Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Audio Books etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Audio Books etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Lijian Zhao posted the fake image on Monday

China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Lijian Zhao posted the fake image on MondayHowever it did find "credible evidence" of unlawful killings and a "warrior culture" within elite units. The allegations included that junior soldiers were encouraged to shoot prisoners for their first ki...

Of the Seattle Mariners Part - 3 , Baseball has helped fill that void. by Bayram Cigerli

Of the Seattle Mariners  Part - 3 , Baseball has helped fill that void.  by Bayram Cigerli Baseball has helped fill that void.  I love baseball.  I don’t think there is a more appropriate way to put it than that; I LOVE BASEBALL.  Everything about it: 10 to 9 games, 1 to...

Of the Seattle Mariners Part - 2 by Bayram Cigerli

Of the Seattle Mariners  Part - 2 by Bayram Cigerli It just so happened that during this time, the Mariners had also decided to be a fun team with winning ways.  The year 1995 was the year of the Mariners.  They had icons of the game, along with a future icon.  The team was...