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fat loss etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
fat loss etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

What you should be doing today to get ready for summer!

Summer is here!  It is time for you to hit the weights or do body weight resistance training as well as  clean up your eating!

Lifting weight will help build lean muscle to fuel your metabolism.  It takes more calories to maintain muscle weight than fat.  This is the first step at getting the fat reduced.  You should be strength training at  3 times a week.

Next step is to add more fruit and vegetables to your diet.  You should have a vegetable at each meal.  Vegetables also make the best snacks because the water dense and low in calories.

Work Out Smarter, Not Longer!

Work Out Smarter, Not Longer!

Along with teaching good eating habits, AllyFitness is all about efficiency. Our programs are all about teaching you how to get the most from your workout in two ways.  First, you don’t have to spend endless hours in a gym to reach your fitness goals (we all have lives to live, right?).  Studies show shorter, more intense workouts can maximize your results even better.  Second, these programs train your body to keep burning calories at a higher rate long after your workout is over. The way these two goals are met is through metabolic training.

What is Metabolic Training?
Metabolic training is a way of working out that increases the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) - a.k.a. the after-burn!  After-burn elevates the metabolism after exercise.  New studies indicate you can keep the after-burn effect going up to 24 to 48 hours after high intensity training.   The research basically states high intensity resistance training (85% of maximum effort) increases EPOC significantly when compared to low intensity training.  What does this mean for you?  If you perform circuit weight training using a weight that challenges you at a high intensity, you will increase the EPOC and burn more FAT– which is what we want!  Preserve the muscle, burn the fat!  Working at higher intensity levels also reduces the workout time.LADIES – do not be afraid to lift heavy weight.  You need to work out with weights that challenge you.balance exercise and eating

Blast the Fat Friday!

Fat loss is a process that takes time, patience, persistence and effort.  That being said, it doesn't mean you have to spend hours in the gym doing cardio.  Remember high intensity workouts will get you faster results!

Try this for a great total body fat blaster!

TRX row or lat pull down
Stability ball push up (legs on ball or hands on ball)
Dumbbell squat with overhead press
Stability ball hamstring curls
Floor Push ups (any version that works for you)
one leg squats
standing mountain climbers
10-12 reps each exercise - repeat circuit 1 to 2 times

1 minute water break

4 min. Tabata HIIT circuit
Skaters (lateral leaps) 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
squat jumps - 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
Burpees with med ball or BOSU 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
Jump rope or step ups 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
Plyo jacks 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
Jumping jacks 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
Skaters (lateral leaps) 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
Step ups 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest

Finish this up with stretching and a plank!  Eat a healthy post workout meal and feel good that you have gotten this done for the day!