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A Note from Portugal

It’s always good to hear from Nuno Robles, my one-man fan club in Lisbon, Portugal. Here’s his take on my Sherlock Holmes novel:  

Dear Dan,

It's 2.23 a.m. here and I just finished reading House of the Doomed. What an amazing achievement! I’ve read hundreds of Holmes post-ACD books and your book is really special. You bring back beautifully the Holmes and Watson of Conan Doyle. The dialogues, the cozy feeling, the description of a typical English environment, great English (and American, of course) characters and a great, unexpected story with an even more unexpected ending. You put me there, at ACD’s Victorian England and vintage Holmes...and that’s a great feeling.

I also enjoyed the references to some of the Canon’s best stories and characters (your portrait of Baynes is a masterpiece...a masterpiece indeed...). I loved it, and also the references to ACD, with Norwood, spiritualism, and much more. Congratulations, my friend! You’re in the best of your writing and creative powers. My favourite dialogue? “I'm a doctor, not a writer!” “One could be both.” Indeed. 



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