Bayram Cigerli Blog

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I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving Holiday! I for one, got tired out! There was cooking and pie making, working on my house, visiting with family, cleaning house, washing dishes ( I am sure everyone washed a lot of dishes, it seemed like an endless chore!), a little yarn shopping, Christmas planning, more work on my house, sewing, knitting Christmas presents and don't forget a bit of relaxing!!
 Finally I got a picture of the hall floor! Not bad for having two layers of linoleum, a half inch of tar paper and being a hundred years old. Just needs a bit of sanding and a coat of varnish. I also got all the staples out of the living/dinning room and the downstairs bedrooms. Now I just have to de-staple the stairs and the upstairs bedroom. I am not sure why carpet installers think they need so many staples to hold a carpet pad down.....

Now on to Christmas planning!!


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