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Vital etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Tennis Elbow Exercises: Yes, They're Vital - But What If They Don't Help?

There are several key exercises for Tennis Elbow treatment.

And the easy part is finding out which ones to do - The hard part is knowing when to do them.

If you do them at the right time they should help your recovery...

BUT, the problem is if you do them at the wrong time or in the wrong way they can just as easily:

1. Aggravate and worsen your injury,
2. Cause you even more pain, and...
3. Set you back weeks in your recovery!

To make matters worse, there's a lot of faulty exercise advice out there based on misconceptions about the healing process.

For example, what are some of the things you hear from well-meaning Physical Therapists, Personal Trainers and internet personalities offering exercise instructions for Tennis Elbow "Tendonitis?"...

Inflammation - Get that inflammation down first!

Many will tell you that you need to get the inflammation down first before exercising - But that's a big myth...

It's a major misconception, at best, because inflammation is actually part of your healing process...

(I call this myth the InflammaSCAM - because it's SO pervasive.)

The danger is, if you DO succeed in stopping all your inflammation - Then you've stopped your healing process.

Rest It First - For Several Weeks

Many "authorities" will also advise you to rest - for quite a long time before attempting any exercises.

I know this goes against the common wisdom again, but rest by itself is often overrated. It can be totally useless, because it doesn't necessarily help the healing process.

I can guarantee you, based on my experience treating so many of them, that countless Tennis Elbow sufferers before you have been shocked to discover the pain often returns with a vengeance...

After weeks or even months of rest, the pain comes right back, once they pick up their racquet, return to their work - or try to do those rehab exercises.

Just Do It! - No pain, no gain!

Nevertheless, some authorities will tell you to "Just do it! Start doing those exercises now - What are you waiting for?"

Some seem to think exercise is all you need to strengthen your way to recovery.

And that may sometimes work, but unfortunately, a lot of people hurt themselves following that advice.

It often takes more than just exercise (or rest followed by exercise) to recover from tendon problems like Tennis Elbow.

The big problem here is that none of these recommendations take into consideration how the healing process works with tendons in real life!

Here's something almost no one understands - And you'll be light years ahead of the crowd once you get this:

Tendons Heal Slowly - (If You're Lucky)

Think of how your skin heals from a cut or a scrape - You're pretty much certain to see the steady progress healing over several days or weeks, aren't you?

Not so with tendons!

When it comes to tendon injuries, the healing process is really slow - And that's if you're lucky!...

If you're not lucky it can simply stall on you, which is why resting is often completely useless.

The healing of the tendons involved in Tennis Elbow is notorious for grinding to a halt - If it even gets started in the first place.

And it can remain incomplete not just for a few weeks, but often months or even years. This is the real challenge!

And the key thing with exercise is that it's most beneficial when it's done during the middle-to-latter stages of healing and repair...

Of course, that means there has to BE some healing and repair of the tendon first, before exercises will help make it stronger.

Your muscles heal much faster than your tendons, and although those exercises may be just right for your muscles your tendons may not have healed at all, so they can't handle the stress.

If Healing Stalls

What if your tendon healing has stalled?

Well, don't expect exercise to help - It might if you're lucky, but chances are it won't magically get healing started again.

And neither will resting, hoping and waiting.

Okay, so what's the alternative? Is there anything that does help those Tennis Elbow tendons heal?

Absolutely! In my opinion the best treatment to help the healing process - has to include hand's-on direct manipulation of the tendons.

If the healing process in your tendon has stalled, you want to stimulate it "mechanically" to help keep it going.

I don't believe there's a better way than treating the tendon by hand with the right therapy - not massage really, I'm talking about something a lot more focused.

Yes, if you see a professional for this kind of treatment the cost can be rather high...

The good news, though, is you can learn how to do it yourself.

A few minutes a day with the right muscle and tendon therapy techniques can accomplish what months of resting, hoping and waiting fail to do - Keep the healing process going.

When the healing and repair process is going strong THEN exercise will help strengthen the muscle and the tendon - and not just aggravate your Tennis Elbow!

Want to learn more about Tennis Elbow exercises and treatment and discover how to help speed your tendon healing naturally?

Then I invite you to visit my Tennis Elbow Classroom - A simple self-help video program that teaches you step by step how to do your own Tennis Elbow treatment, stretches and exercises:

(No outrageous "miracle-cure claims," gimmick selling - OR affiliate offers. I promise!)

I'm the Neuromuscular Therapist who "Wrote The eBook" on Tennis Elbow Tendonitis ten years ago. I've been treating it clinically with great success even longer - And I'm standing by, ready to be your virtual Tennis Elbow Tutor!

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Physical Fitness - Vital To Weight Loss

ByRick E Barber

Physical Fitness Is Important

There are many ways to bring down your blood glucose levels, but the easiest and most effective way to do this is to improve your health through exercise and fitness. There was a time when individuals use to look forward to working out, but as we move further away from physical lifestyles it is becoming more evident day by day that this is not the case.

Leading an inactive lifestyle can lead to many physical ailments. It is even thought that it is a key reason for the surge of type 2 diabetes in the US (obesity promotes insulin resistance along with other issues).

Exercise should be a common practice. In the United States of America research has shown that only thirty percent of the adult population gets 30 minutes (this is recommended) of physical activity daily!

Remember, your physical destiny is in your hands. It is never too late to change. Exercise is a tried and true method that can help you not only improve your overall fitness, but lower your risk for heart disease and contribute (along with a proper diet) to weight loss.

According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2003), a lack of exercise and fitness were found to be major factors behind diabetes and obesity (conclusion found through an extensive study).

This is more than enough reason for a person to consider a fitness routine or exercise schedule. Not only could it improve your overall lifestyle, but can contribute to your general health and physical appearance.

The first step to change is sometimes the hardest. I always recommend beginning with your doctor or health care provider. There are many factors to consider when coming up with a proper plan of action (especially if you suffer from a heart condition), and your primary care physician will know your situation best.

Certain exercises could be damaging to you, and depending upon your situation could actually do more harm than good. Also, certain diseases will also play a key factor into the types of exercises you can place within your program. This is why your health care provider is an excellent resource and starting point.

Depending upon your conditions, your doctor could make a referral to a specialist (ex. physiologist). The specialist could than tailor a program that will help you maximize your efforts (even with a condition or disease).

In conclusion, physical fitness can enrich your life providing you with good health and peace of mind. You will have peace in knowing you are doing everything within your power to take control of your destiny, and take care of your body. You only have one life to live, make the most of it. For further information, I would recommend researching the topic at your local library or on-line. Also, your physician (or specialist) can recommend further reading material that can help you to tailor a program to your personal needs. And, you can always check in at your local gym and speak with a trainer. Information is power, and the more you have the better equipped you will be to maximize your time and effort.

Rick is a strong believer in the power of "you". Having issues with weight loss, dieting, or healthy living? Rick has a free newsletter packed with vital information that can help you. Sign up for free here today!

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