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half apron etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
half apron etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Christmas Bells and Gingham

When I got out the Christmas decorations it remined me that I had picked up a couple aprons at an estate sale in the fall. And one was a Christmas apron! I love the bells on it!Large bells and tiny bells...… It is a little hard to see the seam, but it has a curved pocket. I love discovering all the...

May and June Apron of the Month- Free Pattern

Announcing May and June Apron of the Month!! Marie and MegI am so excited about these aprons I don't know where to start! These two cuties are "sister" aprons, if you look closely they are both the same pattern except for the shape (pointed or scalloped) and the finishing (ric-rac or bias...

Brown Striped Apron

This is one of my newest additions to the collection. I simply love the way the stripes are used! Horizontal in the center and vertical on the sides.As I was browsing around the antique shop a little gray haired lady came up and asked to see the apron I was carrying around. We had a nice little chat...

Introducing Apron of the Month!

I am so so excited to tell you about a new feature I am starting!! As I have mentioned before, my dream is to start offering apron patterns. So to dip my toes in so to speak, I have decided to put together one free apron pattern a month, either a pattern from around the web or a pdf pattern I have made!...

Danity Aprons

Here are two new aprons to the collection. Both are white. One a picked up at an antique store and I think is late 20s early 30s. Defiantly a "hostess" apron. Tea anyone?An advertisement for a similar apron from the early 30s.A closer look at the lovely detail.  My Grandma gave this one to...