Notice from Tala Monastery Cats 15 September 2016 posted on their Facebook page:
It is out of necessity that we have to inform everyone that Tala Monastery Cat Park is full and we are closing our gates to new cats and kittens.

Without exception if we are asked to take cats or kittens everyone will be given the same answer, we are full and regretfully we cannot help......
Also we must stress upon everyone who has in the past or who is considering dumping/abandoning their unwanted cats and kittens in our car park please don't... Everyone must now take full responsibility for their own cat related situations and issues....
The cat park has been in existence for almost 5 years and during that time we have never taken this step, we have helped a countless number of people who have asked for our help with unwanted cats and kittens... We have also taken in cats and kittens who have either been abandoned in the car park, thrown over the fence, or pushed through a hole made in the fence....
This week we still need to catch four kittens in the car park they have so far evaded capture, in the meantime we hope they don't get killed on the road, or bitten by a snake or insect...
A lot of people don't know this, but we have silently from time to time helped rescue cats in the community, it is not something we broadcast or can do on a regular basis, but we've helped when we could...
We are a no kill organization, we are unable to count how many cats we have given a home to during the past five years...
The cat park is now at bursting point...
We must now think about the comfort, health, wellbeing and safety of the 700 cats already in our care.. We have 30 spayed and neutered older kittens ready to be released from the cloisters, when these and our other kittens are given their freedom, space will be at a premium and the situation will be very nightmarish...
We will of course still continue to re-home our cats, we have re-homed 475 cats during the last 5 years, a fabulous achievement, but we have always taken in more cats than we will ever find homes for... it is worth reminding everyone that we take no money or ask for money from anyone when adopting one of our cats.. Our priority will always be to find loving homes for our cats...
As funds permit we will endeavor to create more living space for the cats, we are presently paving and making a new warm sleeping area for the cats upstairs by the road side.. We fully intend to revamp our downstairs area, but this is a mammoth task which we will have to fundraise for, but before we can even start the area is so full of rocks these need to be dug up before work can start...
We wish to thank everyone for reading this post, we kindly ask you to respect and understand why the park is closed to new cats and kittens and why we've had to make this critical decision..
And article by Bejay Browne in the Cyprus Mail 15/9/2016
A PAPHOS-based cat sanctuary has announced that it is full and has been forced to close its gates to new cats and kittens.
Manager of Tala Monastery cat park, volunteer Dawn Foote, said that the sanctuary is now at bursting point, and volunteers must ensure that the comfort, health, wellbeing and safety of the 700 cats and kittens in their care, is a priority.
“Without exception, if we are asked to take cats or kittens everyone will be given the same answer. We are full and regretfully we cannot help,” she said. “We must also stress that people must not dump or abandon their unwanted cats and kittens in our car park, as has been the case until now.”
The burgeoning population has meant that rehoming has become an urgent priority.
According to the volunteer, a lack of available kittens in the UK has led to a demand for Cyprus cats, which is good news for the sanctuary, but as transport costs are prohibitive, this makes the process almost impossible for many would-be supporters. Some of these cats could find homes in the UK but transport costs are prohibitive. “Flights to the UK are astronomical, with cats often costing more for a one-way flight than a human. We recently sent two cats and Thomson charged us 520 pounds sterling for a one-way flight,” she said.
“This is what stops people in the UK from adopting and it’s frustrating as the demand is there. If we could partner up with a sanctuary in the UK or garner the support of an airline that would be great. If there was available space on a flight it could be allocated to us.”
However, the cat park is still sending cats and kittens to other countries and also manages to rehome some in Cyprus. Foote said their aim was to ensure the cats went to good homes where they would live out their lives happily.
“Some of the cats have been rehomed to Germany, which is fantastic as German airlines let the cats on board with a ‘chaperone’. You can carry a cat as extra luggage and we recently sent one as cargo for just 50 euros,” she said.
The cat park was created almost five years ago and this is the first time volunteers have had to implement a closed-door policy. Dawn stressed that they are not a ‘kill’ organisation and have successfully rehomed hundreds of cats and kittens over the last five years.
The sanctuary is now appealing to UK airlines and animal welfare charities, as a matter of urgency, to join forces to help find homes for some of the island’s cat population.
“We are desperately in need of good homes. We don’t ask for money. Just that people come with a proper cat carrier for rehoming in Cyprus.”
There is an ongoing spaying and neutering programmme at the park which has expanded and improved under the guidance and dedication of Foote, her husband Mark and a team of 15 volunteers. The sanctuary is now a popular attraction for both local and overseas visitors and is supported by an informative and up-to-date Facebook page.
Upgrades and improvements to the park are ongoing and they have just been granted permission by the electricity authority to install power at the site. A call for help has seen architects and electricians offering their services in support of the welfare of the cats.
Tala monastery Cat Park needs donations of food, bedding and cat litter. For further information: Website: Tala Monastery Cats on Facebook
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