Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Baseball etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Baseball etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

My Complicated Relationship with Mike Zunino , by Bayram Cigerli

My Complicated Relationship with Mike Zunino , by Bayram Cigerli My Complicated Relationship with Mike ZuninoSeveral years ago our Seattle Mariners took a catcher from the University of Florida (his choice of school could have been a clue) with the #3 pick in the draft.  This catcher was going...

Orange Friday

This week was a short and fast one, as I had Monday off. It was nice to have a four day week, especially with some of thing things that have been going on around here, but it really did make for a busy and quick week! The high of my week was...I will say it in a photo. What an exciting week! This photo...

Wordless Monday

Did you watch the game? If not, what did you do yesterday?...

Random Rambles

Lately it's pretty much all Giants all the time around here. Sorry. In a week, we will have won and you won't have to hear about them for...5 more months. Actually there are a few other things going on in my six minute mind these days.- (Spoiler Alert: Mom, don't read this part) Last night after work...

Last Week (5)

Have you ever felt like your brain only operated for a few minutes at a time? Do you know how lawyers bill in 6 minute increments? My brain lately has been billing in 6 minute increments. Once the 6 minutes is over, a new billing cycle begins and the old one is forgotten, paid, finished. You know when...

Run Home Barry!

They announced it on the radio. In order to get tickets you had to go to the stadium and get a bracelet. Only 5000 people would get one. I didn't think there was a chance in you-know-where that I would get one. I was at work and luckily I had an awesome co-manager who let me leave work to go see if...

Baseball and Other Sports in the Town of Huntington Display

The Huntington Historical Society joins the library and the Long Island Reads program to exhibit sports that were played by local families of the early 20th century. The Huntington Historical Society has a wonderful collection of artifacts that represent the rich heritage of the Town.The display consists of sports memorabilia that has been donated by town residents over the years. Among the items...