Bayram Cigerli Blog

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One Year Ago

One year ago yesterday, I wrote this post because I had just chopped off all my hair in the name of Locks of Love.

At the time, the cut I wanted was something like this:

This is what I ended up with:

Not quite the same. In the last year, I have gone through H with this darn head of hair, trying to grow it out long enough to put in a ponytail so I can keep it out of my face so I can run. No clip could tame it.

And then finally, about a week ago, success! No clips needed. I could put it in a ponytail. All on it's own! I was ecstatic. I had been waiting almost a year for this.

So hurray, right? Now I will finally leave it alone. But no. Not really. It was growing out all uneven and it looked like a rat's nest. I attempted some home repair, but only made things worse. So yesterday I bucked up and went to Berkeley to be a hair model. For $20, you have someone who has never cut hair before is in training practice on you. So that is how I got a new do.

This is what I wanted. Ironically, I had forgotten that last year I also wanted to be like Katie Holmes. Apparently I want whatever she's having, hair-wise. However, I have a pretty bad cowlick and bangs like that are a far away dream to me. I bet her stylist flattens hers down every day. My stylist only knows how to do pony tails.

So I got this instead. Notice I am already clipping it back. I hate having hair in my face.

So, just when I could finally put my hair up, I chopped it back off. Figures. What I thought was funny is that March 5 last year and this year both were chop of your hair day. It's my Hair-iversary. So --  Happy Hair-iversary to me. Here's to growing the new do out faster (and with less clips) than the old one.

Do you cut your hair often? (in the last year I went once) Have you ever been a hair model? Have you ever donated to Locks of Love? 

Also, I was featured over on Who's Your Editor yesterday! Pop on over and check it out when you get the chance! 

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