healthy ones. Instead of looking at what would be gained, there is a belief that something in life is lost. That fitness is a burdensome process.

This type of thinking usually leads to sorta kinda trying to get fit - guess what - sorta kinda results.

Sound familiar? You want results but just can't commit to a fit lifestyle. We often blame others and ourselves for eating off track and make excuses for missing workouts. When you give a small percentage to doing it right expect small rewards in return.

We are wasting too much time and missing too many opportunities to get healthy. Why is that? What is going on in your life where health is no longer a priority? Instead of trying to figure this out, unhealthy is accepted as the new normal. This is an unfortunate truth.

Other Factors

We have great intentions and even put in some effort to eat right and exercise - this is awesome! However, something happens to halt the process. Our mind plays negative games, you may hear a hurtful comment, or not seeing results can cause frustration.

Other sorta kinda fitness factors can include:
  • Partying too much with friends or at home.
  • Eating unhealthy processed food half the time.
  • Managing only one or two workouts per week. 
  • Being in denial about unhealthy habits

Resentment can also be a problem with sorta-kinda fitness. You fail to understand why you're not losing fat or not seeing muscle. This typically leads to negativity, more self-doubt, and believing fitness just can't happen for you.

Fixing the Problem

Acknowledging unhealthy habits keeping you from reaching your goals is important. If you believe nothing is wrong, nothing will change.

When you honestly start taking responsibility for your health is when true fitness happens. Fitness is a lifestyle and sorta kinda just doesn't work.

Helpful tips to adopt a healthy lifestyle include:
  • Stop looking for quick fixes
  • Drop the diet mentality 
  • Remain realistic about your results
  • Adopt a positive attitude
  • Focus on health not weight
  • Be patient with your progress
  • Keep going

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How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle in 7 Steps

How do I lose weight and gain muscle? This is probably the top-ranked question heard daily as a trainer/coach. The question is not always easily answered.

There is never a one-size-fits-all fitness program. That being said, I'm providing a general list of factors that should be considered to achieve your goals:

1. Mental readiness: If you're not ready mentally, your body is unable to follow. Mental readiness is accepting a change is needed in your life to improve your health. Your desire to finally get serious may come from a doctor saying your cholesterol, triglycerides, or blood pressure is too high. You may have been told being overweight has contributed to these issues and potential for increased risk of diabetes or heart problems.

Many times, the desire to change comes from you reaching a point of not liking how you feel or what you see in the mirror. Moments like this typically motivate you to finally commit to eating healthy and exercising regularly. You are ready for a lifestyle change.

2. Plan to succeed: Nothing happens without good planning. Whether achieving fitness goals with a qualified personal trainer or solo, you will require knowledge and a plan to succeed. If working on your own, you will need reliable nutrition and fitness books or online sources. Stick with realistic approaches and stay away from fad diets and trends. These are typically short-term quick fixes without long-term solutions.

Another strategy is seeking the help of a qualified personal trainer/nutrition counselor. Proper fitness/health coaching can really motivate you in the right direction. If taught correctly, you will gain lifelong education on healthy eating, proper exercise technique, weight loss management, and muscle growth.

3. Food and fitness journals: recording progress is a great strategy for successful weight loss and muscle gain. You can include 'before' pictures and measurements, feelings of the day, daily food and water intake, and exercises performed in your workout. This consistent information will allow you to repeat successful weeks and show you where things didn't go quite right.

4. Progressive fitness: you have heard fitness is about progress, not perfection. Getting fit will require patience and consistent effort. Every positive step toward your goal is making a difference even when you don't see it right away. Progressive fitness means you take it slow, keep going, and trust the process.

5. Eating healthy: losing weight and gaining muscle requires eating for your goals. This means the majority of your food intake will include vegetables and leafy greens, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and lots of water. This will be a nutrition lifestyle change taking you from unhealthy eating habits to eating a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods. Physical demands will also increase the number of calories coming from these foods. For example, weightlifters and long distance runners will require more fuel than an individual selecting a light aerobics class for physical activity.

6. Exercise: workouts don't have to be extreme or long duration to be effective. We tend to overcomplicate fitness and consider workouts a burden. Find an exercise you enjoy and stick with it. Working out at least 4 times per week is recommended to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. A balanced workout program includes exercise that challenges your aerobic, strength, balance and flexibility.

Applying a progressive workout strategy is also important. Allow yourself to be a beginner and increase in exercise intensity and duration slowly. This will give your body time to adapt, promote muscle growth, and progress at a healthy rate reducing the risk of injury.

7. Healthy lifestyle: adopting a healthy lifestyle includes a combination of eating right, exercise, adequate sleep, and balancing work and play. Losing weight and gaining muscle is just a result of living this way. It's really a goal achievable for everyone and simply applying these 7 steps is a great way to start seeing results and living healthy for life.

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Be well and Stay Healthy