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Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Sexy, Daddy, Working, Speedo, Good

Stop Working Out

When you hear the phrase, "working out" or "work out", what immediately comes to mind? First thing. What is it? Be honest. I'll bet that for a lot of you, working out is not a positive thing. Maybe it's something you feel you should do, you have to do but you don't look forward to it. If you go to a gym, it's an impersonal, self-serve sort of experience. Yep. There are exceptions. Spin classes, Body Pump classes, Pilates, Yoga can be a much more enjoyable "work out" although I would argue that those experiences are incomplete when it comes to preparing for something like skiing.

I don't think of working out that way. I think of it as practice.

My definition of "workout" or "working out" is: a form of exercise without a specific focus or goal. "I'm going to the gym to workout."

Why is it that when you lift your arm or move your trunk or do some stretch in a gym, it's part of a work out but if you do virtually the same thing in yoga, it's practice?

Because yoga is purpose driven.

Why is it that when you go to the driving range you practice your golf swing; not work out your golf swing?

Because on the driving range, your practice has purpose.

Why is that if you perform dips on rings in a gymnastics class, it's practice but dips on a dip bar in a gym is a workout?

Because dips on rings in practice has a purpose.

The difference is purpose; to perform at your best; to create something you and or others will enjoy.

You practice to create something special; great; even beautiful.

Thinking of your work outs as practice creates a subtle but important shift in your mind. You practice on purpose for a purpose. This is why, too often, that "working out" or "exercising" becomes tedious, boring, routine, and why many people quit. Practice is a state of mind that is focused and present to help you achieve some greater purpose. Practice will improve you and inspire you; working out will bore you.

It's not just a label though. You can't just say to your self on the way to the gym, "Ok, today I'm practicing!" and find that it makes one bit of difference. What you need is purpose. You practice on purpose for a purpose. Your purpose is both your anchor and the wind beneath your wings. It doesn't have to be a sport although it can be. Your purpose just needs to be something meaningful to you (One of the best ways to get clear on your purpose is to fill out one of these: a goal map from Brian Mayne. It's much more difficult than it seems but very clarifying.).

Practice includes drills or exercises. You're training your self to do certain things a certain way to become more proficient. So, you'll find me using the words "exercise", "drill", and "training" but as a subset of the broader theme of practice. And, speaking of drills, sometimes the drills are very difficult to do but this is how I transform my self (and how you can do the same thing) to achieve something special; something that I really want. Soon, what was difficult becomes relatively easy. I have become more proficient.

When I started playing guitar two years ago, I could barely play the thing for 5 or 10 minutes before my hand ached and my fingers cramped up so badly I had to stop. I was the Tin Man on guitar. All I could play were major scales and very slowly and with a sound that was closer to a cow wailing than something like Stevie Ray Vaughn. It was hard and I found my self feeling discouraged with words in my head like, "How will I ever play in a band? This is going to take a century!" But, my teacher, Jim Collard, pointed something out to me. He said, "Play each note with all of your self. Really hear it and feel it. It doesn't matter how fast you play or how many scales you know. It's being in the moment with the music and just really enjoying it. And when your hand aches and cramps, you know you've really done something!" He's right. I enjoy the process of practice and look forward to someday playing in a band. I'm a better guitar player now than I was a year ago and I'll be better still in a month, six months, or a year from now. I practice to play something special that moves me and those who hear it.

I don't work out any more.

Do you?

My core health philosophy is simple: life is movement. When you can't move freely or in a way you need or want to, suddenly your life seems a lot smaller. So, I promote movement through the fundamentals first: know your abilities and weaknesses, work on the weakness, build your stability, balance and endurance, then your strength, then power, then stamina.

If you've tried just about everything under the sun to get healthy & fit or are fed up with programs that leave you feeling worn out, frustrated with lousy results or worse, injured, then I'm your guy - Fusion can help you.

Why? I make complex, sometimes even contradictory, health & fitness concepts dead simple to understand and use.

Doug Kelsey PT, PhD
Fusion Performance Training

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Be Sure to Stretch Before Working Out

ByLinda Kinyo

If you are the type of person who does physical activities on a regular basis, you know and understand the importance of properly stretching out. Whether you play playing sports, going for a jog, or taking karate lessons, if you don't warm up and stretch out your muscles, you face a strain, pull, or worse. When you do take the time to stretch out your muscles, your body will feel more flexible, muscle control will improve, and the range of motion will be wider.

At times, some of us stretch without even realizing we are doing so. Like when we yawn, sometimes we lift our arms, stretch our neck, or arch our backs. We also stretch instinctively after a nap or first thing after waking up in the morning. Another example is after sitting in an awkward position or being in a confined space for a given amount of time.

For professional athletes, they focus highly on taking good care of their bodies, and stretching is a basic tenet of their daily routines. Without spending ample time stretching, athletes know that they are more prone to injury. Injured athletes can have big impacts on team play, and can damper their careers if playing a solo sport.

Before stretching, it is important to warm up the muscles you intend on focusing on. If stretching the entire body from neck, to shoulders, to arms, to hips, to legs, it is a good idea to do a light jog, jumping jacks, or jump rope for 5 to 10 minutes. Remember not to push yourself during the warm up phase, wait until after fully stretching, because your muscles are much less contracted and loose at this stage.

There is a right way and a wrong way to stretch out your muscles, if done incorrectly you can do damage to muscles, nerve groups, or even bones and joints. There is often more than one way to stretch a particular muscle and gain multiple benefits, but if damage occurs connecting tendons, muscle fibers, and ligaments can inflame and leave you in quite a bit of pain.

The best advice for novice athletes seeking how to properly stretch out is to visit YouTube and look for videos from yoga and martial arts instructors, professional trainers, or known athletes doing stretching exercises. If you happen to know someone who works out or exercises a lot, you may want to ask for their advice.

For information about Chandler karate lessons, or for classes on self-defense in Gilbert, please visit

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Working Out With A Friend Will Get You Better Results

Many believe that the best way to focus on your workout is by working out alone and trying to avoid wasting lots of time socializing in the gym. There is also a group that says that the best way to exercise is to work out with a friend or family member. They believe that by working out with a friend you can build a habit that you can continue for a long time. The popularity of boot camp programs have grown so much because of the motivating group environment. So let's discuss the benefits of working out with a friend/partner and some tips on how to find the best exercise buddy or partner.

Research shows that there are many benefits of working out with a friend/partner than what you might think. The right workout partner can help boost your motivation and have someone to share your success with. However, the wrong partner or buddy could easily steer you off course and make you lose site of your goals. So grab your friend, family member or even a pet and start working out. There is however some things that you need to consider when choosing your workout buddy, so keep these things in mind in finding one.

You and your partner or buddy should be at least at the same level of fitness. Because it can be sometimes frustrating to the fitter one that his or her partner can't keep up and it can then be demoralizing for the less fit partner.

Choose a partner that has the same fitness goal. It can be hard to work out with someone who wants to focus on their flexibility while you on the other hand want to increase speed and strength.

There are people who prefer to workout in the morning, while there are others who like to work out at night. Choose a buddy that has the same schedule as you, or one that can go with you most of the time.

It is very important you like the person you are working out with. Although it can be fun to workout, it is also a very hard task. So if you are with someone who would only make it harder for you then this is not good. Find someone who can inspire you to go on and not discourage you.

If you are thinking of joining a boot camp, join with a friend/partner so you have someone there initially who is starting out with you for motivation. You will soon make new friends at boot camp that can also be there to motivate you when your friend cannot make it, or just have additional support when your friend is at boot camp with you as well.

It is fun to work out with a family member or friend, and some of the benefits of working out with a friend /partner is that it can help keep you motivated while you burn more fat and lose weight more quickly than when you workout alone. Just be sure that you choose carefully the right partner so that you can both enjoy all these benefits of exercising.

Kris Crepeau owner of X Core Fitness in Worcester, MA invites you to visit his website at for more fitness and weight loss information. You can download a free report on getting back into your skinny jeans by visiting his site as well.

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My 3 Best Motivation Tips To Get You Started Working Out (Again)

The reason I hear most often for people not working out is lack of motivation. Yes, there are hundreds of ways to get and stay motivated from your doctor telling you that you have high blood pressure to that upcoming Florida vacation or class reunion.

Today I'm going to give you my 3 best motivation tips. If you actually put these tips to work you'll surprise yourself how quickly you become motivated to workout.

Tip#1: Go shopping for new clothes

I know you're probably saying to yourself, "What? I hate the way I look and shopping for clothes is only going to remind me of it. How is that going to motivate me?" Well, being reminded of it is reason in itself, but I meant to go shopping for new workout clothes. Buy just ONE really nice fitness outfit that you'll look forward to wearing and ONLY wear it to your work outs. Then set a short-term goal like "If I don't miss a workout this week I'll go buy another outfit on the weekend."

Tip#2: Get yourself fired-up... every day

You can't hit a target you can't see. Visualization is used by the top performers in every field. It doesn't have to be complicated, it doesn't have to take long and WOW does it get you revved up to take action! It only takes a minute or two a day. That's it. In fact the more you do it, the less time it takes. Here's what to do:

Take minute and in your mind's eye see yourself with your best body (not somebody else's, yours). See yourself looking in the mirror wearing your favourite dress or jeans. Make it vivid - see the colours, hear the usual noises in your house. Let that feeling of confidence and excitement flow through you - don't hold anything back - just let yourself feel.

Don't believe me? Think it's a bunch of "new age" hooey? All I have to say is - Try it (nobody has to know). Set your smartphone timer to 2 minutes. (It's best to use an audible timer so you don't keep breaking your concentration by looking at the time). Close your eyes and try the visualization technique I just described and stay focused until the timer goes off. If your mind wanders start again. It gets easier with practice.

Tip# 3: Tell the world your plans

Here's your chance to use Facebook, LinkedIn and all the people on your e-mail list for something more than sharing pictures of your cat or forwarding bad jokes. Tell everyone you know that you've started on this fitness lifestyle that includes working out every day and eating better. Post pictures and results (even bad ones). Funny, it's the bad ones that motivate me even more. Then invite everyone to check in on you. Peer pressure works, use it to your advantage. Plus your good friends will help you by not tempting you with bad food and bad habits.

Bonus Tip: Stop the scale "routine"

The surest way to kill your motivation is to continually step on the scale. If getting on the scale is part of your daily routine - stop it now! Your weight fluctuates for a thousand different reasons every day. It's very unlikely you'll lose weight in a perfectly straight downward line. But this doesn't mean you should give up. Every single person I've met that has exercised and eaten properly and consistently has lost the weight - every single one. AND every one has had struggles and plateaus and just plain "bad days". But that's okay. If it were easy, everyone would be thin.

Rob Santarossa: AOS, RKC
Owner, PurEnergy Fitness Solutions
Best-Selling Author: Champions
Discover how you can achieve your best body in just 30 fun minutes a day without machines and without wasting time. Get a Free Report 'Weight Loss Secrets Revealed" and more free stuff at:

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Get Bikini Ready Fast By Working Your Core Muscles

ByWendy Stanton

If you are stressing about whether you will be bikini ready by the time summer rolls around which is just around the corner, what will make more difference than anything is working your core muscle group. This will most certainly help you lose belly fat fast while creating a lean physique that will be admired by all. The importance of working the core muscle is discussed in this article.

In addition to helping you get bikini ready, working the core muscle will help you improve your physique especially as you get older. We have all seen a stooped figure taking short slow steps. All conclusions will lead you to believe that this is an old person due to the hunched posture.

This sign of aging is actually due to the fact that the majority of people never take the time to extend their neck to its fullest length which results in the muscles shortening - what you don't use, you lose. This is why we always think that the older someone gets, the shorter they seem to appear.

Long hours spent hunched over at a desk typing, reading, etc, or simply not using your correct posture will take their toll. This starts with deposits of calcium being made in the joints that will complete the immobilization process. This calcification once complete, cannot be reversed.

Before this process is complete, steps can be taken to stop further calcification. Regular exercise that improves flexibility and stretches the muscles while paying special attention to the core muscle group is the best way to stop the calcification process while creating a body that you can be proud to show off come bikini season.

What Are The Core Muscles?

Core muscles are found in the abdominals, lower back, obliques and glutes. These four areas are the foundation of a person's posture and help determine based on whether they are strengthened or not whether someone has a good or poor posture.

The reason they are the "core" is because they are the central part of whether you have the strength to carry out various daily physical activity. While most people want to be bikini ready which usually means being able to lose belly fat as well as being lean, it is also important to be strong which is what working the core muscle group is all about. Strengthening these muscles will also help you lose fat faster.

Strengthening the core muscle group will also improve and maintain the body's equilibrium thus stabilizing the system that is important when moving or exercising. As you can see, exercising the core muscling provides so many more benefits than just the superficial.

While you may want to lose the stubborn belly fat as well as lose several inches off your physique, simply performing cardio exercises will not cut it especially if you want to lose weight fast. Incorporating core muscle strength exercises is crucial and will help you keep off the extra inches for a lot longer.

While dieting may also help you get thin such that others will comment on your weightloss, your goal should also be increasing your body strength and you will be a lot more admired and envied for this. Core muscle training will help you do this.

If you are tired of carrying around that spare tire around your waist and if you are female, being thought to be pregnant when not, now is the time to take action to discover how to lose belly fat fast. If you want to know how to lose and keep off the extra inches off your frame now is the time to take action by visiting to discover the right core muscle exercises for men and women. Also discover the foods that will help you get bikini ready fast.

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