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3 Things To Understand Muscle Building Science

There is a reason why some people get better results than others when building muscles; they understand the muscle building science better. The regiment that will get you the best result is a combination of weight training, the right diet, and muscle building supplements. People who do not do all of those things will have a lot more trouble than others getting the wanted results. You should not let yourself be one of those who work out really hard only to see very little results. Getting muscles is about working out smarter not harder.

Better Exercises

If you are going to make the most out of your muscle building routine then you should look into what is called compound exercises. Those are exercises that allow you to work out more than one area at the time. You may not know what a compound exercise is, but a perfect example would be the bench press. When you look at the muscle building science of the bench press you will realize that your chest is not all that you are working with; your triceps and your shoulders are getting a nice workout as well. The fact that you are working 3 areas with one exercise leaves more time to work on other areas.

Do Not Over Do It

When you are working out you have to push yourself without over doing it. You know how your body works and you know what its limits are, so when you reach those limits you should stop. You should also keep a day of the week without any work outs. Some people will suggest two days a week, and that is fine, but one day is enough for your muscles to recover. Another way to allow for your muscles to get recovery time is to work on different areas from one day to the next.

Speed Up Your Metabolism

Your metabolism is one of those things that you have to understand in order to fully comprehend muscle building science. You have been having 3 full meals every day; a way to speed up your metabolism is to have smaller meals more frequently. Take your meals and muscle building supplements at set times. Try having the same amount of food, but spread it up over your day and you will be in fact getting your metabolism going. Once you do that, you will notice that all your workouts are now more effective.

Sereyvorn Keng is a fitness consultant, enthusiast and a proven health expert. He used to be that skinny-kid before transforming his body and life, through building muscle and getting in the best shape of his life.

Follow his unique journey through by checking out Here you'll learn what it takes to get in great shape and learn everything about building quality muscle.

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Tips On Losing Fat And Building Muscle

ByGary L Corbin

Last time you learned some of the most common Ideal Fitness mistakes and how to avoid them. Read on for more clever tips to get the results you want...

Know Your Proteins

Different proteins absorb at different speeds. You have your fast-acting proteins, like whey. That's a good protein choice to enjoy right after a workout. You also have slow-absorbing proteins, like casein protein (e.g., milk). These are good proteins to enjoy during your last meal, since they'll take longer to absorb.

TIP: Eating essential fatty acids - like nuts or seeds - is also a good food to eat for your last meal of the evening. That's because these fats are slow to digest, and they may even slow down the digestion of any proteins or carbs you eat. And since you'll essentially be fasting during the night, it's a good idea to slow down digestion as much as possible so you have a slower release of nutrients.

Focus on Breathing

When you're lifting weights, be sure to breathe properly. Most people do this automatically, although some people make the mistake of holding their breath when they're doing a big lift.

Here's the proper way: Inhale on the easy part of the lift, exhale on the hard part (when your muscles are straining the most).

Don't Let Your Spotter Help You Too Much

Your spotter should encourage you and make sure you don't drop the weights on yourself. To accomplish this second task, many spotters "ride along" on the lift. That means they have their hands on the weight so that they can grab it quickly if your muscles give out.

Touching the weight (lightly) is ok. But what's not ok is letting your spotter "help" you by pulling up on the weight for you. The only time this is acceptable is if you've decided to do one or two more reps after failure. Since your muscles are already fatigued, you can do a partial rep and let your spotter help you for the rest of the motion... but this help should be minimal, and only on the part of the lift that you really need it.


Your gym time shouldn't be a social hour. Nor should it be a time to gawk at the other gym patrons. If you're looking around while you're lifting, then you're probably not lifting hard enough. Or worse yet, you're not focusing on proper form, which means you're likely to get hurt.

Don't be a Preacher

You've made a decision to transform your body, get healthier and basically change your life for the better. You're probably excited about your decision - and even more ecstatic about the results you're seeing.

That's great. You can share these results and your excitement with supportive others. And you can share tips with those who want to know how you did it. Just don't start offering "advice" to people who don't ask for it. Don't preach about a healthy lifestyle or tell people why their exercise and nutrition habits suck. That's a quick way to lose a lot of friends, fast!

Thank you again for reading. I look forward to seeing you on the inside.




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Building A Gym At Home

Let's assume that you are at the point of decision: you are going to build your own exercise domain, and as previously blogged, you have already decided to include your children in this enterprise and take advantage of this opportunity to be with your kids while they grow up. And, of course, you can always enter your home gym by yourself and work out to your heart's content because you have the keys to both doors!

Now let's place the home gym equipment in your home gym! I see that Matt Weik, a bodybuilding expert for has ranked five separate Home Gyms from respected companies for price, customer service, quality of product, and warranties, convenience, need for maintenance and size of equipment. Out of these, I would choose for myself a machine that has a lifetime warranty, and a weight stack loader (a little cheaper). The price of this would be moderate and would fit into the garage conversion plans and still accommodate the children's work-out area.

Place the equipment in your Home Gym Room so there is plenty of room around the "kids corner" for the other play and resting that children do. ( Remember that you have already laid a piece of second-hand carpet, bound or unbound, on your garage floor). I like the idea of throwing down two or three large pillows on the floor for wiggle time for the kids. Because the above equipment has all the necessities already on it, you do not have to buy each piece separately. Since you now have a basis for strength training you can consider a stationary bike for aerobic training.

For aerobic/cardio training be aware that your heart gets used to the same exercises day after day and it becomes more difficult to burn calories and you must work harder and longer to achieve the same results. So, for exercising your heart, you should have at least two different ways of exercising. These can be done without machines as high impact, high intensity routines with no rest for a period of time. One of these choices could be a good jump rope. These exercises, used alternately, will guarantee that you are increasing your natural abilities and will be ready for a challenge to your body and will comprise the balance of your Home Gym.

If you wish to further embellish this hallowed place, find a couple of posters that the kids will like, maybe let them pick out what they want. For the sake of your own boredom, or desire to have something to think about while you exercise, why not write out a copy in large black letters of the exercises you plan to carry out and hang them where you can see them and adhere to them each day. Also, there are posters galore that will motivate you to "stay focused," books to read while on the stationery bicycle, maybe some nutritional reminders for the whole family. Put up a "before" picture if you are in it for weight loss and follow-up at goal time with an "after" picture. This is part of the fun of exercising, because you know you and your family will be happier and healthier and look 100% better!

Margaret Heaps is a native born Californian who sees life as not long enough to fit everything in. She hopes to make a success of her new website.

We can serve you by introducing you to a variety of physical fitness equipment at a reasonable price. See our exercise bicycles, punching bags for kids and adults, weight lifting iron, jumping ropes, Pilates, home gyms and much more and shop now.

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Honest Visual Impact Muscle Building Review

In this Visual Impact Muscle Building Review you will see a glimpse of the program as well as hear my thoughts on it.

Overall, Visual Impact is a good workout and I was surprised with how in-depth it was. If you are like me and have your reservations, I completely understand.

Before I ordered this workout I had some questions like:

What is the Visual Impact Muscle Building Workout?

Does Visual Impact Muscle Building work?

Is Visual Impact a scam, or is it the real deal?

Is Visual Impact Muscle Building worth it?

Where do I buy Visual Impact Muscle Building?

First of all, this is a real workout program put together by a real fitness expert, Rusty Moore.

Before we continue, there are some that may not want to get this program though. This workout program is not designed to build a ton of muscle. If you want to be a "big dog" or a super big guy, this really is n0t the program for you.

Visual Impact Muscle Building is designed to build a good amount of muscle at first. From there you move into focusing 100% on making the muscle toned and ripped.

The Phases

Visual Impact is separated out into three different phases with a bonus phase at the end for getting ripped.

Each phase is designed to last for 2 months but you can adjust that if you need. I used phase 1 for only a month and then moved onto the rest of the workout. If you have a lot of muscle to gain then you can stay in phase 1 as long as you don't gain too much fat in the process. I have a feeling that after two months of phase 1 you will be more than satisfied with the amount of muscle you gain.

Phase I - This stage is all about sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This is the type of muscle growth that ads the most amount size but with the least amount of muscle definition.

Phase II - Although phase 3 is where you see the big transformation happen, this is probably my favorite. In this stage you are bridging the gap between building large muscles and building defined muscles. Rusty calls this his hybrid muscle building phase.

Phase III - As mentioned, this is where it all comes together. In this phase you won't be gaining anymore size, but you will start to get lean and toned. With a serious shift in the workout you will be losing any fat and creating sharp and dense muscles.

Bonus Phase - At the end of all of the phases you have the option of going through the bonus phase. In case you haven't read about it online, it's called the shrink wrap effect. The name eludes to the condition of your skin as it gets shrink wrapped around your muscles. If you've ever had difficulty getting ripped, this will help you blast past any previous plateaus.

Table of Contents

Below are all of the chapters in Visual Impact. You don't really need to read all of them but they're there for you to look over. The meat of the program is found in the chapters containing the actual phases with the workouts.

The Meat-Head Movement is Strong.

Concentrating on "The Big 3"?

The 2 Main Types of Muscle Growth

"Cumulative Fatigue"

A High Volume of Sets and Reps

Hybrid Muscle Building

How Much Muscle Can You Gain?

Eating for Muscle Gains

Only Proven Muscle Building Supplement

Setting Up Your Workout Routine

Phase I - Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy

Phase II - Increase Muscle and Density

Phase III - Max Density and Definition

Bonus Phase - Shrink Wrap Your Muscles

Building Mass on Upper Body Only

Final Thoughts

Questions and Answers

Why did Rusty create such an in-depth workout manual for Visual Impact Muscle Building?

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." I am sure you have heard this saying, and it is overused, but this is my philosophy when it comes to training."

Some Final Thoughts

Visual Impact Muscle Building is currently my favorite workout program. If you are looking to get lean, toned and ripped then this is a very good program to follow. If your aim is to be really big, this is definitely not the system for you.

I've tried many different workouts in the past and this is the one that I was finally able to get the kind of results I wanted.

CHECK THIS OUT: Rusty Moore also has a weight lifting workout for women that I review, so I strongly recommend that you check that out as well. If you are looking more for a weight loss specific workout then I would recommend Rusty's cardio program: click here to see results.

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Weight Training In Body Building What Are The Best Exercise Workouts?

Weight training is important to every lifestyle. There are so many benefits to anyone at any age that it should not be ignored as part of health. Even people in their 70s can build muscle mass that will help them lead healthier lives. Finding the best exercise workouts for your goals is important.

In the case of body building, weight training is a huge part of getting the look you are interested in. A strong weight training plan is vital.

Safety First In Creating Your Workouts

To build up particular muscle groups you need to lift weights that concentrates on those areas. Remember that development is a progressive process. Start with a smaller weight that is heavy enough to work the muscles, one that you are able to lift with some effort and as it gets easier add more weight. It should provide resistance without undue strain to avoid injury.

Be sure that you do the exercises correctly. In most cases this is clearly described in the literature and you should follow that form to provide the maximum work out and avoiding injury. Your form is important and you should pay attention and feel the muscles as you work them while lifting the weights. Always be safe.

Some of the exercises involve heavy lifting so safety is important. Squats and dead lifts put strain on your lower back and it is important to wear a weight belt as you do these kinds of exercises. You don't want to injure yourself and spend your time at the chiropractor instead. Weight belts give your lower back support while keeping your spine straight and help you do the exercise properly.

The Best Exercise Workouts

A benefit of weight training is increased physical performance. Muscles use energy even when at rest so building up those muscles will increase your metabolic rate. Muscles are the powerhouse of your body using the energy you take in to produce movement. When you do this type of training you increase your muscle size, strength and endurance which will increase your overall energy and feelings of well-being. You will both look and feel better no matter what age you are when you start the program. Weight training prevents muscle loss that happens with age and this will help you avoid a flabby body.

Weight training is an important part of any fitness program. In return you will have a healthier and better looking body. Muscle training provides huge returns for a relatively small effort. Weight training with the best exercise workouts is well worth your time no matter what your age.

Add weight training to your exercise program, you will never regret it as you buff up. You will both look and feel better. Learn more about the best exercise workouts at

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