Announcing May and June Apron of the Month!! Marie and MegI am so excited about these aprons I don't know where to start! These two cuties are "sister" aprons, if you look closely they are both the same pattern except for the shape (pointed or scalloped) and the finishing (ric-rac or bias...
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free pattern etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
free pattern etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
April Apron of the Month!
Were you getting worried about April Apron of the month? I was! I had grand plans for April.......but you know how life goes, it happens! Good life things, like shopping adventures with my sister, watching Spring emerge in Wisconsin, spending Easter with the family, getting house projects accomplished...
March Apron of the Month
March Apron of the Month is here! I would like to introduce you to Hazel. Hazel is a modern girl with plenty of old-fashioned roots. She features a smoothly flaring skirt with plenty of swish, a perfect backdrop for old-fashioned patchwork hexagon appliques or to show off a...
February Apron of the Month
I am so so excited to be introducing to you an Apron History Pattern and February Apron of the Month!theDorothy ApronShe is a darling little waist apron based on a 1940's pattern with a scalloped hem. I think I had a bit of spring fever when I started planning this project. The minute I decided...
Introducing Apron of the Month!
By bayramcigerli at 12:14
1950s, Apron of the Month, apron pattern, free pattern, half apron
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I am so so excited to tell you about a new feature I am starting!! As I have mentioned before, my dream is to start offering apron patterns. So to dip my toes in so to speak, I have decided to put together one free apron pattern a month, either a pattern from around the web or a pdf pattern I have made!...
Free Apron Pattern Find

Need a little weekend sewing project? Try these cute little aprons I found poking around the internet. They aren't really proper patterns, just directions. From Today's Treasure Shop Talk. Aren't they cu...
Clothespin Apron- Free Pattern!
Today I have a free apron pattern for you! How exciting is that? I am very excited to share this with you. A Clothes-pin Apron. Isn't is cute? The pattern is from a little booklet from the 1920's. It has one big pocket with lots of room for those clothes pins. Finished apronThe apron...