Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Monday Misc

My friend Laura is doing a Purposeful Running series, where people talk about why they run. I was lucky that she featured me yesterday! Go over and check it out! To read other people's stories as well, or to submit your story to Laura, go over here!

Mr. Lovely hails from the East Coast, and as you know, I am on the West Coast. So sometimes we find a place in between to meet. This time we headed south for the winter. And are spending some time here.

We are having fun and I will probably talk more about it when we get home! I did make him run a race with me. I ran the 10k and he ran the 5k. It was a good race and he was a good sport! See, here he is; isn't he cute?

Just kidding; that's not him. But isn't that such a cute old man? I have an old man fetish; I think they are the cutest thing ever, especially when they are wearing hats. For real.


Today, for the first time in a long time, I went to a buffet. I quickly remembered why I don't usually go to buffets. Actually, I was pretty proud of myself; I only went up three times: once for salad, once for an entree and once for dessert. I wanted some more ice cream really badly, but seeing Mr. Lovely rolling around in bed later, groaning and clutching his stomach, reminded me that I had made the right decision.

Have you ever seen "My Strange Addiction"? There was a girl on there who had an addiction to drinking gas. There was another who snorted baby powder. In the last 16 years, she has snorted almost 2000 pounds of baby powder. It kind of makes me feel like my need to have the milk on the top shelf of the fridge all the time is not that strange after all. 

My friend Sarah just posted a story about traveling to Africa on WRTR! Check it out if you get a chance! 

Why do you run? Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? Do you have any strange addictions?

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