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vintage patterns etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
vintage patterns etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Apron Patterns

 These are a few recent acquisitions to the pattern collection. This first one is a charmer! Early 1950's. A lovely apron that is flattering one for everyone with lots of coverage. Also included is a pot holder pattern. Love the polka dots of the one in the lower right hand corner.  The first...

How about a bit of Pink?

In honor of Valentine's Day I thought I would share a few of my favorite pink sewing patterns. Aren't they beautif...

1930s Coat Pattern and........a Surprise!

 A couple of weekends ago, I decided to play hooky, ditch all the Saturday chores and visit a new antique store! It was great fun! This is one of the goodies I picked up. The price was fabulous, I snatched it up so quick I didn't even look at it properly. Isn't it smashing? So very Loretta Young/...

1940s Blue Summer Dress

In looking through my pictures today, trying to find something to post, I came across this dress. Isn't it so cheerful and summery? Perfect for today!Now I know you all know I love vintage things, aprons and sewing, but did you know I like to dabble in sewing vintage dresses too? (I am sure you all...

The New Winter Lounge-wear Look

I don't usually like to share my sewing projects until they are finished. One never knows what might happen, it might just take a long time, it might not turn out like you planned and you wouldn't be caught dead in it, it might need a bit of something else(what else you are not sure?), so you look at...

A Few Small Treasures

Two weeks ago, I was able to go to a local antique fair. Was it fun!! I don't know if all antique fairs are the same way, but the vendors were more then eager to bargain! Something I am not use to. Thankfully I didn't fall in love with anything pricey and was able to stay within my allotted...

Newest Additions to the Collection

Well Friends, I did not make a walk away dress last weekend. Couldn't find the right fabric. It was probably too many choices! We went to a quilt shop in the next town over that we don't get to very often. I bought some wonderful apron fabric! But nothing that said walk away dress. I didn't have a clear...

The Butterick Walk Away Dress

In poking around the internet today, I came across the story of the "Walk Away Dress". "During the 1950s, Butterick experienced a phenomenon it had not known since the 'Garibaldi Suit' of the late 1860s. It was pattern 6015, and it was dubbed the 'walk-away' dress, because it was so easy you could "Start...

More patterns!!

While I was in Texas, we found a pattern bonanza! Here are a few highlights.What am I going to do with them all? Rearrange my drawers I guess. Out go the shoes, in go the patterns!I have no idea how many I got. The first time we went I bought 24.... Embroidery patterns for pillow cases and dish...

Summer Vacation!

I just got back from a weeks vacation! In sunny Texas! As you can see I had a few posts scheduled while I was gone. But it is going to take me a few days to get back to "normal". Just wanted to let everyone know I hadn't fallen off the edge of the world. In the meantime, enjoy this blast of summerness!

Don't you love it? Those bright colors. So tropical and sunny! This is either late 30s or early 40s. The height of the "Tropical/South American" fad. Who didn't need a little "sun" at that time, just getting over the depression and then starting a world war.
It also reminds me of Carmen Miranda! Was she not the absolute picture of "Sunny South America"?