Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Snow etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Snow etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Snow Dazed / The Hot Mess Express

Well friends, I have been officially snowed in for 24 hours. I live in south Charlotte, NC and we had almost a foot of snow.When I got home yesterday, Marty was in a trance watching the snow.I decided to get glamorous, duh. I put on my finest cotton PJ pants that are two sizes too big, a long black...

İstanbul Karlar Altında*******

Biliyorum televizyonda insanı kusturana kadar gösterdiler ama ben yine de bu yazıyı yazmadan edemedim. Ben kış mevsimini özellikle kar yağışlıysa çok severim. 7/24 camdan izlesem bıkmam o derece. Eee son iki gündür İstanbul'u esir alan kar dün gece etkisini şiddetle arttırınca ortaya seyirlik ve fotoğraflamalık...

Ice Cream in Winter

This week it finally snowed! So, instead of grabbing a beer (inspired by Kim), grab a hot cocoa before the sun comes out. Oh wait, it's too late? Well then, grab whatever you want then and let's see what's been happening around these parts!The snow was beautiful! (Monday morning)But it melted away really...

Bloguna Kar Yağdırmak İsteyen Var mı?

Uzun bir zamandır yani neredeyse bir aydır bir kar yağdırma efekti arıyordum. Nihayet bir tane buldum. Diğer bulduklarım ya sayfayı kaydırıyor yada kaydırma çubuğunun titreşmesine neden oluyordu.Bu kod hem güzel hem de yağan kar sayfanın altında birikiyor. Yapmanız gerekenler. Blog düzenleme sayfasında...


I just took these photos -- literally 5 minutes ago. Snow. In May. Can you believe it? And yes, I am back in California. In the snow. In May.I took this one earlier today.I noticed the weather in New Orleans was about 90 degrees today. How is the weather in YOUR neck of the woods?...

Central Park in The Snow

 I took this as the sun was going down and the snow was starting to fall. It reminds me of Christmas and so much more! You can see more NYC photos here....

Magic in The Air

As Kermit says, there is magic in the air. The magic in New Olreans is a little different than the magic at home, maybe becuase of the lack of cold and snow. However, decorations have been put up and people at work are going out for last minute Christmas dinners before we all fly away to our respective homes. I, for one, can't wait to go home and sit in a warm room with a view of the snow...

Too High To Get Over

Climbing Mt Shasta is something that not everyone wants to do. Sometimes I wonder why people, myself included, subject themselves to such pain and misery. I usually wonder this as I am trudging up an almost 90 degree hill, wheezing from the lack of oxygen, and tired from climbing since before dawn.  ...