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Physical etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Physical etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Physical Activity

Defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure, makes important contributions to a person's health, sense of well being and the maintenance of a healthy weight.

Maintaining regular increases one's ability of physical fitness, helping you to meet the demands of everyday tasks and work. People with higher levels of physical fitness also have a lower risk of developing chronic disease.

Leading a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of developing issues with excess weight including obesity, and many chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and certain types of cancer.

Mortality rates from all causes of death are lower in people who are physical active than those who live a sedentary life.

The following are recommendations to promote health and well being and a healthy weight.

Health-Related Physical Fitness Goals

ByDiyan Dimitrov

The physical fitness goals are to lower risks of developing health problems and to maintain good physical health. The components of these goals are undoubtedly familiar to all of us.

To Lower Risks of Developing Health Problems and Conditions

One aspect of the quality of life is to prevent or delay the premature development of health problems, prolonging the healthy and independent portions of life. There is evidence that regular physical activity is related to lower risk of premature development of many health problems including: anxiety; atherosclerosis; back pain; cancer; chronic lung disease; coronary heart disease; depression; diabetes; hypertension; obesity and stroke. In our modern society cardiovascular diseases has emerged as a serious set of health problems, causing premature death and disability. Fortunately physical activity plays a major role in preventing the development of these and other premature health problems. The most important thing to remember is that activity and exercise are health beneficial, if performed on regular basis, combined with proper nutrition.

To Maintain a Physical Well-Being

Many of these characteristics that lower our risk of developing serious health conditions are also the ones that provide a higher quality of life. Maintaining good fitness levels equals to having high levels of functional capacity and optimal levels of body fat helps us feel good and have the energy to perform things that enrich our lives. An active lifestyle is also related to prolonged quality of life and independent living in the elderly and individuals with disabilities.

In addition, exercise goals directed towards achieving good muscular endurance and flexibility in the mid trunk area are related to a healthy low back.

Maintenance of All Physical Fitness Components for Sustainable Health

For sustainable health and fitness performance, the physical activities and exercise have to be varied and directed toward developing all of the components of physical fitness:
Improving cardiorespiratory function - aerobic exercises;Muscular strength and endurance - resistance weight training;Joints flexibility - stretches for all joints, the spinal column and especially for the lower back and thigh area;Body composition or maintaining relative leanness (fat-free/fat mass proportion) - regular physical activity combined with balanced nutrient-rich eating plan.

From a health perspective and to be physically fit, you should perform regular physical activity and exercise to improve and/or maintain all of the above components.

As people increase their levels of physical fitness, they move toward better life, whereas decreased physical fitness can lead toward health problems and decreased quality of life.

About the author:
Diyan Dimitrov specializes in the field of health, fitness, diet and nutrition. He is a writer at, who publishes articles on healthy living and creates objective reviews of natural weight loss pills, based on clinical studies, scientific information for ingredients safety, company reputation, and user ratings.

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Physical Fitness - Vital To Weight Loss

ByRick E Barber

Physical Fitness Is Important

There are many ways to bring down your blood glucose levels, but the easiest and most effective way to do this is to improve your health through exercise and fitness. There was a time when individuals use to look forward to working out, but as we move further away from physical lifestyles it is becoming more evident day by day that this is not the case.

Leading an inactive lifestyle can lead to many physical ailments. It is even thought that it is a key reason for the surge of type 2 diabetes in the US (obesity promotes insulin resistance along with other issues).

Exercise should be a common practice. In the United States of America research has shown that only thirty percent of the adult population gets 30 minutes (this is recommended) of physical activity daily!

Remember, your physical destiny is in your hands. It is never too late to change. Exercise is a tried and true method that can help you not only improve your overall fitness, but lower your risk for heart disease and contribute (along with a proper diet) to weight loss.

According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2003), a lack of exercise and fitness were found to be major factors behind diabetes and obesity (conclusion found through an extensive study).

This is more than enough reason for a person to consider a fitness routine or exercise schedule. Not only could it improve your overall lifestyle, but can contribute to your general health and physical appearance.

The first step to change is sometimes the hardest. I always recommend beginning with your doctor or health care provider. There are many factors to consider when coming up with a proper plan of action (especially if you suffer from a heart condition), and your primary care physician will know your situation best.

Certain exercises could be damaging to you, and depending upon your situation could actually do more harm than good. Also, certain diseases will also play a key factor into the types of exercises you can place within your program. This is why your health care provider is an excellent resource and starting point.

Depending upon your conditions, your doctor could make a referral to a specialist (ex. physiologist). The specialist could than tailor a program that will help you maximize your efforts (even with a condition or disease).

In conclusion, physical fitness can enrich your life providing you with good health and peace of mind. You will have peace in knowing you are doing everything within your power to take control of your destiny, and take care of your body. You only have one life to live, make the most of it. For further information, I would recommend researching the topic at your local library or on-line. Also, your physician (or specialist) can recommend further reading material that can help you to tailor a program to your personal needs. And, you can always check in at your local gym and speak with a trainer. Information is power, and the more you have the better equipped you will be to maximize your time and effort.

Rick is a strong believer in the power of "you". Having issues with weight loss, dieting, or healthy living? Rick has a free newsletter packed with vital information that can help you. Sign up for free here today!

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Benefits of Regular Exercise and Physical Activities

Exercise has become very popular among people who want to look good and at the same time be healthy irrespective of their age. This is because research have proved that regular exercise and physical activities can make you feel better, have more energy and probably live longer.It will be difficult to ignore the health .The good news is that you can have all the benefits of regular exercise regardless of your physical ability, age or sex.

Lets see some of the ways exercise can help to improve your looks, health and life generally.


Research have proved that exercise and regular physical activities boosts good cholesterol, keep your blood flowing smoothly thereby reducing your risk of cardiovascular diseases.Health problems like depression, stroke, diabetes, arthritis and many more can be prevented by engaging in regular exercise.


No weight loss program is complete without exercise and/or regular physical activity.Exercise helps to prevent excess weight gain and also to maintain weight loss as it helps to boost your metabolism. The intensity of your activity determines the mount of calories you burn and how much weight you loss.Even at work you can be more active by taking the stairs instead of the elevator,walking to the next office instead of making calls or sending mails.You can do some stretching while running a copy.


Exercise and physical activities stimulates and enhances the production of endorphin in the brain that makes you feel good, happier and more relaxed. When you exercise regularly you feel better about you looks and appearance which helps to boost your confidence and also improve your self esteem.Engaging in exercise and physical activities will take your focus away from any stress causing situation or factor helping you to relax better.


Exercise and physical activities help to deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues thereby helping your cardiovascular system to work efficiently.When your heart and lungs work efficiently your energy level will be enhanced and you will have more energy to go about your daily activities.Exercise and physical activities boost your endurance as well as improve your strength and stamina.

Exercise also promotes better sleep,enhances your sex life and helps you connect with friends and family.In fact,it can serve as a means to bring back the spark in your social life.

If you are looking for a way to feel better,look good, be healthy and have fun,engage in regular exercise and physical activities.Adding a 30 minutes to one hour exercise in your daily schedule and strictly keeping it like an appointment will give you all the benefits.Checking with your doctor before starting any new exercise program is very important especially if you have any health concern.

Solomon Onyewuchi Okere is a martial art scholar and coach, a blogger of note. Some of his blogs are;

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