Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Build Muscle - Burn Fat

My philosophy for getting fit - we want to be fit, healthy and happy, not live at the gym or be gym rats.  So…… do you do that?

Metabolism is the sum of all chemical processes that take place in the human body to sustain life. Though metabolic rate is largely determined by genetics, there are various ways to increase metabolic rate (the speed of your metabolism) through exercise, nutrition, and supplementation.

Old school philosophy- Performing daily body part workouts – or upper / lower body splits.  If you are a body builder or competitor, this is what you do.   The rest of us, not so much.  The reality is that training your whole body more frequently will result in bigger strength and muscle gain, greater fat loss, and more metabolic boosts than training each muscle group once per week– and the science supports this.  Plus it is much more time efficient!  My clients are busy and have busy lives.  I design programs that work and allow you to still have time for your families, hobbies, etc.

It’s important to understand the more muscle you have the greater your resting metabolic rate (RMR). Your RMR is the total number of calories you burn every day regardless of activity and adding several pounds of lean muscle mass will result in an additional daily calorie burn of up to several hundred extra calories per day. This translates into a fat-smashing snowball effect over the course of weeks, months, and years.

Work out smarter - not longer!


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