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Snow Dazed / The Hot Mess Express

Well friends, I have been officially snowed in for 24 hours. I live in south Charlotte, NC and we had almost a foot of snow.

When I got home yesterday, Marty was in a trance watching the snow.

I decided to get glamorous, duh. I put on my finest cotton PJ pants that are two sizes too big, a long black and grey cami, and a sweatshirt that has a nice big stain on it. Not to mention my hair has not been washed in two days, no makeup except for a little mascara that did not get washed off the night before, and the purple rubberband holding my hair in a ponytail is from my asparagus. #TheHotMessExpress

I was able to spend a lot of the afternoon working, on two different computers, with a cat that wanted a lot of attention. So that was fun.

Later in the evening I was going crazy and I needed to exercise. However, I had to get creative and improvise. Here is what I came up with, ha...

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I moved some of my furniture and made a clear spot so I could get to work.

And I don't know what the hell happened or what exactly I did, but it was an awesome work out. I did it for an hour and 20 minutes. I was drenched is sweat when I finished.

I started with a 13 minute warm up doing "mini suicides". I would then do jump squats, burpees, mountain climbers, kickboxing cardio movies, walking lunges, ran in place - I literally just MOVED. Oh and I also did the Wop dance, Cupid Shuffle, and Cha Cha Slide. Ha!

It definitely was "The Hot Mess Express Workout" (my theme) but it worked. I blasted my music and moved my body.

I am way sore from it! 

Earlier today, I walked was able to walk across the street to Earthfare to get a couple of goodies to last me. Thank you Earthfare for being open!

Around 3PM, the sun finally decided to make an appearance! It melted a lot of the snow, but unfortunately, it will all be turning to ice tonight.

I wanted to go to the gym, but it was closed. My apartment gym was so crowded that nothing was available for use. Thus, I did my home workout again. Man that damn work out is tough. Like I said, no excuses, baby! If you want it, you get it.

I have to be at work at 10 AM tomorrow. Hopefully it will not be too icy, say a little prayer for me. Stay warm you guys and have a great weekend!

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