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Exercise And Our Health

When running a marathon running enthusiasts line up to run in the most grueling sport in the world. Some are professional runners, and others are ordinary people who train to be the best that they can be.

These runners have trained for this all year, through the rain, snow and I am sure lower heat. They are not giving in to the weather. My daughter's friend Melanie has trained for a marathon race. She is running with a team for Muscular Dystrophy. She inspires me and I am so proud of her. When asked why she was running in this race Melanie said because she can run and her sister and other people with MS cannot. What a powerful statement. She does not expect to win but she is going to give it all she is capable of doing. I have followed her training and she has earned the right to be qualified for this race. She never gave up and today is the day she was training for.

Doing and being the best we can be is all that we should expect from ourselves. If others expect more from us and we are doing our max then it does not matter what they think. If we are truthful with ourselves then we owe no explanation to anyone.

We all do not have the ability to run in a marathon, but we do have the ability to exercise on a daily basis. Just simple things can be done to keep our energy up and our bodies strong. Just walking instead of riding can be one of the things we do. I have a friend who walks everywhere and I would not even think of walking around the block. I do not know about you, but once I decide to walk, after I thought about it for hours, I feel great. It is now part of my day. I do my best thinking while I am walking.

I have also found time to use weights and just do simple exercises once a day to gain strength in my upper body. I made all the excuses in the world, but when I decided to add these small things in my life I felt much better about myself and my inner nagging voice ceased to haunt me about my laziness.

In order to be healthy we must add exercise to our lives. We need to keep fit if we are going to live better lives.

Life is like that, it is not always going to be convenient. It is not always going to be the top thing on your to do list, but exercise is an important part of our health. We do not have to be marathon runners, or experts in any exercise, we just have to do it and keep doing it until it becomes part of our daily routine and we then will not have to think about it.

Just remember to be truthful to yourself and to no one else and you will find that you are amazing!

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jeanne Lovely, and chances are you have never heard of me before, but when you finish reading about what I have to offer you, you will be glad you finally did!

My goal is to empower women to renew themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in order to transform from who they are into who they want to be.

I have read all the books, tried all the methods, and I have worked with clients to improve their lives, as well as my own. "I practice what I preach" and the results are outstanding. I help women Empower • Renew • Transform their lives.

For further information and consultation please visit Women's Health Coach

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