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Holmes Away from Home, Southern Edition

The Nashville Scholars meet and eat

There could never be a Stranger’s Room for a Sherlock Holmes scion society – because there are no strangers among Sherlockians.

A case in point: Members of the Nashville Scholars of the Three Pipe Problem warmly welcomed Ann and me to their monthly meeting last Saturday. We much enjoyed their southern Sherlockian hospitality, although we knew only a few members (other than via Facebook).

We met for lunch at the Corky’s Barbeque in Brentwood, TN. Instead of puzzling over a quiz and discussing a story, we had convivial conversation, show and tell, and a paper.

Dr. Marino Alvarez spoke about the Silver Blaze Weekend at Saratoga Race Track in New York, and the talk he gave there. Jim Hawkins reported on the successful “Holmes in the Heartland” conference put on earlier in the month by the Parrallel Case of St. Louis. Tom Vickstrom read a paper discussing means of travel in the Canon, summarizing chapters in Mobile Holmes, edited by Walter Jaffe and published by the Baker Street Irregulars.

If you ever have a chance to experience Holmes away from home, don’t hesitate. You’ll fit right in.

(Coming next to this blog: a report on a primary-school classroom in Tennessee called “221B.” This introduction to Sherlock Holmes is elementary, but not dumbed down.)


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