, Bayram Cigerli,English,Reading,English Story,, Bayram Ciger...
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reading etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
reading etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Reading plan!

We have arrived to the moment in which we are ready to read in English!That's also the moment because of the topic, the Catholic Monarchs... so you need to buy this book for next we...
Looking Back: September

Oh September, you devil you. Normally you are one of my favorite months, one full of vacations and adventures and great weather and friends. This year, you are not at the top of my list. September was a rough month for California. It was one of many wildfires; I read somewhere that there was a fire...
Looking Back: March
By Tarihçi at 06:56
2020, Covid-19, Looking Back, reading, Running, Shelter in Place, Travel
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Well hello! The month of March was one for the record books so I figured why not put some of my thoughts in writing?Running: Despite many obstacles, I ran 180 miles in March. The month started out great; summer training was starting to ramp up, it was a little rainy, things were still "normal." Week...
Looking Back: September
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 04:51
2016, Looking Back, reading, Recap, Running, September, Travel
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For the past two Septembers, I have taken advantage of the fact that I get Labor day off, that the weather is still nice, and that the flights are a bit cheaper, and I have gone on my annual vacation. This year was no different In my line of work, I am actually required by law to take 10 business days...
Looking Back: March
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 03:00
2016, Looking Back, March, reading, Recap, Running, Travel
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March is the month of madness! I finally did my taxes (mostly), got a lot of stuff done in the yard/around the house and spent a lot of time with friends who I had not seen in a while. I am feeling like I need to schedule a couple of down days in April before the summer comes along and things get too...
Looking Back: February
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 04:47
2016, February, Looking Back, reading, Recap, Running, Travel
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This month felt shorter than normal! Ha. That was a joke... Really though, February did go by fast, but that is what happens when you are working on the weekdays and are active on the weekends!Sunrise over lake TahoeRunning: I felt like I did a lot of running in February, but I ended up with 84 miles...
Looking Back: January
By Rohat Fatih at 03:00
2016, January, lists, Looking Back, reading, Recap, Running, Travel
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Well here we are, starting another month again. I know February is going to fly by, even though it's a leap year this year! January was also quite quick, even though I had a couple of relaxing days at home. Of course, those also go by fast as well! Let's see what happened this month.Running: In January I ended up running 173 miles and climbing 24,000 ft. This is my highest mileage month since May...
Best of 2015: Books
Goodreads has the following ratings: 1 star = did not like it, 2 stars = it was okay, 3 stars = liked it, 4 stars = really liked it, 5 stars = it was amazing. This year I read 77 books and only gave four of them 5 stars. Those four were:Still Alice by Lisa Genova: This was a heartbreaking story about a woman who gets early onset Alzheimer. She is a brilliant Harvard professor and it is really hard...
Looking Back: November
November was one of those months where you feel kind of relaxed and you think you have plenty of time until Christmas and then all of a sudden, you get a slap in the face because it's already Thanksgiving and the advent calendars are about to come out. This November I even scheduled a couple of "free" days in order to get some of my December errands done early, but they quickly became "non-free days"...
Looking Back: October
By Rohat Fatih at 03:00
2015, lists, Looking Back, October, reading, Recap, Running, Travel
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Another October is in the books! Finally, a month with a good mix of friends, family, work, running and getting things knocked off my To Do List (which is no mean feat). I had a couple of weekends at home, which, although they weren't "quiet", did give me a chance to get some things done that I have been wanting to do for a long time (like planting that darn orange tree in the back yard)!Running:...
Looking Back: August
By Rohat Fatih at 03:30
2015, August, lists, Looking Back, reading, Recap, Running, Travel
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From here on out, this space will be called the "looking back" space. Before I go on, I am looking forward to Fall! Okay, now I am not just all about looking back. August is always a busy month: Last year I studied for and passed a licensing exam, took a vacation and still managed to run 189 miles (phew)....
Looking Back: June

June started with my Dad's birthday and ended with Western States, and the in between was like a suitcase that you pack so full that you have to sit on it to make it all fit. I wish that I was current with this space, because there have been so many things that I want to report on (and remember). However,...