Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive
Question 1
At the same time that Parliament imposed the Stamp Act, it also passed the Quartering Act, which required...
Americans to vacate their houses or take in British troops on the demand of any commander.
colonial governments to provide barracks and food for British troops.
that Americans convicted of treason be hanged and “quartered”; that is, cut into four pieces by the hangman.
that collectors of the stamp tax receive a commission of one-quarter of the revenue they took in.

Question 2
Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes immigration during the 1840s and 1850s?
Most immigrants settled in the South to take advantage of jobs in industry and agriculture.
Most of the Irish who arrived were poverty-stricken peasants.
The largest group of immigrants came from eastern and southern Europe.
The poorest immigrants came from Wales and Scotland.

Question 3
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787...
prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory.
funded an exploratory party to locate the Northwest Passage.
provided for the eventual creation of eight to ten new states in the Northwest Territory.
required compulsory elementary education in each new township in the Northwest Territory.

Question 4
Which of the following does not help to explain the diminishing effectiveness of Reconstruction in the South?
Northerners tired of the expense and violence that supporting Reconstruction engendered.
Racism among moderate Republicans led them to ascribe Republican defeats in the South to the incompetence of black politicians.
A severe depression in 1873 distracted Northerners from the social and racial issues of Reconstruction.
The expanded presence of federal troops and officials from 1875 to 1877 brought about an escalation in southern terrorist retaliation.

Question 5
According to the Constitution, which branch of government is responsible for readmitting states that have seceded from the Union?
the Constitution does not address this question.
the executive branch.
the judicial branch.
the legislative branch. 


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