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Most Marvelous Meals with Minute Tapioca

 I had forgotten about this little gem until the other night when I made tapioca pudding. Good thing I wasn't really planning on sharing pictures, it was a flop! I ran out of tapioca and it didn't firm up right. The cover is what caught my eye, isn't it pretty? Her expression makes me laugh. Judging from her ensemble this little booklet is from the late 1930s.
 There are recipes for everything with tapioca! Meatloaf, gravy, ham loaf, potpie, soups, souffle, puddings, pies and ice cream. They were very inventive.
 Such a colorful picture. I love how simple ingredients like fruit and nuts are used to add a special touch to pudding.
I have always wanted to make a souffle, haven't you? From watching Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina to often. Such an old fashioned dish. I haven't gotten up the courage yet.

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