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Euromos ve İasos Antik Kentlerinden sonra
yönümüzü bu defa Muğla’nın Bodrum ilçesine çeviriyoruz. Bodrum ilçesi Karia’nın
başkenti Halikarnassos üzerinde bulunuyor. Günümüzde çok sayıda ziyaretçiyi
ağırlayan kıyılar, antik dönemde de önemli ve zengin bir denizcilik merkeziydi.
Ege’nin bu kadim limanı bir
zamanlar 'Antik çağın Yedi Harikası’ndan biri sayılan Karia Kralı Mausolos’un

2017 YGS Soru ve cevapları

2017 yılı YGS sınavı soru ve cevaplarına ulaşabilmek için tıklayınız

Cable Shrugs

omuz egzersizleri

Türkçe Karşılığı : Kabloyu Omuzdan Kaldırma

Çalıştırdığı Kas Grupları :  Omuz (trapez) Kasları

Kullanılan Ekipmanlar : Kablo İstasyonu

Nasıl Yapılır : Harekete uygun ağırlık ve aparatları hazırlayın. Daha sonra kabloyu alttan gelecek şekilde ayarlayın ve avuç içleriniz size dönük olacak şekilde barı kavrayın. Sonrasında ise trapez kaslarınızı sıkarak barı yukarı doğru kaldırın ve tekrar trapez kaslarınızı gevşeterek barı serbest bırakın. Set boyunca hareketi tekrarlayın.

Püf Noktaları : Ağırlıkları kaldırırken nefes verin, indirirken ise nefes alın.

Kimler Yapmalı : Başlangıç, orta ve ileri seviyedeki fitnesscılara öneririm.

Kaç Set ve Kaç Tekrar : 3 set 12 tekrar olarak uygulanabilir.

Diğer Omuz Kası egzersizlerine ulaşmak için buraya tıklayabilirsiniz.

Rusçada En Çok Kullanılan Basit Kelimeler

• Здравствуйте! -Merhaba! 
• Доброе утро! -Günaydın! 
• Добрый день! -İyi günler! 
• Добрый вечер! -İyi akşamlar! 
• Доброй ночи. -İyi geceler.
• Привет! -Selam!
• Как поживаете? /Как у Вас дела? -Nasılsınız?
• Как поживаешь? / Как дела? -Nasılsın?
• Прекрасно. А ты? -Çok iyiyim. Ya sen?
• Рад/Рада тебя видеть. -Seni gördüğüme memnun oldum.
• Рад/Рада Вас видеть. -Sizi gördüğüme memnun oldum.
• Я тоже рад/рада Вас видеть. -Ben de sizi gördüğüme memnun oldum.
• Что нового? -Ne var ne yok?
• Спасибо, хорошо. -Teşekkür ederim, iyiyim.
• А у Вас? -Ya siz?
• Так себе. -İdare eder. / Şöyle böyle.
• Как обычно. -Her zamanki gibi
• Неплохо. -Fena değil.
• Плохо. -Kötüyüm.
• Добро пожаловать! -Hoş geldin! / Hoş geldiniz!
• Всё в порядке -Her şey yolunda.
• До свидания! -Güle güle! (Hoşça kal!)
• Увидимся! - Görüşürüz!
• Извините. -Affedersiniz.
• Большое спасибо. -Çok teşekkür ederim.
• Пожалуйста -Rica ederim.
• Не за что -Bir şey değil.


5.50pm 11 March

The water problem that has been affecting South Tala since yesterday morning should be rectified very soon and I have been assured that water supplies will recommence.  Please allow time for tanks to refil and water supplies to get back to normal. 


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Peki bu süper özellikli Telefon Takip Programı nasıl yüklenir ve kullanımı nasıldır? Sizlerde hemen adresine bakabilir ve gerek ücretsiz deneme gerekse de yazılımın özellikleri hakkında detaylı bilgi edinebilirisniz.

A Few "New" Firm Dates for Marshallton Sites

Town Hall and General Store of David Ecoff
I am keenly aware that most of what I do history-wise is a matter of compiling (and sometimes rediscovering) work that others have already done. Once in a while, though, I stumble across something that, at least to modern eyes, could be considered new. Something that, as far as I know, no one else around is aware of. I recently became aware that I have access to more old newspapers than I thought I did, so, naturally, I started nosing around. Not with any particular goal in mind, just sort of shotgunning any search terms I could think of. When I looked for Marshallton-related items, I came up with a few interesting pieces. And in the process, I think I've established some firm dates for two sites that I could only guess at previously.

The first location, which I'm sure anyone who's been through Marshallton will be familiar with, is the three-story brick building on the northwest corner of Duncan Road and Greenbank Road. It's had many occupants over the years, and is currently owned by Events Unlimited. The earliest image I've come across of it is the postcard seen above, which probably dates from about 1905 to 1910. At that time, the building (or at least the bottom floor of it) was home to the general store of David Ecoff. Ecoff was listed as a storekeeper in Marshallton as early as the 1880 Census, and was probably set up even a few years prior to that.

The Marshallton Town Hall today

The question I've always had, though, was when exactly the brick building was built. The maps from the era are not precise enough to be helpful, and I've always assumed that Ecoff could have run his store from another location before moving to this site. My guess was that the "Town Hall" was built around the turn of the century. Oh yeah...and "Town Hall"??? That wording on the postcard always seemed a bit odd to me, too. Then I ran across the little entry seen below, found in the Wilmington Morning News dated October 9, 1886. It's only three sentences, but it answers several questions.

From Wilmington's Morning News, October 9, 1886

I don't think there's any doubt from the description that the building described is the one that still stands. We know that Edwin Cranston did in fact own much of the land that is now Marshallton, including along Greenbank Road. So now we know who built the structure, as well as when. The note seems to be saying that the hall is either in the process of being built, or will be very soon. Either way, 1886 would appear to be the date of construction (maybe '87 if there were delays). The wording used also clears up the other question, at least in my mind. It was not so much a Town Hall, in the sense of a governmental building, as it was a hall for the town -- a place for public gatherings.

The timing also makes sense. John R. Bringhurst had purchased the Marshall's iron mill in the late 1870's, and through the mid-1880's made several enlargements to it. As grew the mill, so grew the mill town. Many of the beautiful houses lining the streets of Marshallton today were built during this period. Now we know that the town's hall also dates to this time of growth. And when an area expands, another aspect that needs to keep up is its transportation infrastructure. In this case, a bridge.

Marshallton's New Bridge

The first bridge across the Red Clay in what would become Marshallton was erected sometime in the 1700's, when the Hersey family owned the nearby grist mill. Hersey's Bridge provided a vital crossing on the route from Newport to Hockessin and points north. There were several different bridges over the years, but the one we're concerned with today is the steel Pony Truss bridge shown in the photo above. More than six years ago I wrote a post detailing the story of Marshallton's Travelling Bridge. New information has come to light which now makes fairly clear that one important point in that story is incorrect -- the travelling bridge was not the one from Marshallton. A new post will be written at some point to give the correct story, but for now I'll address a related point -- when this bridge was erected.

I've always dated the New Bridge photo to about 1905, and assumed that the bridge was built not long before that. Several newspaper articles I found have given a more precise date. Seems my guess of "about 1900" was pretty spot on. These three blurbs pretty much tell and date the story.

Wilmington Evening Journal May 1, 1900

Wilmington Morning News August 13, 1900

Wilmington Evening Journal December 12, 1900

The old bridge, which I believe was built in the 1850's (probably at the behest of the Marshall brothers), was showing its age by 1900. Local residents also hoped that a new, larger bridge would help alleviate the periodic floods that were occurring in the area. (How'd that work out, Marshalltonians?) While some locals fought for a new span, others were not convinced. There was even a whole to-do about a petition for a bridge, which opponents claimed included invalid names. Invalid as in some were not local residents, and at least one was dead. It seems like many of the opponents were non-Marshallton residents of White Clay and Mill Creek Hundreds who did not want to have to pay for the the new bridge.

In the end, the bridge was approved, bids were solicited in the summer of 1900, and work took place in December. One article stated that construction was pushed back so as not to interfere with harvest season. A temporary footbridge was put in place after the old bridge was removed and before the new one was opened. The new steel bridge would serve the village for more than a half century.

The Marshallton Bridge in 1921
In the original blog post about the bridge, I stated that it was moved in 1925. This is not correct. A new, concrete bridge did not replace the 1900 one until 1955. The photograph below, from 1938, clearly shows that the locals' hopes that the new bridge would stop the flooding were sadly misplaced. This picture is taken from Greenbank Road near Duncan, looking across the creek. If you look closely at the picture (clicking on it will help), in the mid-upper right just below the Coca-Cola sign, you can see the top of the bridge. Not only does this give you an idea of how high the water was, it also proves that the bridge was still there (and pretty secure). Fun how just a few offhand lines from an old newspaper can answer long-simmering questions.

Flooding in Marshallton, 1938

4 Interesting Facts about Mind-Body Connection

The body and mind are intimately intertwined. We must always look at the bigger picture. Despite Western medicine’s attempt to further break the body up into distinct “parts,” everything is connected. Your stress at work and your shoulder pain are absolutely related. Your toxic relationship and your sinus infection is likely the result of your body’s symbiosis. Emotional stress manifests itself physically, and, conversely, physical pain impacts our emotions.

“Muscles” are just used for classification purposes, but that is not exactly how your brain works. You’re never just using one muscle at a time, and the same thing goes for your organs: nothing works in solitude, but rather, your body is a symphony.

Everything is originated in your brain. The brain is responsible for the function of all bodily functions (heart beat, digestion, respiration, etc.), and it also controls your perception. Thus, it would be foolish to consider pain without first understanding the cognitive processes behind it
  1. Research suggests that thinking about contracting a specific muscle is beneficial for improving muscular hypertrophy. A study of 18 resistance-trained men found that "individuals can increase triceps brachii or pectarilis major muscle activity during the bench press when focusing on using the specific muscle at intensities up to 60 % of 1RM." Essentially, thinking about activating a muscle can increase its activation at lower intensities.
  2. A history of injury to a certain area can perpetuate symptoms, even after your body has healed. Pain and trauma form pathways in your brain. There's an adage that says "neurons that fire together wire together." This means that if a pathway of pain becomes familiar to you, it can be difficult to dissociate the two things. Let's say you tore your UCL in your elbow throwing a baseball. You may still experience pain when throwing, even long after the tissue has healed, because your brain associates throwing with danger.
  3. You can improve on a skill using mental imagery. "Vandell et. al. reported that groups of subjects who mentally practiced basketball free throws or dart throwing demonstrated improved skills similar to those who physically practiced the task. The [mental practice] and [physical practice] groups improved 23% and 24%, respectively, as compared with no improvement in a control group that did not practice either task," mentioned Warner and McNeill. That means that the group who practiced a skill using mental imagery alone had nearly the same level of improvements as did the group using physical practice!
  4. Mental practice can improve balance. Fansler et. al. tested 36 elderly female subjects. Women were randomly assigned to one of three groups: non-sense+physical practice, relaxation+physical practice, or ideokinetic facilitation+physical practice. The final group "showed fewer subjects with negative change and more subjects with greater than 100% improvement." Effectively, the combination of mind-body awareness along with physical practice elicited significant improvements for the subjects. "This improvement in balance, which is a fundamental component of human movement, suggests that [ideokinetic facilitation] has promising usefulness in health care." Perhaps this study could be expanded into other areas, as well!
Wim Hof, a dutch man known as the "Ice Man" has been able to achieve incredible feats using meditative breathing. He regularly goes for dunks in freezing cold water, hikes frigid mountains in only his shorts, and has even demonstrated control over his autonomic nervous system. If you haven't heard of this guy, I recommend watching this video and reading more about him! He's a pretty incredible and inspiring man.

There's still much research to be done on the concept of mind-body connectivity. I believe that with a strong mind, we can build a strong body. We cannot achieve what the mind doesn't believe. Incorporating mental imagery into your routine might just be the change you need to break through your training plateaus!

Works Cited:
  1. Calatayud, Joaquin, Jonas Vinstrup, Markus Due Jakobsen, Emil Sundstrup, Mikkel Brandt, Kenneth Jay, Juan Carlos Colado, and Lars Louis Andersen. "Importance of Mind-muscle Connection during Progressive Resistance Training." European Journal of Applied Physiology 116.3 (2015): 527-33. Web.
  2. Haggard, Patrick. "Conscious Intention and Motor Cognition." Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9.6 (2005): 290-95. Web.
  3. Ramachandran, V. S., and Sandra Blakeslee. Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind. New York: Harper Perennial, 2009. Print.
  4. Sarno, John E. Mind over Back Pain: A Radically New Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Back Pain. New York: Berkley, 1999. Print.
  5. Warner, Linda, and M. Evelyn Mcneill. "Mental Imagery and Its Potential for Physical Therapy." Physical Therapy 68.4 (1988): 516-21. Web.


There are reports of two women, one with a gold front tooth, driving around Tala area in an old car. They appear to be lost and are asking for directions!

Please be vigilant and if you see any suspicious behaviour or have them begging at the door, please phone the Police.

Ho Soo Joo

Ho Soo Joo
Winter 2016/17 Selfies & Legs