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china etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
china etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Speaking to History: The Story of King Goujian in Twentieth-Century China

Speaking to History: The Story of King Goujian in Twentieth-Century ChinaPaul A. Cohen is Professor of History Emeritus at Wellesley College and Associate of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University. In his book, Speaking to History: The Story of King Goujian in Twentieth-Century...

Ohnesorge: A Hurstian View on Chinese Econonomic Development

John K.M. Ohnesorge, University of Wisconsin Law School, has posted Development is Not a Dinner Party: A Hurstian Perspective on Law and Growth in China, which is forthcoming in the Wisconsin Law Review Forward:Much has been written, and remains to be written, about the many roles law has played in China’s economic development since 1978. Without minimizing the value of what has been written so far,...

Zhu on China Suzerainty over Tibet and Mongolia

Yuan Yi Zhu, Stipendiary Lecturer in Politics at Pembroke College, Oxford, has published Suzerainty, Semi-Sovereignty, and International Legal Hierarchies on China's Borderlands, in the Asian Journal of International Law:The concept of semi-sovereignty, a now obsolete category of international entities possessing limited sovereignty, remains hazily understood. However, the historical examination of...

Du on filiality and falsity in Qing China

Last year, Yue Du (Cornell University) published "Policies and Counterstrategies: State-Sponsored Filiality and False Accusation in Qing China" in the International Journal of Asian Studies 16 (2019), 79-97. Here's the abstract: Using court cases culled from various national and local archives in China, this article examines two strategies widely employed by Qing litigants to manipulate...

Japanese Invasion Of China 1931-45: RARE (LARGE) IMAGES

Everybody believes that World War II began on September 1, 1939 with the German attack on Poland. But the Chinese are convinced that the war  began much earlier! Some say in  1931 - Japanese invasion of Manchuria; others put it on July 7, 1937 - when, using the armed incident in the area Lugoutsyao...