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Those Creepy Houses in the Canon!

Welcome to Baskerville Hall, Sir Henry!
Have you ever noticed how many creepy houses there are in the Sherlock Holmes canon?


I didn’t – until I set out to prepare a talk on “Gothic Holmes” for the “Holmes, Doyle & Friends” conference later this month in Dayton.


Creepy houses, manors, castles, abbeys, convents, and monasteries have been staples of Gothic literature since The Castle of Otranto. In fact, the genre takes its name from the Gothic Revival style of architecture. The dreary domiciles in these stories contribute to the atmospheric shivers, just as the landscape and the weather do.


Dr. Watson evocatively describes the oldest part of Baskerville Hall, for example, as “a place of shadow and gloom.” No wonder Sir Henry is moved to say, “My word, it isn’t a very cheerful place.”


The Canon is full of not-very-cheerful places, adding to the Gothic air in a number of the Master’s adventures. Violet Hunter describes the Copper Beeches as “beautifully situated, but it is not beautiful in itself, for it is a large square block of a house, whitewashed, but all stained and streaked with damp and bad weather.” Holmes later refers to this case as “the mystery of the sinister house with the copper beaches in front of the door.”


Equally sinister are:


Charlington Hall in “The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist” – invisible from the road, “but the surroundings all spoke of gloom and decay;”


Tuxbury Hall, residence of the blanched soldier – “a house of shadows and mystery;”


Hurlstone Manor, ancestral home of the Musgraves – “a labyrinth of an old house” (and in Greek mythology, a labyrinth is not such a good thing);   


Wisteria Lodge – “an old tumble-down building in a crazy state of disrepair;”


Birlstone Manor – a “long, low Jacobean house of dingy, liver-covered brick;” and – 


The Haven, the bleak home of the retired colourman, Josiah Amberley – “like some penurious patrician who has sunk into the company of his inferiors.”


In the classic Gothic romance, the state of the house is often a metaphor for the family that owns it. No one can miss the double meaning of “The Fall of the House of Usher” as referring to both the physical and the metaphorical house. The strongest Canonical application of this trope is in “The Adventure of Speckled Band.”


Whereas the Baskerville clan seems to have improved from Sir Hugo to Sir Charles and Sir Henry (though Stapleton is a throw-back), Stoke Moran clearly reflects the decay of the Roylott bloodline. Four successive heirs to one of the richest fortunes in England were dissolute and wasteful, and “the family ruin was eventually completed by a gambler in the days of the Regency. Nothing was left save a few acres of ground, and the two-hundred-year-old house, which is itself crushed under a heavy mortgage.” So reported Helen Stoner.  Dr. Watson describes Stoke Moran this way:  


“The building was of gray, lichen-blotched stone, with a high central portion and two curving wings, like the claws of a crab, thrown out on each side. In one of these wings the windows were broken and blocked with wooden boards, while the roof was partly caved in, a picture of ruin.”


Creepy indeed!

Is it Spring...or not?

Some crazy weather around here lately. We are kind of use to big fluctuation in temperature from day to day this time of year, but it has been crazier them normal!
The poor little daffodils are trying their best to bloom.

This is what we woke up to on Saturday morning. We even heard there was white out conditions up by the highway. So gloomy and snowy. With big wet fluffy flakes.

But there was still small signs of spring! Do you see the bit of green?

Kerri certainly thought it was great fun. The rest of us weren't too sure.
Strangely, by noon the sun was shining and all the snow was gone! You never would have known it was this wintry in the morning. 

(We are in Spring Cleaning mode here and happily the weather doesn't effect that! We might wish for warm sunshine to throw open the windows to, but the dust on the baseboards doesn't disappear any faster with sun)


Bizlere sitemizi ziyaret eden siz değerli konuklarımızın en çok sordukları sorulardan bir tanesi olan En iyi Android telefon dinleme programı hangisidir ? sorusuna bu yazımızda kısaca değinmek ve sizlere Android bir telefon için takip ve dinleme yapmanızı sağlayacak en doğru yazılımını seçmeniz için doğru bir bilgilendirme yapmayı istiyoruz. Bu bağlamda öncelikli olarak yazılımı kullanıcağınız telefonun Android işletim sistemine sahip bir telefon olduğundan emin olunuz.

Android telefonlar olarak bilinen en popüler telefon markaları Samsung, Htc, Lg, Sony Experia, Asus vb. markalardır. Bu markaların son 3- 5 yılda çıkardıkları tüm akıllı telefonlar Android ile çalışmaktadırlar.

Bu özlü bilgiden sonra gelelim Android telefonlar için kullanılabilecek en özellikli, en kolay kullanımı olan ve fiyat olarak da en avantajlı olan casus program  hangisidir sorusuna. Evet bizim sitemizi ilk kez mi ziyaret ediyorsunuz tabi ki bunu bilemiyoruz ama sizlere şunu rahatlıkla söyleyebiliriz ki telefon takip ve dinleme programları alanında en kapsamlı sitelerden bir tanesini şuan ziyaret etmiş bulunuyorsunuz. Bizim sitemizde sizler için dünya genelinde en popüler olan telefon dinleme programlarını inceleriz ve hem güncel fonksiyonları hemde kurulum ve kullanım kolaylıkları hemde güncel fiyatlarını sizler için değerlendiririz.

O halde size yazımızın başlığını oluşturan sorunuz için neler söyleyebiliriz? Kısa ve öze bir şekilde son 5 yılda edindiğimiz bilgilerimize dayanarak sizlere şunları söyleyebiliriz.

1: FLEXİSPYSon 2 yılda dünya genelinde oldukça popüler olan bir yazılım var adı Flexispy, 2014 ten sonra özelliklerindeki artış ve kullanıcı memnuniyetinin giderek yükselmesi ile Flexispy şuan dünya genelinde en çok satan ve tercih edilen hem Android hemde İphone telefonlarda kullanılabilen oldukça güçlü bir yazılım. Flexispy hakkında detaylı bilgi zaten sitemizdeki ust menüde mevcut, inceleyebilirsiniz.

Özet Olarak: Flexispy İphone veya Android için çok doğru bir seçim olur (iphone önce jailbreak yapılmalı)

2: XMOBİLE PRO Son 1,5 yıldır özellikle avrupa da ve Türkiye'de kendinden söz ettirmeyi başarmış ve kullanıcı memnuniyeti oldukça yüksek olan diğer bir yazılım ise tabi ki Xmobile Pro, kullanıcıların en çok beğendikleri yazılımlar arasındadır, bunu hem kullanım kolaylığı hemde özelliklerinin çokluğuna borçludur. Sadece Android telefonlara özel olan bu yazılım şuan oldukça çok tercih edilen bir konumdadır.

Özet Olarak:  Xmobile Pro Android için çok doğru bir seçim olur ( ayrıca ücretsiz deneyebiliyorsunuz)

3: Mspy ve Diğerleri: 3 yıl önce en popüler yazılımlar hangisidir diye baktığımızda Spybubble ve Mspy yazılımları karşımıza çıkıyordu

- Şu an Spybubble artık satılmıyor, bir sekilde kendisi piyasadan çekildi.

Mspy hala piyasada satışı bulunan ve hala popüler diyebileceğimiz bir yazılım ama 1 yıl önce telefon dinleme ve ortam dinleme özelliklerini kaldırdı, bu yüzden kullanıcılar tarafından artık çok tercih edilmiyor diyebiliriz.

Özet Olarak: Mspy hala belirli bir popüleritesi olan bir yazılımdır, eğer ortam dinleme ve gorusme dinleme özellikleri sizin için çok onemli değil ise mspy güzel bir seçim olabilir

Getting the New Deal Wrong

I understand people get incredibly passionate about the 1930s, I really do, and the piece I read recently in favor of Senator Bernie Sanders has a paragraph touching on the New Deal with statements such as Franklin D. Roosevelt being an answer to 1930s America's call for "Hope and Change" and also how he engaged in "one crazy, untested, heavily-criticized, but often effective program after another" in reference to the New Deal.  The problem with this, at its core, is that FDR was not a paragon of revolutionary change nor were his initial New Deal efforts an amazing effort to entirely redo the American economy or radically re-invent the social structures of the United States.  FDR began from a fairly moderate position and worked within the confines of the existing United States, he only moved further left as the 1930s wore on.

Yes, in the first 100 days plus, as part of the First New Deal, FDR did end the United States reliance upon gold as the backing of our currency (domestic impact only) and did massively reform the bank system to stabilize the system.  However FDR did not replace the banks with a federally owned system, instead he used existing banks and a system of consolidation.  In fact, the Emergency Banking Legislation FDR passed was anti-local banking in nature, squashing over 4,000 local banks forcibly into larger national banks to stabilize the system.

FDR did pump $500 million into state, county, and local governments for the purpose of civil improvements, revenue drawn in part by borrowing on the credit of the federal government.  FDR faced regular criticism from his own cabinet members and conservative Democrats, as well as Republicans, for his regular argument that between 1933-1934 he had two federal budgets to oversee, the "regular budget" which he "balanced" by cutting salaries to federal workers and veterans pensions and the "emergency budget" for his various social programs which he ran in a high deficit.  But lets talk about the real turd in this First New Deal, the Blue Eagle program or as it is officially known, the National Recovery Administration (NRA).

That shiny Blue Eagle was something put into the windows of businesses that voluntarily complied with the National Recovery Administration (NRA) efforts at a centrally planned United States economy.  Using a system of price controls, wage controls, employment quotas, and production quotas this system of industry-developed and policed economic plans was implemented across the nation to stabilize the economy.  What it actually did was simply create an immediate, and powerful, black market in goods and services to undermine its controls and pushed more economic power to larger corporations which had set the prices and standards to ensure their economies of scale could pound smaller competitors out of business.  (Which was a stated FDR goal of the NRA program by the way, ending "harmful competition" and more "soberly administering" the current economic capacity of the nation.)

The second New Deal, from 1935-1938, is the one most Americans associate with FDR.  That is then the National Labor Relations Act, the Works Progress Administration (poster above), and Social Security were all created.  In addition that was when FDR put through his massive income tax increase - targeted at the ultra-wealthy.  These are the programs, along with First New Deal programs that were successful, that most Americans think back upon when they wax nostalgic about the Progressive 1930s and compare these policies to Senator Sanders proposed plans.  There is just one more tiny problem to bring up though.

That image is from 1937, when the economy went into another tailspin when FDR moved to end many of the federal programs to see if the United States economy had stabilized without federal subsidies.  The short answer is no, it hadn't, and cutting off the artificial stimulation of federal aid provoked a massive crunch in the economy.  FDR claimed it was the work of a criminal conspiracy aimed at undermining him, the Democrats, and the New Deal spearheaded by a wealthy elite, but no evidence of that was ever found.  FDR eventually had to pump another $5 billion in federal aid in 1938 to once again boost domestic purchasing power and end the 1937 recession.

It's not that FDR's policies failed or the United States didn't need many of the efforts of the New Deal, but what is critical is to paint the New Deal accurately.  It was a massive effort that did some good, did some bad, and flirted with some ideas that the United States pretty roundly rejected.  Even in the worst economic crisis in modern United States history the general public showed they were not interested in planned economies, massive federal reshaping of the economy, or even prolonged federal presence in the economy except for dealing with an immediate crisis in 1932-1933.

Senator Sanders supporters can certainly argue for modern change, but please don't hold the New Deal up as "proof" that popular outrage sparked a huge change in the economy led by a Progressive Wonder in FDR.  FDR actually was far more conservative, and cautious, in his efforts and pushed the nation in a new direction gradually.

Sources:  Wikipedia entries on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration

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Merhabalar Arkadaşlar,

Uzun süredir burayı boşladığımın farkındayım, maalesef... Fakat Facebook sayfamda aktif bir şekilde yer alıyorum.  En kısa sürede tekrar burayı da daha aktif hale getiriyor olacağım ^^

Son bir kaç haftadır Youtube kanalımızı da eğlenceli ve öğretici videolarla harekete geçirdik. Hem Kore'den hem de Türkiyeden

Looking Back: March

March is the month of madness! I finally did my taxes (mostly), got a lot of stuff done in the yard/around the house and spent a lot of time with friends who I had not seen in a while. I am feeling like I need to schedule a couple of down days in April before the summer comes along and things get too crazy.

Running: This month I got back on the horse and logged about 215 miles of running with about 43,000 feet of climbing. In addition, I hiked 11 miles with an additional 2,700 ft of climbing. My strength training has been pitiful, and this month I logged none. However, I did do one day of plumbing work (digging and crawling and lifting) and two very physical days of gardening (moving rocks, digging, carrying dirt) and one less physical day of gardening (raking, pulling weeds, mowing with a push mower). I am calling this strength training, and in that case, I did it roughly once a week! On top of that, I cycled a little over 15 miles, which is about 4 round trip commutes.

Reading: This suffered a lot in March due to the fact that I was outside gardening or fixing plumbing or running. By the time that was all done, there was no brain power or time left over for reading! I ended up reading 4 books and setting two down that I could just not get into. The ones I read were as follows (stars on those that satisfy the RHC).

Between the World and Me
A Manual for Cleaning Women*
Prisoner of Tehran*
Orhan's Inheritance (would satisfy, but category already filled!)

Travel: Over Easter weekend, I was supposed to go to Ouray, CO and do some fun winter activities, but the day of my flight there was a huge snowstorm in CO and all flights were cancelled. So I took a camping trip to Yosemite instead! I also traveled up to see my brother and his girlfriend, and I helped them weed their garden, which was another day of strength training!

Mirror Lake

Tenaya Canyon

What was your favorite thing about March? What book are you reading this month? What everyday activities do you use as your strength training? 

Hwang Chul Soon

Hwang Chul Soon
Advertising Model Spring 2016

Arnold Schwarzenegger Motivasyon Videosu

dünyanın en kaslı adamı

Vücut geliştirmenin ikonu haline gelen ve bu sektörde adını herkese duyurmayı başaran Arnold'un gençlik dönemindeki videolarından derlenen bu motivasyon videosu size ilham kaynağı olacak. Antrenman esnasında çiğnediği sakızla bile motive etmeyi vermeyi başarabilen Arnold'un altyazı destekli motivasyon videosunu izledikten sonra kendinizi ağırlık antrenmanları yaparken bulabilirsiniz.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Motivasyon Videosu