I see many folks on the pavement with a dog, some with two, a few even with three. Some also have child vehicles and dogs. One brave woman had twins and 2 dogs! There are several reasons for including a dog in your cardiovascular training program. First is added protection that a dog provides. Even a tiny dog might have a threatening bark. Second is that dogs love to run and it is a great form of exercise for your pet, especially if he or she needs to start living an active lifestyle to shed some pounds. You also create a stronger bond. And finally, it can be a great motivating factor, if sometime you are considering not going out and your dog is tugging and barking a message "let's go".
Just because your pup likes to run around does not mean he or she is ready for runs or jogs with you. Know your breed. Not all breeds are cut out for running. Very small dogs may have a problem keeping pace, although they will try very hard, which may be harmful. Very large breeds have a problem with longer distances. Especially with puppies, and any dog that has not run for a long time, the first few times be sure to allow intervals of rest to build stamina and give muscles and joints time to strengthen and rebuild. Check with your veterinarian if there seem to be any problems.
Plan ahead for how you are going to deal with distractions during the run. If you see something ahead that could be a potential problem, it may be best to cross over to the other side of the street. If you happen to meet another dog, pay close attention to both dog's behavior. You may have to forcefully break contact if they show signs of tension.
Bring something with you to be used to clean up after your dog, if elimination occurs. This is simply common courtesy, but also a health issue. For a longer run, especially if you carry liquid for yourself, bring some water for your dog. You may plan your route to include water sources for yourself. Be sure to remember doggy.
Running with your pet can be a positive and rewarding experience for both of you. Your dog may even turn out to be the best training partner you can have. Certainly the best listener.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6942819
Running With Your Best Friend
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