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A Delightful Sherlockian Surprise

If you have friends who share your interests, and they are very generous, something interesting may show up in your mail. This happens to me with some regularity.

A few days ago, in the latest example, a large package landed on our front porch. Inside was a gift from our friend Felicia Carparelli of Chiago, who is almost exactly my age. Inside was a note saying that she was downsizing and wanted me to have the enclosed.

As you can see above, what was enclosed is a handsomely framed, limited-issue envelope saluting both Sherlock Holmes and the late Jeremy Brett, who epitomized Holmes for so many TV viewers. It now hangs proudly on our living room wall beneath a trio of busts – Holmes, Watson, and Moriarty.

Felicia is a Sherlockian, and the author of Murder in the Library. Her late mother gave her this memento as a gift, knowing of her interest. She passed it on to me for the same reason. We have been friends for some years, although we have only met in person twice – so far. It is no coincidence that the protagonist of my mystery series, Sebastian McCabe, shares her birth date.

Grazie, bella amica!

The package happened arrive just as I was reading Michael Cox’s A Study in Celluloid, which is subtitled A Producer’s Account of Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes. It’s a fascinating inside story, exploring some of the practical challenges (think: money) and artistic decisions faced in bringing a classic to life on the small screen.

Cox is remarkably objective as he talks about what worked and what, in retrospect, didn’t. Perhaps equally remarkable, he displays a true devotee’s knowledge of the Canon throughout the book. Originally published in England, the volume is now available from Wessex Press and well worth reading for anyone who enjoyed the Granada series.

Ann Andriacco, Felicia Carparelli, and Dan Andriacco in 2012



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