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English Article etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
English Article etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Why the vast emptiness of space isn't really that empty after all

Why the vast emptiness of space isn't really that empty after allSpace-time may seem empty, but the expanse between stars is filled with more interesting stuff than you may think, writes Chanda Prescod-Weinst...

Remote-learning technology just isn't good enough and won't be soon

Remote-learning technology just isn't good enough and won't be soonHome schooling in the coronavirus pandemic has been the time for educational technology to shine, but flaws have meant it hasn't lived up to its promise, says Justin Re...

Why you probably aren't as moral as you think you are

Why you probably aren't as moral as you think you areThanks to virtual reality, we can run experiments that test what people will do in situations where lives are on the line. We often find people act against what they claim to regard as morally acceptable, says Sylvia Terb...

Email should be obsolete by now, so why are we still using it?

Email should be obsolete by now, so why are we still using it?Email is often slow, dull and annoying, yet its dogged determination has allowed it to weather dramatic changes in technology over the decades, writes Annalee New...

Neetu Kapoor is Rehearsing for Ranbir Kapoor- Alia Bhatt's Wedding? Video Below

 Neetu Kapoor is Rehearsing for Ranbir Kapoor- Alia Bhatt's Wedding? Video BelowA video of Neetu Kapoor rehearsing dance steps on Ranbir Kapoor's song has gone viral and fans are assuming it's for RK and Alia Bhatt's wedding. Watch the Video here...Are they or are they not? Since last year rumour...

My Complicated Relationship with Mike Zunino , by Bayram Cigerli

My Complicated Relationship with Mike Zunino , by Bayram Cigerli My Complicated Relationship with Mike ZuninoSeveral years ago our Seattle Mariners took a catcher from the University of Florida (his choice of school could have been a clue) with the #3 pick in the draft.  This catcher was going...

Of the Seattle Mariners Part - 3 , Baseball has helped fill that void. by Bayram Cigerli

Of the Seattle Mariners  Part - 3 , Baseball has helped fill that void.  by Bayram Cigerli Baseball has helped fill that void.  I love baseball.  I don’t think there is a more appropriate way to put it than that; I LOVE BASEBALL.  Everything about it: 10 to 9 games, 1 to...

Of the Seattle Mariners Part - 2 by Bayram Cigerli

Of the Seattle Mariners  Part - 2 by Bayram Cigerli It just so happened that during this time, the Mariners had also decided to be a fun team with winning ways.  The year 1995 was the year of the Mariners.  They had icons of the game, along with a future icon.  The team was...

Of the Seattle Mariners Part - 1

Of the Seattle Mariners  Part - 1  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same result (the internet says Albert Einstein said that, but the educated historian in me, knows he probably didn’t).   Insanity...that’s a good way to put it, I guess. ...

Good Lookin', May

Good Lookin', MayIt’s pretty safe to say that if you grew up in Spokane you are familiar with the Hutton Settlement.  The Hutton settlement is that community of four three story cottages north of Upriver drive on Argonne; the property is currently on the National Registry of Historic Places. ...

Hotel Lincoln/ Electric Hotel

Hotel Lincoln/ Electric HotelFifty miles west of Spokane lay the small town of Harrington, WA.  Built on the backs of wheat farmers and the Great Northern Railroad, this town boasted something a little unexpected: it’s very own five star hotel.  On January 11, 1902, the doors to the Hotel...

The Civil Wargasm

The Civil WargasmThe reading of Confederates in the Attic this week started with a visit with Shelby Foote in his home in Tennessee.  Foote is a well respected expert on the Civil War, who appeared and became famous in Ken Burn's documentary, The Civil War.  He speaks of the war much as Southerners...

The New South is the Old South

The New South is the Old SouthAfter reading the first half of Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War by Tony Horwitz, I've come to the conclusion that I would be fine if the South seceded again.  The book starts out nice enough with the reenactors in Virginia. ...

Everything in this world must adapt to the times,

Everything in this world must adapt to the times,Everything in this world must adapt to the times, and history is no different.  Whether it's sports, politics, whatever, the "new" way will be the "old"way by tomorrow.  You can't become complacent.  For the field of history this means...

Preserving the past

Preserving the pastSomething that is becoming more and more difficult to do is preserving histories around our country.  The public school system doesn't help, giving our youth the highlights in the K-12 system.  Historic sites and buildings are being lost to strip malls, parking garages,...

Shahid Kapoor to make his big digital debut with Raj & DK's thriller web series?

 Shahid Kapoor to make his big digital debut with Raj & DK's thriller web series?Reportedly,Raj and DK, the directors of Stree and The Family Man approached Shahid Kapoor for a thriller digital series and the actor has signed the deal...The digital space in the entertainment industry has evolved...

Night or Day for Shahid?

Night or Day for Shahid?Shahid Kapoor is a night person. Read on to know more.Most people believe in wrapping up their day's work before a good night's sleep. However, Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor follows a different routine altogether. Shahid is more of a night person and likes doing stuff during...