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Tutorial: Making Double Fold Bias Tape

This post is for my little sister Becky (who might be a little spoiled). 
Bias tape is really only four steps. Cut. Sew. Fold and Iron. Fold and Iron again. Sounds pretty easy right? It is!
First off, you will need fabric. It really doesn't matter how much, but if it is less then a fat quarter, the seams get a little too much. You will need to start by finding the bias of the fabric. I do this by folding one corner in diangnaly and cutting on the fold. Now cut strips along the fold. If you want 1/4 binding you will need to cut an 1 1/4 strips, if 1/2 inch binding 2 1/4. This is because I it shrinks up in the making because of the stretch. 
Next sew all your strips together by matching the angled ends so they make a right angle turn. (Like sewing quilt binding together.) This ensures your seams don't stretch out of shape as they are now sewn on the straight of grain. Trim all seams even so there is nothing for the bias tape maker to get stuck on.
Iron all seams flat going one way. I usually also iron the strips to make sure it will run through the maker nicely.

Now take one end of your strips and feed it through the larger end on the maker.
I poke the fabric in as far as it will go and then use a pin to pull it through the rest of the way.
Once it is through, pull out an inch or two.
Flip the maker around so the handle is pointing down and pin the tail end to the ironing board.
Pulling slowly and straightly, pull the bias maker down the fabric with one hand, with your other hand iron down the fold. Do not pull too hard or you will stretch your bias tape out. If you do see it stretching, after you have pulled for a few inches, move the bias maker back up slightly to ease some of the tension. 
You will need to keep repositioning the pin as you work your way down your strip. Remember to keep the tension steady, but not too strong that will stretch the fabric out of shape.
You will now have a lovely length of single fold bias tape! To make it double fold, there is one more step.
Using the pin to hold your tape in place, fold in half.
Iron well to give a crisp finish.
You are done!! Now you need never stand in the fabric worrying what color of bias tape to get, the one that is a little brighter or the one that is a little more green?

(Sorry the photos aren't so good. This was kind of an experimental post using iPad photos.)


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