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Exercise Should Be Personal and Dynamic - There Is Literally Something for Everyone

So many times people believe that in order to begin an effective training programme, they must do some kind of soul destroying activity that will result in misery. The thought of breaking out into anything more than a brisk walk is enough to fill even the most determined would be exerciser with dread. Is there a better way, or should you just forget the thought of exercising altogether?

As you'll already know, it's important to participate in some form of regular exercise, but many of us don't. Exercise is proven to reduce the risks of hypertension, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, bowel cancer, depression, breast cancer, and is also a great stress buster. So why is it that a significant number of us still fail to integrate exercise into our lives, despite the stresses of modern living and constant reminders of the risks involved with living a sedentary lifestyle?

There is a huge misconception when it comes to exercise intensity, many people think that unless you're going all out then it's unlikely that you'll see any benefit. This isn't necessarily the truth, although we burn more calories and put our bodies systems under more 'good' stress when exercising at a higher intensity, there is still much to be gained by staying within your comfort zone if it means that you'll stick with it. If you can aim to push your comfort zone a little then fine, your body will adapt to anything that you do, so you can progress at your chosen discipline and eventually see greater benefits. However, it still remains true that the benefits of exercise are present at lower intensities than you'd expect; anything is better than nothing.

There is also a misconception as to what is valid exercise, when you consider that we do very little activity from day to day in general it wasn't always this way. Even 30 years ago, lifestyles were far more taxing. Exercise is often categorised into either aerobic, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and stress management, when considering that we took part in all of these things quite naturally right from our humble beginnings then it shouldn't really be too hard for you to integrate them with little drama. Walking, running, exercise classes, playing with the children, swimming... the list is endless, as long as you're getting your heart pumping all is good! Just be sure to vary your routine a little. I would say that what we possibly miss most is lifting as we have numerous aids, so buy some dumbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, or even a medicine ball and get creative, there are options. Also, bear in mind good posture 24/7 and if need to be seek advice from your GP.

A key thought would be enjoyment, as long as you're active and enjoying it you will stick with it. Let's take children for example, the amount of energy they have is astonishing and they are incredibly active when left to their own devices (away from the television!) but you have to admit that it's seldom that they do things they don't enjoy. There is so much variety where exercise is concerned, find something you love and replace passive entertainment (TV, consoles, films etc) with active entertainment such as zumba, boxercise, circuits, walking etc. If you're struggling for options, hire a certified personal trainer for a few sessions and make it their mission to find out what it is that you enjoy most, simple.

In summary being active isn't all that hard, you shouldn't focus too much on the benefits to begin with and just focus on doing something that you take part in for stimulation. Remember this: you must first regain it, then use it or lose it.

As a former Royal Marines Commando and REP's Level 3 Personal Trainer based in Cheltenham, UK, Matt Goodman cuts straight to the heart of weight loss, focusing on the array of issues surrounding successful lifestyle change.


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Are There 7 Easy Ways To Lose Weight? What You Need to Know About Getting Healthy and Fit Again

In the last couple of years each year sees the launch of easy ways to lose weight with the hyped up launch of a new magic pill solution. These programs usually promise 3, 5 or 7 easy ways to lose weight. Why these numbers you might ask. The answer is very simple: it's just a marketing technique to grab people's attention. It has nothing to do with the products or their effectiveness. This article will aim to give you cornerstones you can rely on when you are planning to get healthy and fit again.

With the new spring on our heels everybody starts to think about losing weight and becoming more healthy and fit. Like many mass marketed products from the past, this year is definitely bringing a brand new magic solution. Savvy people who have fallen prey to such promises several times know that the real solution to getting healthy and fit lies somewhere else. Their problem is that they don't know where to look and how to start being actively involved in taking their well being into their hands.

What you need to know first of all is that you need to do some sort of exercise in order to get your body "oiled" again to work flawlessly and well. What has been demonstrated countless times is that without doing some kind of exercise you won't achieve long lasting results. What's more, you even harm your body more than if you left it alone especially with the artificial supplements that don't give the body the needed vitamins, flavonoids and enzymes; instead they burden the body down and cause it to work even harder to get rid of this artificial stuff the body cannot utilize.

As you can probably tell by now, in order to get healthy and fit again you MUST start doing exercise. The question is what type of exercise to chose, how much time to spend initially on a daily basis and what brings great results in a short space of time. These are highly important questions as you don't want to end up with a heart attack on the first day because you started running after x years of inactivity thus exhausting your body with your sudden over activity. You need to start with a "light" program that is easy to do and you can fit it into your busy everyday life.

Luckily there are several alternative methods that give you just that: they are easy to learn, easy to do and they take up little time from your daily routine while bringing in great results. Usually you start feeling much better in your body within the first week of your practice and start getting healthier and fitter after each day. Chikong is one such great method with a history going back to more than 7000 years of effectiveness. The movements are easy to do and learn and what's more you can do them even while watching TV! It is considered an easy way to regain your well being as it requires little effort from you, while it brings fantastic results within a short period of time with a continued practice.

As a summary we can say that regardless of whether you only want to lose weight or get healthy and fit you must start with some form of exercise that helps you instead of doing more harm to your body. As I mentioned above, there is a great method that has all the prerequisites to get you off the road towards complete well being which is chikong. The beauty of it is that you not only get healthy and fit but you also enjoy doing it and especially the results the daily 15 minutes bring to you. As will likely be the case in not too little time chikong will rise to the top of its field of helping preserve your well being in the western world as well, as more and more people realize that the real solution to losing weight lies in methods that have proven to be effective for thousands of years.

Erzsebet Bogyo is an avid follower of the effective alternative methods. She runs an informational website that provides an online chikong course and also offers a free report to help people start taking their well being into their hands. To take advantage of this cool stuff and more make sure you check out Erzsebet's site at

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