Bayram Cigerli Blog

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It's St. Patrick's Day in September!

The timing is not the best, but sometimes life is like that. Today is the official publication date of Erin Go Bloody, most of which is set in March around St. Patrick's Day.

This is the sixth novel and seventh book detailing the mystery-solving adventures of Sebastian McCabe and Jeff Cody. Here's the story:
When Erin, Ohio native Jamie Ellicott returns home as best-selling author James Ivanhoe after a 13-year absence, it’s like the return of the Prodigal Son. His ill and aging father welcomes him with open arms. Ivanhoe’s two brothers, however, are less forgiving.

The whole town gets drawn into the family drama when Ivanhoe seeks to march in the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade under the banner of an anti-technology group called the Ned Ludd Society. That’s a thumb in the eye of his siblings, who own a company that makes microcircuits.

As a member of the parade committee, St. Benignus University communications director Jeff Cody has a stake in what soon becomes a heated national debate. But to his genius brother-in-law Sebastian McCabe, the contretemps soon becomes less important than investigating murder in the Ellicott family. 

And this time, solving the mystery doesn't put everything back in order exactly as it was before. Something's going to change in Erin.

As a side note, of the great joys I have had as a writer is dedicating books to friends and family. This one is for my friend Steven Doyle, BSI, who published my first piece of fiction in the 1980s in The Sherlock Holmes Review.

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