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February Apron of the Month

I am so so excited to be introducing to you an Apron History Pattern and 
February Apron of the Month!

She is a darling little waist apron based on a 1940's pattern with a scalloped hem. I think I had a bit of spring fever when I started planning this project. The minute I decided on the pattern I knew this was the fabric to use!  
Dorothy is actually made up of three fat quarters. Of course I had to do a little old fashioned make-doing to get all the pieces to fit! If you look very closely right behind the bow in the above picture, you can see where I had to piece the waistband.
Here you can clearly see there are actually three different fabrics in the apron. One for the ties and waistband, and two contrasting for the skirt.
 Tomorrow I will post pictorial  directions for making up Dorothy. I have included simple directions in the pattern too.



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