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Autumn Spice Cake

 The other night I was in the baking mood and after flipping through a few cookbooks I remembered this cake recipe, aptly named "Autumn Spice Cake", I have been meaning to try. (I posted about this little promotional cookbook here.) I am not sure the cake turned out the way it was suppose to. I didn't have anything to fill it with, so I added apples. It didn't turn out as fluffy as pictured either, but that might have had something to do with not having baking soda......
Do you get the sudden notion to bake like I do? I usually don't have baking planned, unless it is a special occasion. At the end of the day I suddenly decided something yummy sounds wonderful and take a look through cookbooks and the cupboards to see what will work. I don't want to make a trip to the store at that point, so whatever I can make work will do!
As this was another evening baking session, I decided I didn't want to mess with frosting and threw some chopped apples in the batter. Because this was a war time recipe, the sugar has been cut down to a minimum and after tasting the cake, it was decided frosting was a must! 
 So I whipped up a bit of Cream Cheese frosting and stuck in on top, much better! 
I am loving my vintage spring form pan I picked up at an estate sale this spring! It is the perfect pan for a cake like this.

The recipe calls for molasses, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Yum! The fig filling recipe intrigues me, I might need to bake another cake to try it out......


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