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Cyprus Mail - article by Evie Andreou 4 August 2018

Star gazers are in for a treat next weekend as the peak of the Perseid meteor shower is expected to be more spectacular as a crescent moon will not light up the sky, leaving the falling stars to steal the show.

According to astronomy and science centre 1010Asteroskopeion, the peak of the Perseid meteor shower will be next weekend. This year, they said, the phenomenon is expected to be especially spectacular as it coincides with the new moon.
Observers could see around 80 meteors per hour this year, the centre said. The phenomenon – visible until August 20 – is visible with a naked eye from any part of Cyprus as long as there are is no artificial lighting.
The meteor shower occurs when Earth passes through a trail of debris left by 109/ P Comet Swift-Tuttle.

With their entry into the Earth’s atmosphere at speeds of about 70 and 100 km per second they blaze, creating the familiar ‘shooting star’ phenomenon.


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