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Weight Training In Body Building What Are The Best Exercise Workouts?

Weight training is important to every lifestyle. There are so many benefits to anyone at any age that it should not be ignored as part of health. Even people in their 70s can build muscle mass that will help them lead healthier lives. Finding the best exercise workouts for your goals is important.

In the case of body building, weight training is a huge part of getting the look you are interested in. A strong weight training plan is vital.

Safety First In Creating Your Workouts

To build up particular muscle groups you need to lift weights that concentrates on those areas. Remember that development is a progressive process. Start with a smaller weight that is heavy enough to work the muscles, one that you are able to lift with some effort and as it gets easier add more weight. It should provide resistance without undue strain to avoid injury.

Be sure that you do the exercises correctly. In most cases this is clearly described in the literature and you should follow that form to provide the maximum work out and avoiding injury. Your form is important and you should pay attention and feel the muscles as you work them while lifting the weights. Always be safe.

Some of the exercises involve heavy lifting so safety is important. Squats and dead lifts put strain on your lower back and it is important to wear a weight belt as you do these kinds of exercises. You don't want to injure yourself and spend your time at the chiropractor instead. Weight belts give your lower back support while keeping your spine straight and help you do the exercise properly.

The Best Exercise Workouts

A benefit of weight training is increased physical performance. Muscles use energy even when at rest so building up those muscles will increase your metabolic rate. Muscles are the powerhouse of your body using the energy you take in to produce movement. When you do this type of training you increase your muscle size, strength and endurance which will increase your overall energy and feelings of well-being. You will both look and feel better no matter what age you are when you start the program. Weight training prevents muscle loss that happens with age and this will help you avoid a flabby body.

Weight training is an important part of any fitness program. In return you will have a healthier and better looking body. Muscle training provides huge returns for a relatively small effort. Weight training with the best exercise workouts is well worth your time no matter what your age.

Add weight training to your exercise program, you will never regret it as you buff up. You will both look and feel better. Learn more about the best exercise workouts at

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Physical Fitness - Vital To Weight Loss

ByRick E Barber

Physical Fitness Is Important

There are many ways to bring down your blood glucose levels, but the easiest and most effective way to do this is to improve your health through exercise and fitness. There was a time when individuals use to look forward to working out, but as we move further away from physical lifestyles it is becoming more evident day by day that this is not the case.

Leading an inactive lifestyle can lead to many physical ailments. It is even thought that it is a key reason for the surge of type 2 diabetes in the US (obesity promotes insulin resistance along with other issues).

Exercise should be a common practice. In the United States of America research has shown that only thirty percent of the adult population gets 30 minutes (this is recommended) of physical activity daily!

Remember, your physical destiny is in your hands. It is never too late to change. Exercise is a tried and true method that can help you not only improve your overall fitness, but lower your risk for heart disease and contribute (along with a proper diet) to weight loss.

According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2003), a lack of exercise and fitness were found to be major factors behind diabetes and obesity (conclusion found through an extensive study).

This is more than enough reason for a person to consider a fitness routine or exercise schedule. Not only could it improve your overall lifestyle, but can contribute to your general health and physical appearance.

The first step to change is sometimes the hardest. I always recommend beginning with your doctor or health care provider. There are many factors to consider when coming up with a proper plan of action (especially if you suffer from a heart condition), and your primary care physician will know your situation best.

Certain exercises could be damaging to you, and depending upon your situation could actually do more harm than good. Also, certain diseases will also play a key factor into the types of exercises you can place within your program. This is why your health care provider is an excellent resource and starting point.

Depending upon your conditions, your doctor could make a referral to a specialist (ex. physiologist). The specialist could than tailor a program that will help you maximize your efforts (even with a condition or disease).

In conclusion, physical fitness can enrich your life providing you with good health and peace of mind. You will have peace in knowing you are doing everything within your power to take control of your destiny, and take care of your body. You only have one life to live, make the most of it. For further information, I would recommend researching the topic at your local library or on-line. Also, your physician (or specialist) can recommend further reading material that can help you to tailor a program to your personal needs. And, you can always check in at your local gym and speak with a trainer. Information is power, and the more you have the better equipped you will be to maximize your time and effort.

Rick is a strong believer in the power of "you". Having issues with weight loss, dieting, or healthy living? Rick has a free newsletter packed with vital information that can help you. Sign up for free here today!

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Improve Your Fitness Using Weight Machines

You can improve your fitness level by beginning a weight training program using weight machines. Weight machines offer a good way to target a narrow range of muscles, track how much resistance you are creating for each group of muscles, and for many exerciser's, it does feel good to "pump iron". Weight training will improve your fitness level and is important for building muscle mass, of course, but weight training also helps you strengthen your bones, so if you are in a risk group for osteoporosis, it's doubly important for you to add resistance to your workouts, and weight machines are a safe way to start a weight training program.

Your gym's fitness trainers are your first resource in learning to use weight machines. If your gym membership comes with a personal fitness training session, use it to learn proper form. Even if you need to pay for the session, the injuries and overuse of muscles you will avoid is well worth it. If you haven't signed up for a formal session, some fitness trainers may be willing to get you started on one machine or two. Just don't expect them to provide a full fitness training session that you haven't signed up for.

If there's a machine you have your eye on trying at your gym, but you can't get anyone to show you how to use it in person, note the name of the machine- they often have signs listing the name and proper use of the machine. Then look for online videos showing fitness trainers demonstrating how to use the weight machine- several fitness trainers have short instructional videos you can watch. Look at several videos- the different camera angles may help you get a better idea, and if one trainer has bad form, the others will be able to show the contrast between good and bad form.

Weight machines also have signs with illustrated instructions showing you how to use the machine. Some are better than others, but most are enough to help you get the hang of it. Don't attempt to lift the maximum weight you can manage on a machine you're unfamiliar with, especially if you only have those signs to go by. While the illustrations can give you a basic idea of what the move is supposed to look like, any errors in form will be compounded by the strain you are putting on your muscles.

Using weight machines will be even more enjoyable if you warm up your muscles first, focus on large muscle groups, followed by smaller muscles, then a cool down. For those who aren't experienced with weight machines, they can seem a bit intimidating, but once you get to know them, they aren't any more challenging to work than a treadmill.

Paul is a fitness enthusiast who has worked as a Personal Trainer and a Physical Education Teacher. He earned a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology from California State University of Fullerton, and a Physical Education Teaching Credential as well. He also earned a National Certification as a Performance Enhancement Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and is a Certified Personal Trainer. He started which focuses on all aspects of fitness, and motivation and is the founder of Workd Fitness Bootcamp. Paul has a passion for helping others achieve their goals and is ready to help you with yours as well.

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Top 8 Mistakes People Make in Trying To Get Fit and Lose Weight

ByMike A James


So you've decided to lose some weight and get fitter! Great stuff! That is a commendable decision, but do you know how many people a year, a day, even a minute give up on that decision? Well I don't have the statistics but it is a lot. So I have listed here some of the main reasons people like yourself fall by the wayside of the road to a better, healthier, fitter body.


Often people decide they're going to lose weight and get fitter and immediately slash their calorie intake, embark on a tough work out programme, give up drinking, give up smoking, cut out sweets and join a running club, all at once then wonder why they feel like hell! A little time passes then something happens and it all falls apart and they return to their old habits. They saw the article about the man who lost 100 pounds in six weeks and now looks like Adonis and thought they would achieve the same but then got disheartened when they couldn't lose the weight quickly enough and gave up.

We none of us live in a bubble unaffected by our surroundings, friends, family, work and circumstances and all these affect our resolve to see a goal through. If we could just cut ourselves off from everything else that is happening around us it would be much easier to stick to the decisions we make and goals we set, but all too often something outside of our control happens which upsets us and we revert to a default where we feel more comfortable.

We didn't get to where we are now, physically or mentally, in a few days or weeks or even months, for most of us it took years. So how do you expect to make such a big change in a fraction of that time? It can be done yes, but it is rare, usually triggered by something drastic happening, some kind of a wake up call like a heart attack or severe warning from a doctor, but if that hasn't happened, then if you try to do things too quickly the inner you will not accept the change and will look for an excuse to pull you back to your default that you have relied on for so long. It could be anything from some harsh criticism from someone close, to a catastrophe that affects you or your family, what ever it is it will seem like the perfect reason or excuse to discontinue your quest for a better healthier body. The thing is your body always wants to maintain the status quo, you have survived this long by doing what you've always done, sudden change for the unknown could be dangerous because it is unknown!

So one step at a time. One pound at a time. Set targets that you know are achievable at least until you get the ball rolling and show yourself that you CAN make a change also that your friends and family can accept. It is easier for you to turn down a fourth drink on your regular night out with your buddies than it is to resist their mocking when you say you're only going to drink orange juice!
Unless you have a will of iron, sooner or later you will give in to peer pressure or cravings. It's far better to reduce but still have the moments when you do indulge to look forward to. Then reduce some more and so on.


Many people have great success in losing a few pounds up to a couple of stone but then it all seems to a stop, usually after about two and a half to three and a half months. Then it seems that they stop losing weight and all the tricks and techniques they've been using don't seem to be working anymore. So they do one or both of two things. Start to think that their efforts are wasted and give in to their default desires or try even harder by eating less and or exercising more.

Don't! This is a crucial point both physically and psychologically. If you get it wrong now it will be a whole lot harder to get back to this weight again, what ever weight you have achieved or how ever much or little you have lost.

Physically your body is readjusting it's self. It's taking stock, thinking "Am I in danger here? My systems are telling me I'm losing my reserves and I'm changing shape, is that a good thing or not?" Your body needs to reassure it's self that what you're doing is good and that there is no need to panic and keep storing reserves.

If you try harder and exercise more and eat less your body's alarm bells will begin to ring resulting in a slowing of your metabolism and a cannibalising of muscle tissue leaving you soft and deflated! If you give in and go back to your old ways your body will revert very quickly to what it was and probably add some more poundage for good measure ready for a future emergency.

So what should you do? Well these two approaches may help.

Psychologically, own the new you! Look how far you have come, congratulate your self on what you have achieved. Even if you were to never lose another ounce or half inch (which is not going to be the case) you are so much better off than you were and wouldn't you rather be where you are now than where you were then? So enjoy it, live it, own it, brag about it and notice how good you feel.

Physically. Don't change anything for now. Just carry on doing what you have been doing. Maybe change your work out programme a little but no more than you normally would on a monthly basis, for now take some time out from measuring and monitoring yourself and just enjoy where you've got to.. Let your body get used to the new regime and let it know that all is ok and what you're doing is good. Enjoy the new way of eating that has brought you here. Enjoy the new physical activities you have involved yourself in, enjoy them because they are working but what ever you do, don't stop your programme or you may never get back into it again.


This is very important. Ok so you are over weight! By how much will obviously vary from person to person but none the less, one thing that will be the same is the way you see yourself. You look in the mirror and you see the little belly or the spare tyre, the larger than you would like them thighs, the rolls of fat, or how ever your over weight state is distributed around your particular body. You see the way you currently are.

Now here's the thing. The more you look at yourself the way you are, the more you notice the fat and feel the fat and most important of all, the more you dislike it and feel bad about it, the more you are psychologically locking yourself into that body and the harder you are making it for yourself to change.

"But surely I can only see myself the way I am?" I here you say. Ah, there's the trick you see and it's quite a subtle one. You need to have in your mind's eye the picture of you that you want to achieve not the picture of how you are. We've all done it from time to time, stood in front of the mirror, sucked in our tummy, stretched our bodies up a bit too appear taller and slimmer and thought that's how I want to look. Great that's it, that's the trick, but then what do we do? We drop it all and look at ourselves and say "I don't want to look like this" then turn around and go and eat a packet of crisps or a desert to try and feel better while that last image of ourselves is imprinted indelibly on our mind.

Well you were part way there, but what you should have done is kept that posture THEN turned away from the mirror with that picture in your head and continued saying "Yes! That's how I want to look because it feels great". Hold onto that feeling of how much better you look and most importantly how much better it makes you FEEL seeing that new look.

This sets up a new process in your brain and your body of adjusting your status quo to accept a new "Normal". A new "Safe". A new "Default". If every time you look in the mirror you do this and make yourself feel good about the you, you see, the stronger the effect will be.

There are other things you can do too that have the same effect. Get a picture of a person whom has the body shape you desire to achieve, cut it out of a fitness magazine or something, and pin it up somewhere that you will see it often, on the fridge is a good place. Better still, if you can also get the same scale picture of yourself and swap the head of the other picture for your own so that it looks like a picture of you with that body.

Look at this picture often and imagine how it would feel to have that body. It's what you feel and think when you look at the picture that really matters. You must not look at the picture and think, "I really want to look like that but how the hell am I going to achieve it, look at me now I am far from looking like that and it feels awful". No! This will not work! All you are doing here is confirming how hard it is to achieve what you want and that you can never look like the picture!

What you need to do is look at the picture and smile, yes actually smile physically, then as you smile physically, which will already trigger some endorphins which make you feel better, say to your self "Wow! It will be amazing when I get to look like that, I can feel what it would be like right now, I feel fantastic, I feel younger, healthier, lighter and everyone will admire me for my great body and physique". That sort of thing, what ever feels good. Believe me this is powerful stuff and will make a huge difference to your success.


If you were trying to tune a Ferrari you wouldn't consider putting poor quality fuel in drained out of a breaker would you? So why would you try to tune your body and give it poor quality fuel? Nutrition is a big part of gaining a slimmer fitter body and it's not as difficult as you might think. You don't need to calculate everything by weighing it and counting each calorie etc. Most of it is common sense, trim all visible fat, don't eat deserts everyday, make sure you eat plenty of vegetables, salads and fruit along with lean protein and eat small meals four or five times a day. You can get more sophisticated and technical as you go along but for now this will be fine as a starting point, just use your common sense.

The flip side is to make sure you eat enough! It's no good just going on a starvation diet for this will give your body all the wrong messages similar to doing too much cardio as covered below. If you starve your body it will go into panic mode and simply try to store everything you eat and scavenge what it needs from unnecessary reserves such as muscle. So again, four or five small meals a day, maybe breakfast, lunch and dinner being a little larger meals with snacks between making up the other meals. But make sure the snacks are proper food like a wholemeal sandwich or a tasty salad with nuts, not a burger with fries or three candy bars and a soda!


Your work out should be no more than an hour if you're doing it twice to three times a week and the more often you go, the less muscle groups or even less muscles you should be working, though more intensely so the shorter your work out should be. If you're going everyday, then you should be working a different muscle or two each day for only about 20 to 30 minutes.

You MUST also have days off for recovery. These may be between work outs or at the end of the week. If you're working out daily then you must have two whole days off a week and three or four days once a month or so. If you don't get enough recovery time then you will be over training and your muscles will not have enough time to repair themselves and grow and all your efforts will be wasted. SEEMPLES!


Too many people see the methods of losing weight as temporary fix's which once they achieve their desired weight they will discard, returning to their former life style. This is absurd! The lifestyle you are living, the food you are eating, the lack of exercise you have got used to, is all how you arrived at this place of not being happy with your weight, so to think that once you have achieved your goal you can go back to all of that and maintain what you have worked so hard for is madness!

A healthier, fitter and slimmer body requires a change in the way you live your life, FOR LIFE! Not for a few weeks or months or even a year but FOR LIFE! That is why you need to make the changes slowly, one step at a time, so that you can own them, make them part of the way you live, not just some inconvenient thing you'll have to put up with for a while until you get what you want then relax back into your old habits.

If you suddenly found a great job you could walk right into that paid you a lot more money than you're getting now and would mean you could pay off all your debts or live a lifestyle you really enjoy, you wouldn't do it for a couple of months or until you'd paid your debts or enjoyed the lifestyle for a while then go back to your old job would you? So why do the same with your health?


Too much cardio
Many people think that the only way to really lose weight is through ours of cardio, on the treadmill or exercise bike or similar static stationary training machine or even by going out jogging.

Well yes hours spent doing cardio will burn calories and shed the pounds... BUT. Your body metabolism will actually decrease and it will try to hold onto fat and decrease your muscle mass. Why? Because it will think there is something wrong, that there is some kind of emergency or famine and because muscles use energy even at rest your body will decide that it is more important to use unnecessary muscle as fuel to feed what it detects as the necessary muscles. So if you do loads of running or cycling it will keep mainly keep your leg muscles going but will start to utilize resources from other muscles such as chest and arms for fuel whilst at the same time trying to preserve reserves such as the fat around your waste for use later.

Of course in time you will use this fat but as soon as you eat anything, especially when you give in to cravings, your body will store it straight away as fat. So you need a balance of cardio and weight training coupled with good nutrition at regular intervals. This way you trigger fat burning with your cardio work outs which kicks in at about 15 to 20 minutes, start to burn more calories at rest as your muscles grow and you metabolic rate increases from weight training and you educate your body that it doesn't need to store fat because there is plenty of food available by eating small meals four to five times a day.


This is one of my favourites and the most difficult to get across. The scales do lie! Ok, if you're very over weight and are shedding a lot of fat you will see your weight reducing on the scales but sooner or later there is going to come a time when what the scales are telling you has nothing to do with losing fat and when that moment comes, if you don't understand what is happening you're going to get very de-motivated and upset that your weight losing has stopped.

So what's going on? Ok, depending on how much fat you have to lose and how much muscle you already have this will vary from person to person but if you start out with very little muscle mass and a lot of surface fat, there comes a point when the muscle you are growing starts to out weigh or offset the fat you are losing, so though the scales may say you have stopped losing weight or slowed down, it isn't necessarily the case because you may have lost a pound of fat but gained half a pound over all in muscle.

The same goes for measuring. Yes you should see a decreasing in your stomach area but in arms for instance you may well see an increase even though they are not looking more muscular. This is because before you start to lose the fat, as muscle grows it will start to push up the fat, a bit like inflating a balloon under a thick blanket or Duvet, you can't see the shape of the balloon but the blanket or duvet lifts. Then as the muscles establish themselves they will add to your metabolic rate and then you will see the fat decrease revealing the muscle shape.

I sincerely hope this helps you to stay on track and keep motivated toward your goal of a better, fitter and healthier body. For more information on how to get the body you want why not go have a look at where I can help you further. All the best, Mike James

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What Weight Loss pills can do for you?

Dieters may actually require that to help them get through the difficult weight reduction process weight loss pills. This is contrary to the common perception that a person who needs pills for weight loss success is weak. There are many reasons why some of us need a little help.
You purchase can ruin your metabolism trying you die of hunger in achieving the figure of a model.Losing weight will become increasingly difficult due to the habits in fasting that we develop as we grow viejos.Las weight loss pills that can be increasing metabolism will enhance your metabolic rate.
Metabolic rate problems are not only a limited to ex-dieters, which have decreased their systems down to stop screeching.Las people who are over thirty and five years old often resort to weight loss pills. This is because we slow down as you age and our metabolic rates may slow as well.
Some people also use weight loss pills only to keep its size actual.Mi wife was struggling with the last pound 10 she had to lose to have children and winning and losing a lot of weight. She realized that a lot of diet and exercise is not enough allow you to achieve your goal.She was only able to slim down in size that she wanted to be on weight loss pills.
However, recovered from the last 10 pounds at any time.She had to stop taking supplements when she discovered that the pounds extra attacked where she was not paying attention. She realized that balance and moderation is the key to successfully using pills loss of weight reduction, as well as maintenance.
However, some pills can cause insomnia and irritabilidad.Debe trying another product, or take smaller doses to allow your body to adapt to the drug if you experience these effects secundarios.puede choose from a wide variety of market weight loss pills.

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