Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Snow etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Snow etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Snow Dazed / The Hot Mess Express

Well friends, I have been officially snowed in for 24 hours. I live in south Charlotte, NC and we had almost a foot of snow.

When I got home yesterday, Marty was in a trance watching the snow.

I decided to get glamorous, duh. I put on my finest cotton PJ pants that are two sizes too big, a long black and grey cami, and a sweatshirt that has a nice big stain on it. Not to mention my hair has not been washed in two days, no makeup except for a little mascara that did not get washed off the night before, and the purple rubberband holding my hair in a ponytail is from my asparagus. #TheHotMessExpress

I was able to spend a lot of the afternoon working, on two different computers, with a cat that wanted a lot of attention. So that was fun.

Later in the evening I was going crazy and I needed to exercise. However, I had to get creative and improvise. Here is what I came up with, ha...

Image Map

I moved some of my furniture and made a clear spot so I could get to work.

And I don't know what the hell happened or what exactly I did, but it was an awesome work out. I did it for an hour and 20 minutes. I was drenched is sweat when I finished.

I started with a 13 minute warm up doing "mini suicides". I would then do jump squats, burpees, mountain climbers, kickboxing cardio movies, walking lunges, ran in place - I literally just MOVED. Oh and I also did the Wop dance, Cupid Shuffle, and Cha Cha Slide. Ha!

It definitely was "The Hot Mess Express Workout" (my theme) but it worked. I blasted my music and moved my body.

I am way sore from it! 

Earlier today, I walked was able to walk across the street to Earthfare to get a couple of goodies to last me. Thank you Earthfare for being open!

Around 3PM, the sun finally decided to make an appearance! It melted a lot of the snow, but unfortunately, it will all be turning to ice tonight.

I wanted to go to the gym, but it was closed. My apartment gym was so crowded that nothing was available for use. Thus, I did my home workout again. Man that damn work out is tough. Like I said, no excuses, baby! If you want it, you get it.

I have to be at work at 10 AM tomorrow. Hopefully it will not be too icy, say a little prayer for me. Stay warm you guys and have a great weekend!

Image Map

İstanbul Karlar Altında*******

Biliyorum televizyonda insanı kusturana kadar gösterdiler ama ben yine de bu yazıyı yazmadan edemedim. Ben kış mevsimini özellikle kar yağışlıysa çok severim. 7/24 camdan izlesem bıkmam o derece. Eee son iki gündür İstanbul'u esir alan kar dün gece etkisini şiddetle arttırınca ortaya seyirlik ve fotoğraflamalık görüntüler çıktı. İstanbul'da kış mevsimini bir de benim kameramdan izleyin ve görün istedim. 

Saat neredeyse 12 olacak fotoğraflamak için mükemmel zamanlama :)

Saat 00:30 hala dışarıdayım :)

Yukarıdaki iki foto 1 Şubat sabahı saat 07:00'de çekildi. Napayım çok seviyorum kar seyretmeyi. Hava bile aydınlanmamış daha :D

İşe gitmek için yola çıkanlar :(

******* snoww snowww******

Yukarıdaki iki fotoda saat 9 da çekildi. Ne kadar seviyorsam kar ı utanmasam dakika dakika fotoğraflıyacakmışım. euehuhe

Benim gibi kar delisine fotoğraflar yeterli gelmedi tabii ki videoda çektim =))

Arada hem rüzgarın hemde benim korku filmlerini anlatan nefesim duyulabilir =))))) Ama hava o kadar soğuktu ki ellerimin titrediği görüntüden bile anlaşılıyor.

Bu da sabah saat 8 de çektiğim video. Evimiz cadde hizasında ve köşe başında. Bu yüzden evde otururken bile kar keyfini doyasıya yaşayabiliyoruz. :)

İstanbul'da kar demek kış demek eziyetle eş anlamlı oluyor. Ama eğer evdeyseniz yada işe gitmiyorsanız çok zevkli olabiliyor. İstanbul bu güzel kış mevsimine hasret kalmıştı. Ben kış mevsiminin iyi taraflarını görüyorum tabi. Allah evsizlere, yakacağı olmayanlara ve sokakta yaşayan hayvanlara vardım etsin.

Ice Cream in Winter

This week it finally snowed! So, instead of grabbing a beer (inspired by Kim), grab a hot cocoa before the sun comes out. Oh wait, it's too late? Well then, grab whatever you want then and let's see what's been happening around these parts!

The snow was beautiful!
(Monday morning)

But it melted away really fast!
(Monday afternoon)

So we made ice cream to make up for it. 3 kinds of ice cream. Vanilla ice cream, peach frozen yogurt and mandarin sorbet! See what happens when  you get an ice cream maker for Christmas. I bet by Feb 7, we will be tired of it. BUT. It's SOOOO good! 

Mandarins at the ready. 

I got a letter from the NORTH POLE! Thanks Santa!

I went for a run in the valley where it is warm. Then to celebrate my run, I had a HUGE burrito. Actually, had is a little tame. More like I INHALED a huge burrito! I heart roach coaches!

Then I headed to the Bay Area, where I stayed at a friend's house. Here is little A, trying to put on her shoes. 

They actually went out of town and I stayed to mooch lodging off them, eat their food and catch up on Top Chef house sit. 

On Saturday I ran the Coyote Hills Half Marathon. More on that later. 

How was your week? Did it snow? Did you run? Have you ever made your own ice cream?

Bloguna Kar Yağdırmak İsteyen Var mı?

Uzun bir zamandır yani neredeyse bir aydır bir kar yağdırma efekti arıyordum. Nihayet bir tane buldum. Diğer bulduklarım ya sayfayı kaydırıyor yada kaydırma çubuğunun titreşmesine neden oluyordu.

Bu kod hem güzel hem de yağan kar sayfanın altında birikiyor. 

Yapmanız gerekenler. Blog düzenleme sayfasında YERLEŞİM bölümüne gitmek GADGET ekle seçeneğine tıkla. Sonra oradan HTML/JAVA SCRİPT gadgetını seç. 

Ondan sonra yapman gereken tek şey buradaki kodu kopyalayıp HTML alanına yapıştırmak. Sayfadan ayrılmadan değişiklikleri kaydetmeyi unutmayın. ;)

Bol karlı günler dilerim. Sevgiler. 

Blogda sağ tık engeli olduğundan kopyalamada sıkıntı olabilir. İsteyenler mail adresini yorum olarak bırakırsa kodu gönderebilirim ;)

Yani bu kodu:

   DHTML PNG Snowstorm! OO-style Jascript-based Snow effect
   Version 1.2.20041121a
   Dependencies: GIF/PNG images (0 through 4.gif/png)
   Code by Scott Schiller -
   Initializes after body onload() by default (via addEventHandler() call at bottom.)
   Enables PNG images if supported ("false" disables all PNG usage)
   Sets the range of flake images to use (eg. a value of 5
   will use images ranging from 0.png to 4.png.)
   Sets the maximum number of snowflakes that can exist on
   the screen at any given time.
   Sets the limit of "falling" snowflakes (ie. moving, thus
   considered to be "active".)
   Defines the maximum X and Y velocities for the storm.
   A range up to this value is selected at random.
   The width (in pixels) of each snowflake image.
   Height (pixels) of each snowflake image.
   Limits the "bottom" coordinate of the snow.
   Enables snow to pile up (slowly) at bottom of window.
   Can be very CPU/resource-intensive over time.


var snowStorm = null;

function SnowStorm() {
  var s = this;
  var storm = this;
  this.timers = [];
  this.flakes = [];
  this.disabled = false;
  this.terrain = [];

  // User-configurable variables
  // ---------------------------

  var usePNG = true;
  var imagePath = ''; // relative path to snow images
  var flakeTypes = 6;
  var flakesMax = 240;
  var flakesMaxActive = 128;
  var vMax = 2.5;
  var flakeWidth = 5;
  var flakeHeight = 5;
  var flakeBottom = null; // Integer for fixed bottom, 0 or null for "full-screen" snow effect
  var snowCollect = true;
  var showStatus = true;

  // --- End of user section ---

  var isIE = (navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf('internet explorer')+1);
  var isWin9X = (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf('windows 98')+1);
  var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera ')+1 || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera/')+1);
  if (isOpera) isIE = false; // Opera (which is sneaky, pretending to be IE by default)
  var screenX = null;
  var screenY = null;
  var scrollY = null;
  var vRndX = null;
  var vRndY = null;

  function rnd(n,min) {
    if (isNaN(min)) min = 0;
    return (Math.random()*n)+min;

  this.randomizeWind = function() {
    vRndX = plusMinus(rnd(vMax,0.2));
    vRndY = rnd(vMax,0.2);
    if (this.flakes) {
      for (var i=0; i<this.flakes.length; i++) {
        if (this.flakes[i].active) this.flakes[i].setVelocities();

  function plusMinus(n) {
    return (parseInt(rnd(2))==1?n*-1:n);

  this.resizeHandler = function() {
    if (window.innerWidth || window.innerHeight) {
      screenX = window.innerWidth-(!isIE?24:2);
      screenY = (flakeBottom?flakeBottom:window.innerHeight);
    } else {
      screenX = (document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth||document.body.scrollWidth)-(!isIE?8:0);
      screenY = flakeBottom?flakeBottom:(document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight||document.body.scrollHeight);

  this.scrollHandler = function() {
    // "attach" snowflakes to bottom of window if no absolute bottom value was given
    scrollY = (flakeBottom?0:parseInt(window.scrollY||document.documentElement.scrollTop||document.body.scrollTop));
    if (isNaN(scrollY)) scrollY = 0; // Netscape 6 scroll fix
    if (!flakeBottom && s.flakes) {
      for (var i=0; i<s.flakes.length; i++) {
        if (s.flakes[i].active == 0) s.flakes[i].stick();

  this.freeze = function() {
    // pause animation
    if (!s.disabled) {
      s.disabled = 1;
    } else {
      return false;
    if (!isWin9X) {
    } else {
      for (var i=0; i<s.timers.length; i++) {

  this.resume = function() {
    if (s.disabled) {
       s.disabled = 0;
    } else {
      return false;

  this.stop = function() {
    for (var i=0; i<this.flakes.length; i++) {
      this.flakes[i] = 'none';

  this.SnowFlake = function(parent,type,x,y) {
    var s = this;
    var storm = parent;
    this.type = type;
    this.x = x||parseInt(rnd(screenX-12));
    this.y = (!isNaN(y)?y:-12);
    this.vX = null;
    this.vY = null;
    this.vAmpTypes = [2.0,1.0,1.25,1.0,1.5,1.75]; // "amplification" for vX/vY (based on flake size/type)
    this.vAmp = this.vAmpTypes[this.type]; = 1;
    this.o = document.createElement('img'); = 'absolute'; = flakeWidth+'px'; = flakeHeight+'px'; = '1px'; // so IE keeps proper size = 2;
    this.o.src = imagePath+this.type+(pngHandler.supported && usePNG?'.png':'.gif');
    if (pngHandler.supported && usePNG) pngHandler.transform(this.o);

    this.refresh = function() { = this.x+'px'; = this.y+'px';

    this.stick = function() { = (screenY+scrollY-flakeHeight-storm.terrain[Math.floor(this.x)])+'px';
      // called after relative left has been called

    this.vCheck = function() {
      if (this.vX>=0 && this.vX<0.2) {
        this.vX = 0.2;
      } else if (this.vX<0 && this.vX>-0.2) {
        this.vX = -0.2;
      if (this.vY>=0 && this.vY<0.2) {
        this.vY = 0.2;

    this.move = function() {
      this.x += this.vX;
      this.y += (this.vY*this.vAmp);

      if (this.vX && screenX-this.x<flakeWidth+this.vX) { // X-axis scroll check
        this.x = 0;
      } else if (this.vX<0 && this.x<0-flakeWidth) {
        this.x = screenX-flakeWidth; // flakeWidth;
      var yDiff = screenY+scrollY-this.y-storm.terrain[Math.floor(this.x)];
      if (yDiff<flakeHeight) { = 0;
        if (snowCollect) {
          var height = [0.75,1.5,0.75];
          for (var i=0; i<2; i++) {
            storm.terrain[Math.floor(this.x)+i+2] += height[i];
        } = ((this.x-(!isIE?flakeWidth:0))/screenX*100)+'%'; // set "relative" left (change with resize)
        if (!flakeBottom) {

    this.animate = function() {
      // main animation loop
      // move, check status, die etc.

    this.setVelocities = function() {
      this.vX = vRndX+rnd(vMax*0.12,0.1);
      this.vY = vRndY+rnd(vMax*0.12,0.1);

    this.recycle = function() {
      this.x = parseInt(rnd(screenX-flakeWidth-1));
      this.y = parseInt(rnd(640)*-1)-flakeHeight; = 1;

    this.recycle(); // set up x/y coords etc.


  this.snow = function() {
    var active = 0;
    var used = 0;
    var waiting = 0;
    for (var i=this.flakes.length-1; i>0; i--) {
      if (this.flakes[i].active == 1) {
      } else if (this.flakes[i].active == 0) {
      } else {
    if (snowCollect && !waiting) { // !active && !waiting
      // create another batch of snow
    if (active<flakesMaxActive) {
      with (this.flakes[parseInt(rnd(this.flakes.length))]) {
        if (!snowCollect && active == 0) {
        } else if (active == -1) {
          active = 1;

  this.createSnow = function(limit,allowInactive) {
    if (showStatus) window.status = 'Creating snow...';
    for (var i=0; i<limit; i++) {
      this.flakes[this.flakes.length] = new this.SnowFlake(this,parseInt(rnd(flakeTypes)));
      if (allowInactive || i>flakesMaxActive) this.flakes[this.flakes.length-1].active = -1;
    if (showStatus) window.status = '';

  this.timerInit = function() {
    this.timers = (!isWin9X?setInterval("snowStorm.snow()",20):[setInterval("snowStorm.snow()",75),setInterval("snowStorm.snow()",25)]);

  this.init = function() {
    for (var i=0; i<8192; i++) {
      this.terrain[i] = 0;
    this.createSnow(snowCollect?flakesMaxActive:flakesMaxActive*2); // create initial batch
    // addEventHandler(window,'scroll',this.resume,false); // scroll does not cause window focus. (odd)
    // addEventHandler(window,'blur',this.freeze,false);
    // addEventHandler(window,'focus',this.resume,false);

  this.resizeHandler(); // get screen coordinates

  if (screenX && screenY && !this.disabled) {


function snowStormInit() {
  setTimeout("snowStorm = new SnowStorm()",500);

// Generic addEventHandler() wrapper
// ---------------------------------
// A generic interface for adding DOM event handlers
// Version 1.2.20040404
// Code by Scott Schiller |
// Revision history:
// ---------------------------------
// v1.1.20031218: initial deploy
// v1.2.20040404: added post-load event check

var addEventHandler = null;
var removeEventHandler = null;

function postLoadEvent(eventType) {
  // test for adding an event to the body (which has already loaded) - if so, fire immediately
  return ((eventType.toLowerCase().indexOf('load')>=0) && document.body);

function addEventHandlerDOM(o,eventType,eventHandler,eventBubble) {
  if (!postLoadEvent(eventType)) {
  } else {

function removeEventHandlerDOM(o,eventType,eventHandler,eventBubble) {
function addEventHandlerIE(o,eventType,eventHandler) { // IE workaround
  if (!eventType.indexOf('on')+1) eventType = 'on'+eventType;
  if (!postLoadEvent(eventType)) {
    o.attachEvent(eventType,eventHandler); // Note addition of "on" to event type
  } else {
function removeEventHandlerIE(o,eventType,eventHandler) {
  if (!eventType.indexOf('on')+1) eventType = 'on'+eventType;

function addEventHandlerOpera(o,eventType,eventHandler,eventBubble) {
  if (!postLoadEvent(eventType)) {
  } else {

function removeEventHandlerOpera(o,eventType,eventHandler,eventBubble) {

if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera ')+1 || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera/')+1) {
  // opera is dumb at times.
  addEventHandler = addEventHandlerOpera;
  removeEventHandler = removeEventHandlerOpera;
} else if (document.addEventListener) { // DOM event handler method
  addEventHandler = addEventHandlerDOM;
  removeEventHandler = removeEventHandlerDOM;
} else if (document.attachEvent) { // IE event handler method
  addEventHandler = addEventHandlerIE;
  removeEventHandler = removeEventHandlerIE;
} else { // Neither "DOM level 2" (?) methods supported
  addEventHandler = function(o,eventType,eventHandler,eventBubble) {
    o['on'+eventType] = eventHandler;
    // Multiple events could be added here via array etc.
  removeEventHandler = function(o,eventType,eventHandler,eventBubble) {}

// Safari 1.0 does not support window.scroll events - apparently netscape 6.0/6.2 and mozilla 1.4 also.
// Refer to events support table at

// -- end addEventHandler definition --

   PNGHandler: Object-Oriented Javascript-based PNG wrapper
   Version 1.2.20040803
   Code by Scott Schiller -
   Provides gracefully-degrading PNG functionality where
   PNG is supported natively or via filters (Damn you, IE!)
   Should work with PNGs as images and DIV background images.
   Revision history
   - Added refresh() for changing PNG images under IE
   - Class extension: "scale" causes PNG to scale under IE
   Known bugs
   - ie:mac doesn't support PNG background images.
   - Safari doesn't support currentStyle() - can't parse BG
     via CSS (ie. for a DIV with a PNG background by class)


function PNGHandler() {
  var self = this; = navigator.appName.toLowerCase();
  this.nv = navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase();
  this.isIE ='internet explorer')+1?1:0;
  this.isWin = this.nv.indexOf('windows')+1?1:0;
  this.isIEMac = (this.isIE&&!this.isWin);
  this.isIEWin = (this.isIE&&this.isWin);
  this.ver = this.isIE?parseFloat(this.nv.split('msie ')[1]):parseFloat(this.nv);
  this.isMac = this.nv.indexOf('mac')+1?1:0;
  this.isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera ')+1 || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera/')+1);
  if (this.isOpera) this.isIE = false; // Opera filter catch (which is sneaky, pretending to be IE by default)
  this.filterID = 'DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader';
  this.supported = false;
  this.transform = self.doNothing;

  this.filterMethod = function(o) {
    // IE 5.5+ proprietary filter garbage (boo!)
    // Create new element based on old one. Doesn't seem to render properly otherwise (due to filter?)
    // use DOM "currentStyle" method, so rules inherited via CSS are picked up.
    if (o.nodeName != 'IMG') {
      var b = o.currentStyle.backgroundImage.toString(); // parse out background image URL = 'none';
      // Parse out background image URL from currentStyle.
      var i1 = b.indexOf('url("')+5;
      var newSrc = b.substr(i1,b.length-i1-2).replace('.gif','.png'); // find first instance of ") after (", chop from string = 'lr-tb'; // Has to be applied so filter "has layout" and is displayed. Seriously. Refer to = "progid:"+self.filterID+"(src='"+newSrc+"',sizingMethod='"+(o.className.indexOf('scale')+1?'scale':'crop')+"')";
    } else if (o.nodeName == 'IMG') {
      var newSrc = o.getAttribute('src').replace('.gif','.png');
      // apply filter
      o.src = 'image/none.gif'; // get rid of image = "progid:"+self.filterID+"(src='"+newSrc+"',sizingMethod="+(o.className.indexOf('scale')+1?'scale':'crop')+"')"; = 'lr-tb'; // Has to be applied so filter "has layout" and is displayed. Seriously. Refer to

  this.pngMethod = function(o) {
    // Native transparency support. Easy to implement. (woo!)
    bgImage = this.getBackgroundImage(o);
    if (bgImage) {
      // set background image, replacing .gif = 'url('+bgImage.replace('.gif','.png')+')';
    } else if (o.nodeName == 'IMG') {
      o.src = o.src.replace('.gif','.png');
    } else if (!bgImage) {
      // no background image

  this.getBackgroundImage = function(o) {
    var b, i1; // background-related variables
    var bgUrl = null;
    if (o.nodeName != 'IMG' && !(this.isIE && this.isMac)) { // ie:mac PNG support broken for DIVs with PNG backgrounds
      if (document.defaultView) {
        if (document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
          b = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(o,'').getPropertyValue('background-image');
          i1 = b.indexOf('url(')+4;
          bgUrl = b.substr(i1,b.length-i1-1);
        } else {
          // no computed style
          return false;
      } else {
        // no default view
        return false;
    return bgUrl;

  this.doNothing = function() {}
  this.supportTest = function() {
    // Determine method to use.
    // IE 5.5+/win32: filter

    if (this.isIE && this.isWin && this.ver >= 5.5) {
      // IE proprietary filter method (via DXFilter)
      self.transform = self.filterMethod;
    } else if (!this.isIE && this.ver < 5) {
      // No PNG support or broken support
      // Leave existing content as-is
      self.transform = null;
      return false;
    } else if (!this.isIE && this.ver >= 5 || (this.isIE && this.isMac && this.ver >= 5)) { // version 5+ browser (not IE), or IE:mac 5+
      self.transform = self.pngMethod;
    } else {
      // Presumably no PNG support. GIF used instead.
      self.transform = null;
      return false;
    return true;

  this.init = function() {
    this.supported = this.supportTest();


function getElementsByClassName(className,oParent) {
  var doc = (oParent||document);
  var matches = [];
  var nodes = doc.all||doc.getElementsByTagName('*');
  for (var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
    if (nodes[i].className == className || nodes[i].className.indexOf(className)+1 || nodes[i].className.indexOf(className+' ')+1 || nodes[i].className.indexOf(' '+className)+1) {
      matches[matches.length] = nodes[i];
  return matches; // kids, don't play with fire. ;)

// Instantiate and initialize PNG Handler

var pngHandler = new PNGHandler();




Kodu bu siteden aldım:  


I just took these photos -- literally 5 minutes ago. Snow. In May. Can you believe it? And yes, I am back in California. In the snow. In May.

I took this one earlier today.

I noticed the weather in New Orleans was about 90 degrees today. How is the weather in YOUR neck of the woods?

Central Park in The Snow

I took this as the sun was going down and the snow was starting to fall. It reminds me of Christmas and so much more! You can see more NYC photos here.

Magic in The Air

As Kermit says, there is magic in the air. The magic in New Olreans is a little different than the magic at home, maybe becuase of the lack of cold and snow. However, decorations have been put up and people at work are going out for last minute Christmas dinners before we all fly away to our respective homes. I, for one, can't wait to go home and sit in a warm room with a view of the snow outside, drink coffee, chat with the Mom and Dad and watch...Christmas movies! I have been getting in the holiday spirit by watching clips on youtube. I have included one below for your viewing pleasure.

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Too High To Get Over

Climbing Mt Shasta is something that not everyone wants to do. Sometimes I wonder why people, myself included, subject themselves to such pain and misery. I usually wonder this as I am trudging up an almost 90 degree hill, wheezing from the lack of oxygen, and tired from climbing since before dawn. 
We started the first day in good spirits. At 6,900 ft, it is easy to be in good spirits! We hiked until Horse Camp, which is about 2 or 2.5 miles and is the last source of water (fresh from Shasta Mountain springs…delicious!). After Horse Camp, all you can do is melt snow for water. So, we filled up on water, said goodbye to Buffy, Sierra and Levi, who had hiked up with us to that point, and headed up the hill. 

From this point on, it was snow the whole way. No trail, just straight up the mountain in the snow.
After hiking about 6 hours, we reached Lake Helen, which was where we were going to stay the night. Lake Helen sits at about 10,400 ft and is pretty much the only flat spot on the mountain, which is probably why it is a good place to stop. We set up camp and started making dinner. Shortly after eating, we went to bed. 
We got up at 3 am to start the climb to the summit. Randy and Matt surged ahead, while Dad and I kept up the rear. I thought the day before was hard, but this climb REALLY WAS straight up! Wearing crampons and using our ice axes, we crept up the mountain, rest step by rest step, finally reaching the top about 6 hours later. Once we reached the summit (14,179 ft), we knew why we did this. From the top you can see Mt. Lassen, Oregon and much of the Cascade Range. The 360 view is amazing. The day was sunny and mostly clear and the mountains around us were beautiful. We also saw some sort of fighter plane that whooshed RIGHT past us as we were standing atop the mountain. It can’t get much better than this!
We were tired, hungry and burnt (sooooo burnt!) but now we still had to climb down. Luckily, you can climb part of the way down and the other half you can glissade, which is like riding a big slide down the mountain. You just sit in the snow and cruise down on your butt. It is cold and wet, but we got down to Lake Helen in about 2 hours. You cant beat that!! 
At Lake Helen, we packed up the tent, took half hour naps and tried to stay out of the sun, which was burning us up from the top and the bottom. From Lake Helen back to Horse Camp took a couple of hours; we didn’t get to glissade as much as we wanted, but we did hit a couple of slides, and so it made going down a little quicker. We got back to Bunny Flats (6,900 ft) and the car around 5, starved, burned, tired and sore, but glad we made it.
See Photos HERE.