Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Saunders Island

Saunders Island is one of the largest in the archipelago at over 31,000 acres. Rich in wildlife and history – the island boasts four species of breeding penguin (gentoo, king, magellanic, rockhopper) and a spectacular black-browed albatross colony on its northern cliffs, the Rookery. The Neck, located on a narrow isthmus of sand, is frequently visited by Commerson's and Peale's dolphins and many seabird species. The combination of wildlife and natural, scenic beauty afford some of the best photography opportunities in the World.
Port Egmont, a short walk from the current settlement, was chosen as the first British settlement in the Falklands in 1765, and remains from the original buildings are still clearly visible. A visit to this historic site can be included in a two-hour return hike from the settlement, including an exhilarating walk up Mt Egmont – which affords expansive views over Saunders and neighbouring Keppel Island. Look out for the old ammunition box which contains a flag to hoist to give the feeling of being a real explorer!
Self catering cottages are available in the settlement and also at the idyllic locations of the Neck and the Rookery. Tours and drop-offs can be arranged.


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