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Project- Dish Soap Bottle Apron

Today's project - Aprons for your dish soap bottles! I am not sure why a dish soap bottle needs an apron, but they are cute! My sister did point out that it keeps the bottle from slipping out of wet hands. I also tried to make it more functional by adding a pocket to the apron. You could either put a little plastic scraper, which I am forever misplacing, or use it to hold your jewelry while you wash dishes.

Materials Needed:
Scraps of fabric (not more then 1/8 yd)
Scraps of coordinating 1/4" bias tape (not more then 1yd)
Cut 2 apron pieces and one pocket piece.
(To make pocket piece measure 2 1/4" from bottom of apron, draw a straight line across. Either fold or cut on line.)
Sew bias tape along top of pocket edge.
Pin pocket in place.
Sew bias tape along top edge of apron, cutting off access.
Measure 2 1/2" from end of bias tape, mark with pin.
Sew bias tape from end to marking pin.
Insert top corner of apron into bias tape and sew.
Continue sewing bias tape around apron to opposite top corner.
Cut bias tape 2 1/2" from edge of apron.
Fold bias tape around first end of neck strap and continue sewing.
Measure a 12" piece of bias tape for tie. Pin in place matching centers.

Sew tie on, starting at end of bias tape.

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