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Sewing Room

Are you ready to see my sewing/crafting space? I am never sure what to call or closet? It is rather large to be a closet and rather small to be a room! It does have a window and you could fit a twin bed if you really wanted to.
It fits my sewing table along the left side perfectly. I love this view from my bedroom doorway, it makes me happy to see my sewing machine ready to go! I don't always manage to fit in as much sewing time as I wish, but it is nice to know I can sneak a few minutes in whenever I want!
This is about the cleanest my table has been since I moved in. I kept hoping to get it a little better under control, but that wasn't happening. So I "tidied" it for the pictures by sweeping up the two giant mounds and hiding them out of sight! It sure was nice to see the table for a few minutes.

My sewing chair make-over turned out perfectly! It got a couple of coats of white paint, new caning and a new seat cover.
 Looking at the opposite wall, cube shelves from Ikea with my fabric and notions. Once I had the shelves in I realized I could make much better use of the space with bigger bins, so I found Hefty tubs that fit perfectly!

Yarn, fabric, sewing books and notions.
Since the sewing room also has to function as my closet, I left some space between the wall and the shelves for a clothes rod. Just enough for my shirts and dresses!
 I love having a proper place to put the ironing board, it always ended up stashed behind something before.
There are still a few things I would like to do, like hang a couple of vintage fashion prints on the wall and paint the bottom portion of the table. Someday I will get there, in the mean time I am enjoying it tidied up!
Looking back to the book nook.

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