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Home Workout Without Weights

The idea of getting an effective may be challenged by media and other emphasis on special gadgets for exercise...

This era that we are living in could be summed up in fitness terms as the infomercial era. While many of the products can be very beneficial, most require equipment.

A is not only possible, but convenient and safe. A home workout can be tailored for as short or as long a time as you desire. At home or in a hotel room, the options of what you do are simply endless.

Some major fitness points to follow when constructing your include:
• A warm up to elevate body temperature and prevent injury
• Flexibility exercises both dynamic (controlled movement) and static (passive) with very limited motion. Beware of ballistic (bouncy or jerky) movements.
• Cardio exercise (running in place, jumping jacks)
• Strength exercises (push- ups, crunches, chair dips)
• Cool down (slow walking in place and light stretching)

Your should be constructed in accordance with the FITT principle:

Frequency: How much time and how fast or slow you can do your workout

Intensity: How many repetitions and how fast or slow you can do your workout. This will vary depending upon the fitness level that a person is at who is doing the exercise routine

Time: How much time you have or how long you are able to do your workout. As you progress with your routine your stamina and ability to perform the exercises for longer periods will also increase

Type: What is the emphasis of any particular exercise program.

Example for one week:

Frequency - I have 20 minutes free time on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Intensity - Monday - low key. Wednesday - As many reps as fast as you can. Friday - Low key.

Time - 20 min. Five minutes moving from one exercise to another with little or no rest. Five minutes explosive cardio. Five minutes calisthenics'. Five minutes deep slow breathing.

Type - Alternate between lower and upper body emphasis. For example; lower body would be squats and lunges. Upper body would be push-ups and various calisthenics.

A popular consists of: 5 minutes cardio and stretch followed by 45 eight count body builders and 5 minutes cool down, abdominals and stretch. Simple and Comprehensive.

A can be performed just about anywhere. Consistency is the key.

Fred Nicklaus is a National Champion martial artist and fitness trainer who has owned and operated martial arts and fitness programs for over 30 years. He teaches strength and fitness classes for young athletes, men, and women in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Visit to find out more about his 9 Minute core home workout and also to claim your FREE fitness video Visit his other websites at

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