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Eriten ne demektir ? Boya sanayinde eriten ne demektir ?

Eriten : Bir isimdir . eritmek ‘ ten erit – en şeklinde türetilmiştir . Kimya ile ilgilidir . Katı haldeki maddeleri eritme niteliği gösteren sıvı maddedir .

Boya sanayinde eriten : Vernik veya benzeri tabakaların kurutulması sırasında kullanılan , tabaka oluşmasına imkan vermeyen , kurutma sırasında hemen uçan sıvı maddedir . En çok kullanılanları arasında terebentin yağı , nafta eriteni , su , hidrokarbonların klorlü türevleri ( trikloretilen ) , bazı alkoller , eterler , katonlar ( asetonlar ) , esterler sayılabilir .

[16.12.2014] Ranking Box BTS Röportajı - Best 3

En genç üye Jungkook'a tur boyunca her zaman yanında getireceği en iyi 3 eşyayı sorduk

1.Akıllı Telefon

"Arabada, otelde ve sahne arkasında her zaman taşıdığım gerçekten gerekli bir eşya. Akıllı telefon taşıyorsam sıkılmıyorum, çünkü oyun oynayabiliyor, müzik dinleyebiliyor ve video izleyebiliyorum." 

2.Banyo (Kişisel Bakım) Malzemeleri

“Yemek yedikten hemen sonra dişlerimi fırçalamazsam kendimi gerçekten çok kötü hissediyorum! Bu yüzden, banyo malzemeleri en önemli eşyalarımdan biri!”

3.Sırt Çantası

“Çanta çok önemli bir eşya; çünkü çanta olmazsa eşyalarımı getiremem.”

Lider Rap Monster'a en sevdiği 3 Japon sanatçıyı sorduk

1.Nujabes & M-Flo

"Onları gerçekten çok seviyorum. Tüm müziklerini seviyorum. Hep bu tarz beat/melodi ile müzik çalışmak/yapmak istemişimdir. Nujabes'in sevdiğim şarkıları; Luv(sic) Part2, The Space Between Two Worlds, Aruarian Dance. M-Flo'nun ise, Let Go ve Miss U şarkılarını seviyorum."


Bu müzikte Japon hislerini alabilmeyi seviyorum. En sevdiğim şarkıları ise; Endless Rain ve Crucify My Love.


Rapi çok kendine özgü ve havalı. En sevdiğim şarkısı ise; JUNJI TAKADA ve G.O.L.D.

(Adminot: Diğer üyelerin açıklamaların İngilizce çevirisini henüz görmediğimiz için sadece başlıklarını paylaşabiliyoruz. İngilizce çevirisini bulduktan sonra güncelleyeceğiz^^)

V'nin En Sevdiği 3 Japon Animesi
1. One Piece
2. Haikyu
3. Digimon

Jimin'in Önerdiği En İyi 3 Spor Hareketi
1. Barfiks
2. Ağırlık Kaldırma
3. Mekik

J-Hope'un İlham Aldığı 3 Sanatçı
1. J-Cole
2. A$AP Rocky
3. Kendrick Lamar

SUGA'n İlham Aldığı 3 Sanatçı
1. Epik High
2. T.I.
3. Kanye West

Jin'in En Sevdiği Üç Film
1. Matrix Serisi
2. Werewolf Boy
3. Miracle in Cell No. 7

Türkçe Çeviri: Nastia & Golden_v@BTSTurkey
Eng Trans: btsdiary

Behind the Neck Exercises: Do You Need Them?

For every exercise, there's an equal and opposite, behind-the-neck variation. Behind-the-neck lat pull-downs, pull-ups, push presses, strict presses, are just a few examples of exercises I've seen people try to do behind their necks. Perhaps they're trying to hit the same muscle groups in a new way, or target different muscles altogether. Regardless of the reason, I am not generally a fan of the behind-the-neck training club.

Given the overwhelming number of shoulders stuck in internal rotation and spines stuck in kyphosis for the average desk-worker or sedentary individual, many people already come into the gym with a slew of shoulder restrictions and postural limitations. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. Because of the huge range of motion in the joint, many people have poor stability overhead. Men and women alike suffer from scapular flaring (see below) as a result of lifestyle habits and poor posture.
She may look like she's at peace, but she's forcing her shoulders into an unstable position!
It is often difficult enough for someone to maintain shoulder stability in the traditional variations of a pull-up or strict press. Now, once you start trying to do these movements behind the neck, you're just reinforcing a dangerous position that may lead to pain or injury in the future.

For starters, let's analyze the neck position of someone doing an exercise behind his neck.

If you've read my previous posts, you understand that the position of the neck impacts the position of the rest of the spine. This particular...gentleman is obviously very muscular. Despite this, however, his cervical spine (neck) is flexed, and he is reinforcing the dreaded forward head posture ("chicken head" posture). This exercise may be counterproductive for him as it could potentially lead to some neck pain down the line.

Now, let's move on to what might be happening to the shoulders in a movement like the lat-pull downs in the above photo.

As the result of the neck position, (because the human body works as a chain) his shoulder stability is also compromised. Ideally, his scapula should slide down the ribcage as he pulls the bar towards his traps. However, if the shoulders are internally rotated, the shoulder blade tilts forward and slopes off of the ribcage.

Many Olympic lifting coaches teach jerks or presses behind the neck, because it enables the athlete to keep his torso more upright in the dip. Unfortunately, for most, this might also damage the integrity of the shoulder position in order to maintain a vertical torso.

In an ideal situation, a behind-the neck exercise might be beneficial for an athlete. Unfortunately, the shoulder position is often compromised. If you have had shoulder issues in the past, you more than likely lack mobility or stability in the shoulder joint, and these types of exercises will just exacerbate your issues.

Unless you are certain you can sustain an ideal position in a behind the neck exercise, perhaps your routine is better off without them!

Apron Patterns

 These are a few recent acquisitions to the pattern collection. This first one is a charmer! Early 1950's. A lovely apron that is flattering one for everyone with lots of coverage. Also included is a pot holder pattern. Love the polka dots of the one in the lower right hand corner.  
The first thing my sisters said when they saw it was, "I need one of those!". 

 This one is mid-50's. A hostess style apron. A little too many ruffles and bows for my taste, but the overall shape is very cute. 

I was very excited to see the applique transfers still in the pattern! I love all the options this pattern gives one. Late 1940's.

And how could a resist this elegant 1940's nightgown!?! (Even though I don't usually wear nightgowns, I am thinking maybe I need one)
I remember when old patterns were sold for a $.50 or a $1. The prices are crazy these days! So I was really excited to find these patterns for under $5 each. 



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The Mill Creek Hundred Blanket, or Banner, or Something

In a recent post I lamented the fact that as far as the Mill Creek Hundred area goes, there often seems to be a limited amount of information out there to be found. Many a time an investigation has stalled because that key piece of information just can't be tracked down. With the size and historic population density of MCH, it stands to reason that the same limitations hold true for items and artifacts, too.

In a perfect world, I'd have time to scour through yard sales, resale shops, and antique shops looking for MCH-related items (and have the money to buy them, but one fantasy at a time). With the mental catalogue I've put together the last few years, I'd have a decent chance at recognizing relevant items. I'd mostly have to be looking for recognizable structures (in photos) and names of businesses and families to link them to MCH. You wouldn't normally expect an item to just have "Mill Creek Hundred" written across it in big letters, right? Except, of course, for when it does. Like now.

As you can see, the item above has exactly that. A little while back, Tom Gardner posted the above photograph over on the blog's Facebook page, asking if anyone might know what it is. So far, no luck. Where he found it, he was told it might be a horse blanket that once belonged to the fire company. Since he happens to belong to the fire company himself and hadn't seen anything like it before, he was skeptical. For what it's worth, I am, too.

I haven't seen the item in person, nor am I a horse person, so I can't really say for sure whether it is or is not a horse blanket. Several things, though, lead me to believe that it doesn't have anything to do with the fire company. For one, the Mill Creek Fire Company was founded in 1927. While I suppose it's possible that they may have had a ceremonial one, they didn't use horses so wouldn't have had need for an embroidered blanket. Secondly, unlike, say, the Brandywine Hundred Fire Company, there's no "Hundred" in Mill Creek's name. So if it were theirs, it had the wrong name on it.

Somehow I feel that if we can determine what this item is, we may find it to be an important artifact. The reason it's so unusual is the fact that it has "Mill Creek Hd." written on it. And while we may tend to think of MCH as a distinct area, remember that it's not an incorporated town, city, or village. There was no Mill Creek Hundred council or anything like that, and no real need to have anything with the name on it. In fact, the only other item at all like it that I can think of is the 1844 Election Flag. I can't even think of any other group, business, or organization that would need anything like this.

As far as wild speculation goes, if it is indeed a horse blanket, the only thing I can think of is maybe it was made for the hundred's tax assessor, or maybe used by a census enumerator. Beyond that, I'm stumped by this one, and I'm willing to entertain any ideas that anyone wants to throw out here. Can you think of what this might be? Who might have made it? Have you seen anything like this anywhere else?

Dışarıda yağmur içeride portakal kokusu ve ben "Eski Yağmurları Dinliyorum"

Nasılda birden bire bastırdı yağmur! hem de ne yağmak… ahmak ıslatan değil bu! Hem dolu hem sulu bir yağmur yağmakta…pencereden bakarken, uzaktan görünen deniz duman-altı olmuş adeta!..göz gözü görmüyor. Karardı her yan..sis, pus, tufan ki, ne tufan!..

Bir an düşündüm de, hani av için hava koşullarının uygun olduğunu düşünüp de gafil avlanan balıkçı tekneleri, denizciler acaba şimdi


Tudem'in Türkçe kitabında TDK kurallarına haykırı olarak ambulans yerine ambulance yazılmasını yakıştıramadım.

Big Lorenzo Becker from France


Kayahan - Elmanın Yarısı

Kayahan - Elmanın Yarısı

Bana bu aşkın lazım
Bana yalan dünyada
Denize düşmüş kalbim
Boğulur imdatlarda

Bana bu aşkın lazım
Bana hep illaki sen
Bir el ver yardım et
Bir nefes bir medet 

Vallahi billahi, vallahi billahi.. alem fani!
Ben yorgun seyyahım, sen güzel siyahım
Usul usul yavaşça şöyle
Sokul bana sokul kal öyle
Sıram gelip hayat bitince
Bu elmanın yarısı olmayacak