Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Recap & A Beer

Well, I think I finally got my S(tuff) in gear enough to participate in Kim's Grab a Beer and Look What I did Last Week series. Actually, normally my week is not that exciting, so I don't want to bore you too much. This week was not that exciting either, but I do have a couple of photos, so I thought what the hey. 

I made lists. See number 3 -- I am TRYING!

I worked a lot. 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.

And drank LOTS of coffee. 

I got to play with a GPS for work! Fun!

Getting out into the field.

I had to stop to take some pictures of barns and stuff. 

I tried to stay out of the rain.
And made more lists and plans for next week!

What did you do this week? 

(I am also participating in:)



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