Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Library Inspiration

We are hoping to tackle our next house project, which is built-in bookshelves for our study/office.  I have always dreamed of having my own library to house my book collection I have amassed over the years.  It will be a dream come true for this avid reader!

Here is the study now with an empty back wall:

And here are some inspiration photos I pulled to show the contractor starting off with this photo from last month's issue of House Beautiful, which is my major jumping off point:

I like the simplicity of the bookcase but also that the shelves are not uniform with different size spaces to accommodate not only books but anything else I choose to put in that space, adding visual interest.

Monique Lhuillier's library is gorgeous, which goes without saying:

I am also drawn to these black floor to ceiling bookcases that would add contrast to the room:

This one has an L-shape, which is also a consideration given that I have a window that sits awkwardly on the left hand side of the room to contend with making it so I can't take the bookshelves across the entire back wall:

I like the simplicity of these wooden bookshelves without a backing--this seems like an economical option, but probably won't work for me with the window problem I described above:

And a couple more examples of beautiful white bookshelves but with symmetrical shelves:

Another great inspiration photo of floor to ceiling white bookshelves:

If you noticed alot of these libraries had something in common: a ladder. So lastly, I think adding this Ikea ladder is a must!
Inreda Ladder via Ikea

Will keep you updated with progress along the way!

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