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1940s etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
1940s etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Christmas in Connecticut

Looking for a movie recommendation this weekend? Try one of my favorite Christmas movies,  "Christmas in Connecticut" starring Barbra Stanwyck. It has all the classic movie ingredients I love; a zany plot, delightful characters, a beautiful house, gorgeous costumes by Edith Head, wonderful Christmas...

Vintage Find - Cottage Print

My newest vintage find- a little framed cottage print (top). These little prints can be hard to find, but are worth the wait!So far my collection consists of two, but I am working on it! For now they both look lovely together in the book nook.I am usually drawn to English countryside looking prints,...

Christmas Greetings from long ago....

This year the Book Nook is decked out in my grandmother's blue snowflakes. The blue didn't quite go with the living room decor as well as I was anticipating last year. When it came time to decide where to hang them this year, I immediately knew! The Book Nook! My Christmas card collection has grown...

Socks- Handknit by Beehive 1940

I picked up this sock booklet at an estate sale recently. Dated 1940, it is full of  socks for every age and type! And since the Fall is the perfect time to start stocking up on socks or working on Christmas presents, I decided to share it today."Beehive Sock Yarn is Distinguished for is neat footwork!" I...

Summer + Books

 What can you say about August? We have been experiencing our usual weather, 90+ degrees and 98% humidity. It certainly doesn't make me want to go outside and work on any projects! I just want to lay in bed and read. Is anything nicer then a cool room and a good book on a hot day? (maybe a...

Apron Patterns

 These are a few recent acquisitions to the pattern collection. This first one is a charmer! Early 1950's. A lovely apron that is flattering one for everyone with lots of coverage. Also included is a pot holder pattern. Love the polka dots of the one in the lower right hand corner.  The first...

Vintage Kitchen Inspiration

Here are a few vintage kitchens from Antique Home. I think I have mentioned this website before, they have a fabulous collection of house plans and interiors from the 1900-1960. One of my favorite place to go for inspiration! I loved seeing how kitchens changed over the years. From simple and functional...

Autumn Spice Cake

 The other night I was in the baking mood and after flipping through a few cookbooks I remembered this cake recipe, aptly named "Autumn Spice Cake", I have been meaning to try. (I posted about this little promotional cookbook here.) I am not sure the cake turned out the way it was suppose to. I...