Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Luck is a beautiful thing.

Luck is a beautiful thing.  Everyone wants to have it, but they don't know how to reach it...

 From what point of view should we examine the luck factor?  Because this factor is powerful enough to cause your life to change suddenly.  Is it some kind of invisible bird, luck, that suddenly lands on my shoulder, or is there a "luck gene" out there somewhere?

 Undoubtedly, it is believed that if you are really working, trying or trying to achieve something, luck will definitely come to you.  Luck may be on the side of the employee, or it may come across unrelated people in unrelated situations.

 Speaking of chance, should we believe that chance is just an accidental phenomenon, or should we believe that the concept of "probability", as a factor as old as the creation of this universe, is the reason for its existence?  So, there is a probability of probability in mathematics, and does the chance factor provide for the realization of a probability like 1%?

 In addition to the luck factor, there are also lucky people.  So this type of person…

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