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1950s etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
1950s etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Apron Patterns

 These are a few recent acquisitions to the pattern collection. This first one is a charmer! Early 1950's. A lovely apron that is flattering one for everyone with lots of coverage. Also included is a pot holder pattern. Love the polka dots of the one in the lower right hand corner.  
The first thing my sisters said when they saw it was, "I need one of those!". 

 This one is mid-50's. A hostess style apron. A little too many ruffles and bows for my taste, but the overall shape is very cute. 

I was very excited to see the applique transfers still in the pattern! I love all the options this pattern gives one. Late 1940's.

And how could a resist this elegant 1940's nightgown!?! (Even though I don't usually wear nightgowns, I am thinking maybe I need one)
I remember when old patterns were sold for a $.50 or a $1. The prices are crazy these days! So I was really excited to find these patterns for under $5 each. 

Vintage Kitchen Inspiration

Gordon Van Tine::1926

Here are a few vintage kitchens from Antique Home. I think I have mentioned this website before, they have a fabulous collection of house plans and interiors from the 1900-1960. One of my favorite place to go for inspiration! 
I loved seeing how kitchens changed over the years. From simple and functional in the 20's to colorful, modern and efficient in the 50's.  
1920's Modern Kitchen

These two 1920's kitchens are mostly concerned with a functional and sanitary place to prepare meals. Not a lot of cupboard space, but massive sinks with hot and cold running water!

This 1934 kitchen is a little warmer. Still not much cabinetry and did you notice the ice box by the back entry? Easily accessible for the iceman. I love the breakfast nook, a favorite in the 20's and 30's.

Hotpoint Kitchens - 1947
The 1940's brought big changes to kitchens, lots of new materials like Formica and plastics. Color everywhere and modern appliances like the dishwasher!

1947 Farm Kitchen
I love how so many kitchens included places at the counter where you could pull up a stool and work. Something that would be nice in today's kitchens.

1950 Kitchen - Golden Glow - Kitchen Design
For the 1950's it was more of the same, more bright bold colors, efficient features like pull-out cutting boards, drying racks and a more compact work triangle.

Red, White, and Blue 1950's Kitchen Design
This one was one of my favorites! 

1950 Kitchen Design
I hope you enjoyed this inspiration, visit Antique Home for more!

Mrs. Santa Claus (Apron)

Are you doing a bit of  cookie baking? Here is an apron that will put in the Christmas spirit!
I don't usually go for Santa fabric, but this was so cheerful and vintage looking! (found at JoAnn Fabrics) At first I didn't know what to make with the fabric, but when an apron was suggested I knew that was what it needed to be! (Why didn't I think of that at first?)
 I melded together two 1940's apron patterns. The skirt portion from one book and the bib from another. This one just needed a bib! Besides, how can you not get messy making cookies?
 A little bit of subtle rick-rack to outline the pockets and bib. I tried binding at first it was not so subtle.....
 In January I will share the pattern. I wasn't completely happy with the way this one turned out, a few adjustments and it will be good.
I love the way the skirt curves, adds a bit of pizzazz, doesn't it?