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The provisions of the current law regarding dog ownership are as follows:

1  Take your dog to a registered veterinarian who will microchip the animal and give you the dog registration document and a health book.  .You only need to do this once
2  Go to the District Vets office 26 821261 [just above Carrefour in Paphos] to register the dog - again you only need to do this once
3  Go to your local council office with the above documents for issue of a licence [the licence is renewable every year].

Tala Council have a special agreement for Tala residents,  whereby for a limited period if you contact the Secretary at Tala Council you can obtain the chipping, health book and dog licence for a total sum of €26 per dog.   You will need to leave your name and phone number with the secretary and she will let you know when you need to bring your dog into the office. Alternatively, email Cathi on

Dog licence fee otherwise is €20.50 for a male or female, whether neutered or not.
Dangerous dog breeds [Pit Bull Terrier or American Pit Bull, Japanese Tossa, Dogo Argentino, or Fila Brasileiro] neutered - the fee is €171

An owner ceases to be an owner when:
- the dog is sold or given to another person.  A mutual transfer application is necessary
- a dog's death certificate from a registered veterinarian is produced
- an affirmation for dog loss is presented

Obligations of Dog Owners:
- To keep the dog in good condition [plenty of space, protection from bad weather, enough food and water, exercise, etc] and look after the dog's health with vaccinations and other measures
- Do not let the dogs wander freely in public or other open areas
- Take them for a walk on a leash and clean up after them
- Make sure that the dog does not cause a nuisance to neighbours due to barking or leaving mess
- Have a sign Caution Dog on the gate or entrance to your property


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