Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive

March was more than Basketball

March was a fantastic month. Basketball, politics and fresh snow on the slopes made it an exciting time, but there was much more to do than just watch tv and ski. In fact, we took a little trip east to discover, share and learn with the best in the fitness industry.  Our destination, the IHRSA (International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association) 2016 / 35th Annual International Convention & Trade Show.

You’re the Reason We Exist

While listening to the great motivational speakers we were once again reminded of our purpose. We exist to help people, you, lead healthy and fulfilling lives. We take this goal very seriously. Meeting the amazing trainers, coaches and innovators in the fitness industry was not only motivating, but it inspired us to continue our pursuit to be the premier fitness club in Colorado and beyond.

Technological Advancements in Training

I find the advancements in technology a huge asset to helping our clients achieve their goals faster and safer. The ability of engineers and designers to develop new and innovative way to enhance the effectiveness of training is mind blowing. We are excited about the new tools we saw and the ones that will be forthcoming.  In fact, visit our Facebook page and you can get a glimpse of some the best and scariest things we saw.

It’s About People

Of course the main reason we go is because we truly care about our members. While Florida is a fun place to visit, the ability to learn, network and meet others with the same goals gives us direction and vision. We love seeing the smiling faces as they enter the gym and the celebrations when people reach and surpass their fitness goals. In our meetings we share the successes and challenges and work together to make Jean-Robert’s Gym the best it can be.

Going the Extra Mile

As we look forward to spring and summer and exploring the beauty of Aspen, we want you to know we are committed to continuing to bring you the very best. While new innovative equipment is nice, our trainers work hard to ensure we are listening to and helping each person who walks through our doors. We believe in "personal training" which means we focus on your needs and find the best way to meet them. We are developing programs and classes that will not only help you reach your fitness goals but will also be exciting and fun.

So, come on in and talk to us about what we saw, learned and envision. We would love to share our enthusiasm with you.


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