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P90X2 PAP Lower Review

- Post Activation Potentiation to the Maximum!

Today I finished P.A.P. Lower which stands for Post Activation Potentiation. Huh??

In P90X2 PAP Lower, you get a chance to maximize your results through athletic training that you don't normally get with a fitness program. With P90X2, there are two separate PAP workouts including PAP Lower and PAP Upper. If you are looking to find out what PAP (Post Activation Potentiation) means, keep reading and you'll find out (it is INCREDIBLE!).

Today in P90X2 PAP Lower, I literally FLOODED my house with sweat!! It's time to kick off the training wheels and launch into Professional Pro-Athlete Performance, my friends!!

How PAP works in P90X2 is by completing two distinguished Complexes. A complex consists of four different moves that are repeating for 4 rounds! Needless to say, at the end of this thing you will basically be saying: "WHEW THAT WAS CRAZY!!!"

The moves include:

Strength/Balance Move
Explosive power move
Fast Twitch move
Isometric move

- Does P90X2 PAP Actually Work?

Dr. Marcus Elliott mentions that there are muscles that are asleep when we do certain moves. Therefore, by introducing a strength move before an explosive move, you then ACTIVATE the muscles which allows you to dig deeper and provide an incredible move.

I found this to be 100% true once I encountered the Split Squat Jump! This is basically Mary Katherine Lunges on crack, as Tony calls it. I never have been very good at those lunges, but once I activated, I was able to have explosive results, dig deep, and feel like a champ with the Split Squat Jump move!!!

I must warn everyone that I highly suggest that you EAT ENOUGH CALORIES!!! Don't let yourself get caught with the poor decisions that I have made when I originally started P90X and P90X2. I thought that if I didn't eat a whole lot, I would continue to lose weight BUT THIS IS NOT THE CASE!! Seriously, think about it...the more fit you get, the better you become at burning calories, simply because your metabolism increases. If you are burning more calories and not fueling your body with the right nutrition, you then fall victim to a slowed metabolism. What does that mean? Simply put, you will have a difficult time getting those ripped abs that you want, because your metabolism is slooowww.

Keep doing amazing things out there, and I hope you enjoyed my review on PAP Lower with P90X2.

Bob Sharpe
Health and Fitness Guru


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